- Course
- International relations
- Study-unit Code
- A001733
- Curriculum
- Migration, globalisation and world governance
- Teacher
- Francesca Piselli
- Teachers
- Francesca Piselli
- Hours
- 63 ore - Francesca Piselli
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Linguistico
- Academic discipline
- L-LIN/04
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- French
- Contents
- The course offers activities in written and oral production and comprehension tasks in the area of French for International Relations. It provides a specific entraînement focused on réalisation de tâches in professional contexts. Part of the course will deal with the lexical and discursive analysis of texts on migration.
- Reference texts
- Attending students:
Extracts from: Michel Soignet, Objectif diplomatie 1-2, Paris, Hachette, 2011.
Suggested readings:
Claudie Bassi, Anne-Marie Chapsal, Diplomatie.com, CLE International, 2005.
Edmond Pascual, La communication écrite en diplomatie, Perpignan, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 2004.
Christian Plantin, L’argumentation. Histoire, théories, perspectives, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2005.
Gilbert Rist (sous la direction de), Les mots du pouvoir. Sens et non-sens de la rhétorique internationale, Genève, Presses Universitaires de France-Paris, 2002.
Constanze Villar, Le discours diplomatique, Paris, L’Harmattan (Pouvoirs comparés), 2006.
Recommended dictionaries
Il Boch. Dizionario Francese Italiano - Italiano Francese, Bologna, Zanichelli, last edition.
DIF. Dizionario Francese Italiano - Italiano Francese, Torino, Paravia, last edition.
Le Petit Robert, Dictionnaire de la langue française, Paris, Dictionnaires Le Robert, last edition.
These and other materials will be provided on the Department's E-learning platform UniStudium - Stage di Lingua francese (https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/login/index.php). Other materials will be researched autonomously by the students.
Non-attending students:
Extracts from: Michel Soignet, Objectif diplomatie 1-2, Paris, Hachette, 2011 (units must be agreed in advance with the teacher).
Claudie Bassi, Anne-Marie Chapsal, Diplomatie.com, CLE International, 2005. Students are asked to study chapters 3,4 and 5 and to complete exercises (answer keys are to be found at the end of the book).
Materials provided on the Department's E-learning platform UniStudium - Stage di Lingua francese (https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/login/index.php) are part of the course program. - Educational objectives
- The course aims at consolidating higher intermediate level language competence and skills and at carrying out professional communications tasks, both spoken and written, in the field of international relations. It will also provide students with the knowledge and skills to read and understand international relations texts in the area of migration, and to refer on and discuss related topics.
The main acquired knowledge will be:
- review of basic lexical and syntactic features of the French language;
- knowledge of the basic vocabulary of the language of international relations;
- knowledge of the basic vocabulary on migration;
The main acquired skills will be:
- understanding the essential elements of informational documents and texts;
- filling out professional documents and
writing simple formal e-mails and letters in common professional situations;
- participating in common exchanges in professional contexts;
- presenting an institution, or the situation of country or a mission, or explaining or negotiating important aspects of an activity;
- conveying the main ideas of a speech and of a text;
- responding to a job offer by explaining your motivation for a position;
- autonomous learning and self-study skills. - Prerequisites
- In order to attend the course, which takes place in the second year, and in any case to take the exam, students must have obtained a B2 certificate, which can be obtained at the University Language Center (CLA) during the first year. The following international certificates of French are accepted in place of the CLA B2 certificate: DELF B2 or DALF.
Students that haven't taken a French Language exam in their academic career (Laurea Triennale) must have a B1 certificate, which can be obtained at the CLA during the first year. DELF B1 is accepted in place of the CLA B1 certificate.
The CLA certificate, which expires after 2 years, does not entitle students to credits, it is a pre-requisite for attending the course offered by the Department. - Teaching methods
- The course comprises lectures with audio-visual material (slides and videos), practical training carried out individually, in pairs and in groups and oral presentations in class.
- Other information
- Texts and tools will be made available through the UniStudium platform (https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/course/index.php?categoryid=1142).
The teacher can be contacted at francesca.piselli@unipg.it; phone number: 5855436.
All students must enroll using the SOL platform, available at https://unipg.esse3.cineca.it/Home.do. - Learning verification modality
- Assessment criteria differ for attending and non-attending students.
Attending students:
The overall evaluation is determined by a series of tests. The first of these is a written mid-term exam. It consists in a writing task related to one of the topics dealt with in class. The exam will last 90 minutes. A second parameter for evaluation is based on oral presentations in class, using one of the activity formats introduced in the second part of the course (exposé, débat, compte rendu, revue de presse). The topic must be previously agreed with the teacher, and students are required to do background research autonomously. Each presentation will last about 20 minutes. A further test, at the end of the course, consists in an oral summary of an article related to the topic of migration. The teacher will provide students with a list of articles on migration and they will be asked to choose one. The final evaluation factor will be a score obtained in the test at the CLA. Each of these four elements will count 25% towards the overall evaluation.
Non-attending students:
The overall evaluation will be determined by an oral exam. The interview will last about 20-25 minutes. The first part (about 10 minutes) will be based on an oral presentation. Students are invited to choose among the following: exposé, compte rendu or revue de presse. The topic of the presentation must be previously agreed with the teacher, and students are required to do background research autonomously. Useful materials to prepare the oral presentation will be provided and made available on the UniStudium platform. The second part of the interview will cover the contents of the course books and the materials available on the UniStudium platform. The third part will consist in an oral summary of an article related to the topic of migration. The teacher will provide students with a list of articles on migration available on the Unistudium platform and they will be asked to choose one. The final evaluation factor will be a score obtained in the test at the CLA. Each of these four elements will count 25% towards the overall evaluation.
aterials available on the UniStudium platform. The third part will consist in an oral summary of an article related to the topic of migration. The teacher will provide students with a list of articles on migration available on the Unistudium platform and they will be asked to choose one. The final evaluation factor will be a score obtained in the test at the CLA. Each of these four elements will count 25% towards the overall evaluation. - Extended program
- Attending students: the course offers activities in written and oral production and comprehension tasks in the area of French for International Relations. It provides a specific entraînement focused on réalisation de tâches in professional situations. Language and communication skills will be improved. Text-typological, lexical and grammatical features of international discourse will be examined. The activities, that will actively involve students, are based on authentic written texts (press articles, notes, letters, e-mails, reports) and audio-visual texts (presentations, meetings, debates) from international francophone organizations and institutions. Part of the course will deal with the lexical and discursive analysis of texts on migration.
Non-attending students: for non-attending students the oral examination focuses on the entire programme. Non attending students are also asked to study three chapters of the textbook on diplomacy. It contains a number of exercises (keys are at the end of the volume), which can be used by students for self-study, and autonomous learning and practice.