- Course
- Nursing
- Study-unit Code
- GP005083
- Location
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Raffaele Bottoloni
- 4
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2018
- Offered
- 2018/19
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | GP005106 |
Location | FOLIGNO |
CFU | 1 |
Teacher | Giuseppina Menduno |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Scienze propedeutiche |
Academic discipline | M-DEA/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The program develops the following themes: patient centered medicine and disease centered medicine; communication as a strategic way of the nursing job, to cure and care; stories of experiences during illness; communication between patient and nurse, disease - illness, -sickness; Intimacy and Embodiment; cultural Anthropology and nursing activities. |
Reference texts | Danielle Ofri, Cosa dice il malato, cosa sente il medico, Il Pensiero Scientifico, 2017 Garner Thomson, Khalid Khan, PNL Medica, NLP Italy, 2008 Dispensa e articoli della docente |
Educational objectives | Main Objaectives: Learning the key concepts of cultural Anthropology, Learning the techniques of communication and relation with the patience, Learning the principal contribution of medical Anthropology to nursing activities, Improvement in the analysis of critical situations while communicating with a patient. |
Prerequisites | The student must have knowledge about disease, illness, sickness and therapy in antropology |
Teaching methods | Lezioni frontali - face-to-face • Esercitazioni - Practical training • Proiezione di VHS e DVD - VHS and DVD projections • • Theoretical lessons and practical training |
Other information | The course is divided into two sections. In the first section some of the major conceptual and methodological instruments are approached, from which cultural Anthropology takes advantage during the nursing activities. In the second part are presented the fundamental themes of medical Anthropology, as well as the definitions of body, cure, health, illness, communication, therapeutic and assistance relations. |
Learning verification modality | oral exam |
Extended program | The program develops the following themes: patient centered medicine and disease centered medicine; communication as a strategic way of the nursing job, to cure and care; stories of experiences during illness; communication between patient and nurse, disease - illness, -sickness; Intimacy and Embodiment; cultural Anthropology and nursing activities. |
Code | GP005108 |
Location | FOLIGNO |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Simone Baldelli |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Scienze infermieristiche |
Academic discipline | MED/45 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Code | GP005107 |
Location | FOLIGNO |
CFU | 1 |
Teacher | Raffaele Bottoloni |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Scienze propedeutiche |
Academic discipline | M-PSI/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The program addresses the main currents of psychology, paying particular attention to the aspects of communication and relationship with the patient and to accession to treatment. |
Reference texts | E. H. Luck, Brief History of Psychology, II Mulino, Bologna, 2002 S. Bonino, A thousand threads bind me here (living the disease), Laterza, 2006 |
Educational objectives | The student must acquire the basic principles of general psychology |
Prerequisites | Knowledge of general nursing I related to communication |
Teaching methods | Frontal lessons |
Learning verification modality | Oral examination |
Extended program | Currents and developments in the nineteenth century: Positivism and empiricism, Anthropology and psychology of peoples, Psychology of the masses, Psychophysics. Psychological Schools: Leipzig School, Gestalt Psychology and Field Theory, Psychoanalysis, Individual Psychology, Analytical Psychology, Behaviorism, Historical-Cultural School, Psychology Cognitive, Humanistic Psychologies Development areas: Psychodiagnostics and personality psychology, Psychology of the development, pedagogical psychology, social psychology, psychology of work, Clinical psychology. The condition of the chronic patient: concept of health and disease, the role of the patient, reconstruction of identity, defense mechanisms, emotional, cognitive aspects and existential, therapeutic relationship, empathy, adhesion therapeutic, problems of the patient's relational life. ---------------AfrikaansAlbaneseAmaricoAraboArmenoAzerbaigianoBascoBengaleseBielorussoBirmanoBosniacoBulgaroCatalanoCebuanoCecoChirghisoCinese (semplificato)Cinese (tradizionale)CoreanoCorsoCroatoCurdoDaneseEbraicoEsperantoEstoneFilippinoFinlandeseFranceseFrisone occidentaleGaelico scozzeseGalizianoGalleseGeorgianoGiapponeseGiavaneseGrecoGujaratiHaitianoHausaHawaianoHindiHmongIgboIndonesianoIngleseIrlandeseIslandeseItalianoKannadaKazakoKhmerLaoLatinoLettoneLituanoLussemburgheseMacedoneMalayalamMaleseMalgascioMalteseMaoriMarathiMongoloNepaleseNorvegeseNyanjaOlandesePashtoPersianoPolaccoPortoghesePunjabiRumenoRussoSamoanoSerboShonaSindhiSingaleseSlovaccoSlovenoSomaloSotho del sudSpagnoloSundaneseSvedeseSwahiliTagicoTamilTedescoTeluguThaiTurcoUcrainoUnghereseUrduUzbecoVietnamitaXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu Currents and developments in the nineteenth century: Positivism and empiricism, Anthropology and psychology of peoples, Psychology of the masses, Psychophysics. Psychological Schools: Leipzig School, Gestalt Psychology and Field Theory, Psychoanalysis, Individual Psychology, Analytical Psychology, Behaviorism, Historical-Cultural School, Psychology Cognitive, Humanistic Psychologies Development areas: Psychodiagnostics and personality psychology, Psychology of the development, pedagogical psychology, social psychology, psychology of work, Clinical psychology. The condition of the chronic patient: concept of health and disease, the role of the patient, reconstruction of identity, defense mechanisms, emotional, cognitive aspects and existential, therapeutic relationship, empathy, adhesion therapeutic, problems of the patient's relational life. ---------------AfrikaansAlbaneseAmaricoAraboArmenoAzerbaigianoBascoBengaleseBielorussoBirmanoBosniacoBulgaroCatalanoCebuanoCecoChirghisoCinese (semplificato)Cinese (tradizionale)CoreanoCorsoCroatoCurdoDaneseEbraicoEsperantoEstoneFilippinoFinlandeseFranceseFrisone occidentaleGaelico scozzeseGalizianoGalleseGeorgianoGiapponeseGiavaneseGrecoGujaratiHaitianoHausaHawaianoHindiHmongIgboIndonesianoIngleseIrlandeseIslandeseItalianoKannadaKazakoKhmerLaoLatinoLettoneLituanoLussemburgheseMacedoneMalayalamMaleseMalgascioMalteseMaoriMarathiMongoloNepaleseNorvegeseNyanjaOlandesePashtoPersianoPolaccoPortoghesePunjabiRumenoRussoSamoanoSerboShonaSindhiSingaleseSlovaccoSlovenoSomaloSotho del sudSpagnoloSundaneseSvedeseSwahiliTagicoTamilTedescoTeluguThaiTurcoUcrainoUnghereseUrduUzbecoVietnamitaXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu Currents and developments in the nineteenth century: Positivism and empiricism, Anthropology and psychology of peoples, Psychology of the masses, Psychophysics. Psychological Schools: Leipzig School, Gestalt Psychology and Field Theory, Psychoanalysis, Individual Psychology, Analytical Psychology, Behaviorism, Historical-Cultural School, Psychology Cognitive, Humanistic Psychologies Development areas: Psychodiagnostics and personality psychology, Psychology of the development, pedagogical psychology, social psychology, psychology of work, Clinical psychology. The condition of the chronic patient: concept of health and disease, the role of the patient, reconstruction of identity, defense mechanisms, emotional, cognitive aspects and existential, therapeutic relationship, empathy, adhesion therapeutic, problems of the patient's relational life. ---------------AfrikaansAlbaneseAmaricoAraboArmenoAzerbaigianoBascoBengaleseBielorussoBirmanoBosniacoBulgaroCatalanoCebuanoCecoChirghisoCinese (semplificato)Cinese (tradizionale)CoreanoCorsoCroatoCurdoDaneseEbraicoEsperantoEstoneFilippinoFinlandeseFranceseFrisone occidentaleGaelico scozzeseGalizianoGalleseGeorgianoGiapponeseGiavaneseGrecoGujaratiHaitianoHausaHawaianoHindiHmongIgboIndonesianoIngleseIrlandeseIslandeseItalianoKannadaKazakoKhmerLaoLatinoLettoneLituanoLussemburgheseMacedoneMalayalamMaleseMalgascioMalteseMaoriMarathiMongoloNepaleseNorvegeseNyanjaOlandesePashtoPersianoPolaccoPortoghesePunjabiRumenoRussoSamoanoSerboShonaSindhiSingaleseSlovaccoSlovenoSomaloSotho del sudSpagnoloSundaneseSvedeseSwahiliTagicoTamilTedescoTeluguThaiTurcoUcrainoUnghereseUrduUzbecoVietnamitaXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu |