Biological sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Daniela Gigante
  • Daniela Gigante
  • 42 ore - Daniela Gigante
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Relations between plants and environment. Limiting factors. Soil. Bioclimate: phytoclimatic Indexes. Biomes and Orobiomes. Plant population analysis.
Plant communities study, survey techniques and sampling method. Braun-Blanquet's Phytosociological study of vegetation, the association. Synsistematics of the Italian plant communities. Actual and potential vegetation; vegetation dynamics. Vegetation Series and Geoseries. Flora, vegetation and habitats conservation. Red Lists, Natura2000.
Reference texts
Van der Maarel E. (Ed.), 2005. Vegetation Ecology. Blackwell Publishing.
Dengler J., Chytry M., Ewald J., 2008. Phytosociology. General Ecology: 2767-2779. Elsevier. 13 pp.
Pedrotti F., 2013. Plant and Vegetation Mapping. Springer.
Educational objectives
- acquisition of the main methodologies as concerns: floristic survey, species taxonomic identification, study of a plant population, vegetation survey, vegetation type identification, multivariate statistical analysis of the phytosociological relevés, analysis of the relations plant-environment, analysis of the dynamic relations between plant communities;
- acquisition of the ability to set up, organize and authonomously develop the floristic-vegetational survey of a territory.
There are no prerequisites but the students are strongly invited to respect the sequence of the Courses in different years and semesters. In particular, it may be profitable to complete first, in the curriculum, the Courses about Botany and Plant Biodiversity.
Teaching methods
Lessons face-to-face.
Lessons in the field.
Other information
Attending the lectures is optional but strongly advised.
Learning verification modality
Progress assessments represented by 2 Partial tests (written test composed by 10 open-answer questions), to be held at mid-course and at the end of the course; final oral exam. Preparation of a Herbarium.
Extended program
Relations between plants and environment. Ecological amplitude of the plant species. Optimum, limiting factors. Stress and disturbance. Life forms. Adaptation and strategies to stand the main environmental parameters (temperature, water availability etc.). Chorology and floristic mapping. Soil and vegetation. Bioclimate: phytoclimatic Indexes. Biomes and Orobiomes, vegetation belts. Population analysis. Population units, measurable traits; demography. Case study: the reed die-back. Plant communities study, survey techniques and sampling methods. Braun-Blanquet's Phytosociological study of vegetation: definitions, aims, general concepts. Stand. Association. Floristic, ecological, structural, physiognomical traits of the association. Synsistematics of the plant communities. An outline of the italian vegetation syntaxonomy: main classes and their ecological meaning. Actual and potential vegetation; climax. Vegetation dynamics and vegetation Series: progressive and regressive Series. Vegetational landscape and Geoseries. Flora, vegetation and habitats conservation. Flora and Habitat Red Lists. The Italian and European set of rules for nature conservation. Natura 2000 Network and Annex I Habitats.
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