Biological sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Emidio Albertini
  • Emidio Albertini
  • Hovirag Lancioni (Codocenza)
  • 21 ore - Emidio Albertini
  • 35 ore (Codocenza) - Hovirag Lancioni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Discipline biomolecolari
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction

The intellectual framework of classical genetics, heredity and linkage maps. Population genetics. General concepts on mutagenesis, bacteria and phages genetics and gene expression will be also provided.
Reference texts

Russel Genetics - An integrated approach. Pearson
Educational objectives

The main goal of the course is to help students in gaining the basis for the study of advanced genetics as well as its biological applications. The main knowledge that will be acquired are:- Classical genetics- Heredity and linkage maps- Population genetics. General concepts on mutagenesis, bacteria and phages genetics- Regulation of gene expression. Ability to apply mathematical, physical, statistical and computational models for the analysis and processing of experimental data obtained form biological systems and processes. Ability to apply his/her knowledge and understanding of methodologies to the genetic modification of animal and plant cells and models.
Teaching methods

Lectures on all topics of the course (as reported in the program)- Classroom exercises focused on the solution of problems on meiosis and mitosis, two-point test, genetic maps and population genetics.
Learning verification modality

Final exam
Extended program

Introduction to Genetics. Genotype and phenotype (definition). Chromosome structure, the genetic code, the genome in somatic cells and gametes (revision). The hereditary material: DNA. Meiosis and mitosis. Mendel genetic principles. Extensions and deviations from Mendel’s genetic principles. Morgan’s experiment and the chromosomal theory of inheritance. X-linked inheritance in Humans. Genealogy trees. multiple alleles. ABO and Rh blood groups. Linkage and linkage maps. Chi square test. Bateson & Punnet and linkage. Genetic mapping: two-point testcrosses. Complementation test. Point mutations: base exchanges, insertions and deletions. Mutation rates. Ames test. Repair of DNA damage. Chromosomal mutations: deletions and duplications, inversions and translocations. Genomic mutations: aneuploidy and polyploidy. Bacterial genetics (conjugation, transformation, transduction). Bacteriophage genetics (lytic and lysogenic cycles, crosses). Transcriptional control in bacteria: the Lac operon. Introduction to Population Genetics: allele and genotype frequencies. The Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) Law. Forces that change frequencies in populations: mutation, natural selection, migration, random mating, population size and genetic drift.
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