Civil engineering
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Cinzia Buratti
  • Cinzia Buratti
  • 40 ore - Cinzia Buratti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Thermoigrometrical comfort. Air quality and buildings ventilation. Thermal loads.
Italian Laws and Thechnical Standards. Plants classification: design criteria for air distribution, air treatment, fancoils,
water distribution, heat generators and
refrigerating machines. Plants regulation.
Acoustics and lighting plants, indoor and outdoor.
Reference texts
- C. Buratti: Impianti di Climatizzazione e Condizionamento, Morlacchi Editore, 2015.
- Slides provided by the teacher
Educational objectives
The aim is to provide students with knowledge and competence needed for HVAC systems design. It shows the sizing criterions for the main components of a plant. To this aim at the beginning knowledges about thermal comfort, thermal loads calculation, Italian Laws and Thechnical Standards, and HVAC plants classification are provided.
In order to be able to understand and apply the techniques described in the Course, you must have successfully passed the Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer exam. The topics of the Course also require the knowledge of heat transfer methods through the walls of the buildings and the thermodynamic efficiency of the machines. Moreover the student should be able to represent the treatments of air, the psychrometric chart and he should be able to carry out energy calculations.
Considering acoustics and lighting technologies, the background information
regarding the Building Physics course are necessary (acoustic and photometry
concepts, visual and acoustic sensations, the concept of reverberation, artificial light
Teaching methods
ll corso è organizzato nel seguente modo:
- lezioni in aula su tutti gli argomenti del programma;
- esercitazioni pratiche finalizzate alla
preparazione di una relazione tecnica da discutere in sede di esame;
- visita a fine corso ad un impianto di condizionamento reale di un edificio con
illustrazione da parte del progettista e/o del gestore del funzionamento dell'impianto stesso.

The course is organized as follows:
- Lectures on all the subjects of the program;
- Practice exercises in order to
prepare a final report that will be discussed during the final examination;
- At the end of the course visit of a HVAC plant in a real building and explanation of its operation mode by the designer or the manager.
Other information
Attendance to the classes is optional but strongly advised.
Learning verification modality
The exam includes an oral test and the draft of a report regarding laboratory or calculation exercises.
The oral tests consist of a discussion of no longer than 45 minutes aimed at
- the knowledge of the theoretical methodological content of the course;
- the correct presentation of the possible technical solutions to problems concerning air conditioning systems and conventional air conditioning, room and
building acoustics, illuminating plants;
- knowledge of the measurement or calculation techniques learned during the exercises carried out by means of instruments and methodologies illustrated in the course;
- autonomy in proposing the most appropriate approach for each scope.
The oral exam will also test the student communication skills and his autonomy in
the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
Extended program
Thermoigrometrical comfort: comfort indexes, influence of temperature, relative
humidity, air velocity, etc.. Local discomfort: radiant asimmetry, draft risk, thermal gradient, ecc. Comfort charts. Air quality and buildings ventilation. Measurements. Thermal loads. Italian Laws and Thechnical Standards.Plants classification: design criteria for air distribution, air treatment, fancoils,
water distribution, heat generators and refrigerating machines. Plants regulation.
Acoustics: architectural acoustics, norms, building acoustics, outdoor acoustics.
Lighting plants: photometry, lamps and lighting devices, plants design indoor and
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