Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code
Migrazione e integrazione
Fabio Pasticci
  • Fabio Pasticci
  • 36 ore - Fabio Pasticci
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Discipline matematico-statistiche ed economiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course is divided into three parts, each of approximately 6 lectures (12 hours) for a total of 18 lectures (36 hours): Descriptive Statistics, Probability, Inferential Statistics.

The first part presents the principal tools of the Descriptive Statistics that are used to provide a concise and expressive representation of a collection of data.

The second part provides some basic Probability Calculation concepts that are a prerequisite for understanding the third part.

The third part presents some basic Inferential Statistics techniques that allow you to draw conclusions on a population of interest from a sample of individuals.
Reference texts
A. Agresti, B. Finlay: Statistica per le scienze sociali, Pearson, 2009. (ENGLISH VERSION: Statistical methods for the social science 4/ed, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009).

I. Diamond, J. Jefferies: Introduzione alla statistica per le scienze sociali, 2/ed. McGraw-Hill, 2006. (ENGLISH VERSION: Beginning Statistics: An Introduction for Social Scientists, SAGE Publications, 2001).

E. Ivaldi: Elementi introduttivi alla statistica e al calcolo delle probabilità, Impressioni Grafiche, 2019.
Lecture notes/slides provided by the tenured professor.

(Substitute material in English will be provided if needed).
Educational objectives
At the end of the course the student will be able to understand and use the most common descriptive statistics tools such as tables, graphs, frequencies, averages and dispersion indices.

She/he will understand the meaning of probabilistic evaluations, use probability to sketch some simple random phenomena and draw simple probabilistic inferences (Bayesian).

The student will be able to draw conclusions about a population of interest (in the form of confidence intervals and significance tests) using a sample of its individuals. She/he will also be able to quantify the correlation between two variables and make predictions on a variable by knowing another.
Basic mathematical skills.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lectures and interactive videoconference.

Lectures material available on the UniStudium e-learning platform: https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/.
Other information
Office hours: by appointment (email fabio.pasticci@unipg.it )
Learning verification modality
Written exam with questions (exercises and/or theoretical questions) related to topics covered in class, with possible oral discussion (optional) in case the student was not satisfied with the vote.
Extended program
The course is divided into three parts, each of approximately 6 lectures (12 hours) for a total of 18 lectures (36 hours): Descriptive Statistics, Probability, Inferential Statistics.

The first part presents the principal tools of Descriptive Statistics that are used to provide a concise and expressive representation of a collection of data:

Data, statistical variables (numeric and categorical), frequency distributions, tabular representations;

Cumulative frequency distributions, the most common graphic representations (bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, line diagrams);

Average values (arithmetic and weighing average, mode and median), quartiles;

Dispersion indices (inter-quartile range, standard deviation and variance), box-plots.

The second part provides some basic Probability concepts that are a prerequisite for understanding the third part:

Events, probability of an event as measure of the degree of confidence and its possible estimate as a frequency;

Conditional probability, stochastic independence, Bayes theorem;

Random variables, normal distribution.

The third part presents some basic techniques of Inferential Statistics that allow you to draw conclusions about a population of interest from a sample of individuals:

Distinction between population and sample, random sample;

Confidence intervals, significance tests;

Correlation and regression (regression line).
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