Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Anne Laure Benvenuti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005090
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Anne Laure Benvenuti
  • Chiara Proietti (Codocenza)
  • 45 ore (Codocenza) - Chiara Proietti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The nursing profession: a journey between history and society.
Legal Aspects of Nursing.
The needs that are the basis of nursing.
Reference texts Testi di riferimento:
- Taylor - Lillis - Lynn, Principi fondamentali dell'Assistenza Infermieristica - Piccin 2018
- R. Daniels - R. N. Grendell, Basi dell'Assistenza Infermieristica_Piccin 2014
- L. Sasso - C. Gagliano - A. Bagnasco, Scienze Infermieristiche Generali e Cliniche _ Mc Graw Hill 2013
- L. Benci, Aspetti Giuridici della Professione Infermieristica _ Mc Graw Hill 2015
- P. Lattarulo, Bioetica e Deontologia Professionale _ Mc Graw Hill 2011
- P. Lynn, Manuale di Tecniche e Procedure Infermieristiche di Taylor. Un approccio al processo del Nursing _ Piccin 2016
Educational objectives At the end of the course the student will have to:
- Describe the evolution of the nursing profession.
- Identify the roles and responsibilities of the nursing profession in the healthcare system.
- Know the regulations on professional practice and on nursing education.
- Understand the relevance of the code of ethics in the different levels of articulation of the nursing profession
Prerequisites No prerequisite
Teaching methods - Lectures - teamwork - Problem Based Learning
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a written test (multiple choice test and short composition).The test evaluates knowledge in theoretical and Legal Aspects of Nursing. The expected time for the performance of the test is 60 minutes.
Extended program History of nursing care: legislative norms and sociological contexts - Europe - Italy;
- Nightingale Florence;
- The Twentieth Century: Nursing in Italy - Celli Anna;
- The Nurse: definition of profession and professionalism;
- Nursing education: historical synthesis, teaching system, complementary training, Master's and Master's degree;
- Legislative provisions regulating the exercise of the nursing profession;
- Nursing functions in accordance with current legislation;
- The Mansionario D.P.R no. 225 March 14, 1974;
- Professional Profile 14.09.1994 DM 739/1994;
- The Deontological Code;
- Regulation of nursing activities, L. 42/1999;
- governmental and non-governmental professional organizations;
- The National, Regional and Local Health System;
- D.L.vi: 502/92 - 517/93;
- Professional activities;
- Need for hygiene;
- Need for movement;
- Need for a safe environment;


Code GP005091
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Anne Laure Benvenuti
  • Anne Laure Benvenuti
  • 45 ore - Anne Laure Benvenuti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course enables students to acquire knowledge related to:
- The evolution of cultural, historical and theoretical of Nursing .
- Determine the Needs of Nursing through methods and tools for the Assessment
- Use the Process of Nursing in the care of the Person
Reference texts Testi di riferimento:
• Taylor-Lillis-Lynn, Principi Fondamentali dell’Assistenza Infermieristica – Piccin 2018
• R. Daniels - R.N. Grendell, Basi dell’Assistenza Infermieristica _ Piccin 2014
• Renzo Zanotti, Filosofia e teoria nella Moderna concettualità del Nursing Professionale Masson 2010
• Giovanna Amoducci – Cinzia Gradellini, L’Infermieristica tra Scienza e Persona Teoria e metodo dell’agire Professionale - Athena 2009
• Martha Raile Alligood Carlo Calamandrei, La Teoria del Nursing utilizzazione e applicazione McGraw Hill 2007
• Majory Gordon, Diagnosi Infermieristiche processo e applicazione – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana 2009
• Patricia M. Dillon – Roaria Alvaro, Lo stato di Salute della Persona valutazione Infermieristica - Piccin 2010
Educational objectives After completing the course the student will be able to:
- Define the scope of the Theories of Nursing
- Describe the process Nursing
- Data collection and identification of a nursing diagnosis
Prerequisites No prerequisite
Teaching methods - Lectures
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a written test (multiple choice test and short composition).The test evaluates knowledge in theoretical and Methodological Discipline of Nursing. The expected time for the performance of the test is 60 minutes.
Extended program . Introduction to the Process of Nursing
- The theory and philosophy of Nursing
- The metaparadigma of Nursing: Man, Health, Environment, Nursing.
- The need and problem Dealership
- The Process of Nursing: an expression of the Nursing profession
- The Critical Thinking in decision making nursing.
2. Nursing Assessment
- Types and characteristics of the Assesment
- The Technical Assessment
- The types of data to interest Nursing
- The method of data collection
- The validation and data organization
- The scales of measurement and evaluation use in the field of Nursing
3 Nursing Diagnosis
- The scientific technical language and classification systems of nursing
- The Nursing Diagnoses according to NANDA
- Differences between medical diagnoses and Nursing
- The Diagnostic Reasoning.
4. Nursing Record
- General rules for the data recording
- Legal and ethical considerations related to professional liability in Nursing documentation..
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