Biological sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Lorena Urbanelli
  • Lorena Urbanelli
  • 56 ore - Lorena Urbanelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Discipline biomolecolari
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The aim of the course is to illustrate students the main classes of biological macromolecules (protein, carbohydrates, lipids), with a focus on the structure/function relation of proteins on their function as enzymes and transport molecules. Further, the course will introduce cellular energy metabolism (glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation) and will outline the main catabolic and anabolic routes, including aminoacid metabolism and the cycle of urea.
Reference texts
Voet D., Voet J.G., Fondamenti di Biochimica, Ed. Zanichelli
Nelson, M.M.Cox, Principi di Biochimica di Lehninger, Ed. Zanichelli
Educational objectives
Students will acquire knowledge on the structure/function relation of the main classes of biological macromolecules (protein, carbohydrates, lipids), and in detail on the structure/function relation of proteins, with a focus on specific examples, such as enzymes and transport proteins. Further, students will acquire knowledge on cell energy metabolism (glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation) and on the main features of macromolecule catabolism and anabolism, with a focus on aminoacid metabolism and urea cycle. A central goal is understanding the main structural and functional features of the chemical constituents of the living matter and of their energetic sources.
A prerequisite of the course are basic notions on the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell organization (General Biology), and on the properties of the main functional groups of the carbon chemistry (Organic Chemistry)
Teaching methods
The course is based on i) lessons with slides, ii) practise on biochemistry methods (functional groups, reactions) e iii) simulation of the written test
Other information
For the teaching calendar (lessons date and place), please check the Biological Sciences degree website in dcbb.unipg.it
Learning verification modality
The final examination will consist in a written test on all topics (90 min, 40 questions with multiple answers) to assess the basic comprehension of the course topics and an oral examination for students with a sufficient evaluation in it (18/30), in order to discuss the critical points emerged.
Students that will not reach a sufficient evaluation in the written part (18/30) may discuss the critical points during the oral examination or with the teacher by appointment
Students with disabilities or DSA may consult the webpage www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
Aminoacids. Structure and function of proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure, denaturation. Proteins with transport functions: myoglobin, haemoglobin. Enzymes: biological catalysis, kinetics and inhibitors. Regulation of enzymatic activity. Lipids: energy reservoir and structural constituents. Biological membranes. Carbohydrates: monosaccharydes, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides. Introduction to metabolism: bioenergy storage and biological reduction reactions. Glycolysis, Krebs cycle. The electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Lipids and aminoacids as energy sources: the beta-oxidation of lipids, glucogenic and chetogenic aminoacids. Deamination of aminoacids and the urea cycle. Gluconeognesis and biosynthesis of carbohydrates. The biosynthesis of lipids. Protein biosynthesis and genetic information flux.
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