Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Laura Angeloni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2024
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000229
Teacher Laura Angeloni
  • Laura Angeloni
  • 45 ore - Laura Angeloni
Learning activities Base
Area Formazione scientifica
Academic discipline MAT/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The purpose of the course is to present the fundamental issues of basic mathematical analysis.
Reference texts 1) Calogero Vinti: "Lezioni di Analisi Matematica, Vol I" Galeno Editrice
2) Analisi Matematica 1, C. Anichini - G. Conti
3) Analisi Matematica 1, A. Tabacco - C. Canuto
4) In the UniStudium webpage of the course, slides on the main topics of the course and on exercises will be available.
Educational objectives The purpose of the course is to furnish the main concepts of mathematical analysis and to support the competence in calculus skills, that contribute to the future designer education.

The main knowledge (descriptor Dublin 1) will be acquired:

• knowledge of the concept of function and of calculating the limits of functions together with the basic concepts of topology;
• knowledge of the differentiability of functions of one variable and all those concepts that enable the student to carry out the study of function;
• knowledge of the notion of integral, main results and integral calculus.

The main skills acquired (ability to apply their knowledge, descriptor Dublin 2, and to take with independent judgment the appropriate approach, Dublin descriptor 3) will be:
• ability to solve equations, inequalities, limits, derivatives, integrals;
• ability to develop an argument that leads the student to identify the methods of solving the problem;
• ability to identify a common logical-deductive methodology in various topics to enable it to identify the approach to be followed.
Prerequisites General notions about sets theory, equations and inequalities of first and second degree, elementary functions.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:

1) Lectures on all topics of the course.

2) Classroom exercises.
Other information -Attendance is recommended for all lessons.
-Students in the course will have hours to deepen the application of theoretical arguments for the solution of practical exercises.
Learning verification modality The verification of the educational objectives of the course (test) includes a written and an oral test.

The written test will be held on the dates set out on the calendar of the CdS.
The written test, of about 2,5 hours, consists in solving some problems regarding the main topics of the course and some multiple choice theoretical questions. The test has the aim to verify: i) the ability to understand the problems proposed during the course, ii) the ability to correctly apply the theoretical knowledge (descriptor Dublin 2), iii) the ability to formulate the appropriate approach for the solution of the problems (descriptor Dublin 3), iv) the ability to suitably and efficaciously communicate in written form (descriptor Dublin 4).

The oral test can be done in two ways. If the student wants to accept the evaluation of the written test, the oral test will consist of a short discussion aimed at confirming the level of preparation shown at the written test. Nevertheless, if the student wishes to improve the written grade, the oral test consists of a discussion no longer than 20 minutes aimed to verify: i) the level of knowledge about the theoretical contents of the course (descriptor Dublin 1), ii) the level of expertise in exposing their own logical-mathematical abilities (descriptor Dublin 2), iii) the independence of judgment (descriptor Dublin 3) to propose the most suitable approach to argue about the posed questions. The oral examination also aims to verify the student's ability to answer with proper language to the questions proposed by the Commission, to support a dialectical relationship during the discussion and to show logical deductive skills and synthetic exposition (descriptor Dublin 4).

The final evaluation will be made by the Commission taking into account also of the evaluation of the written test.

For information on support services for special needs students, please visit the page https://www.unipg.it/en/international-students/general-information/facilities-for-special-needs-students .

In any case, the teacher is available to personally evaluate, in specific cases, any compensatory measures and / or personalized paths in the case of students with special needs.
Extended program Set theory, number sets, equations, inequalities. Functions: main definitions, injectivity, surjectivity, one-one functions, inverse functions, composition, graphs and main functions (power functions, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric functions).
Concept of limit:
calculation and properties. Infinite and infinitesimal. Continuity and main results about continuous functions. Derivation: geometric meaning,
calculation and main results. Fundamental theorems on differentiable functions. Convexity. Study of the graph of a function of one real variable. Riemann integration: definition, geometric meaning, calculation rules and main results.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Code 55016012
Teacher Paolina Bongioannini Cerlini
  • Paolina Bongioannini Cerlini
  • Daniele Fioretto (Codocenza)
  • 18 ore - Paolina Bongioannini Cerlini
  • 9 ore (Codocenza) - Daniele Fioretto
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline FIS/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Physical quantities and measurement units. Mono and two-dimensional kinematics. Newton's laws and their applications. Work, kinetic energy, potential energy and mechanical energy conservation. Momentum. Elements of statics and dynamics of rigid objects. Oscillations and waves. Electromagnetic waves and colors.
Reference texts Notes provided by the teacher.
P.Mazzoldi,M.Nigro,C.Voci,Elementidifisica.Meccanica, termodinamica,EdiSES
Educational objectives The course aims to provide basic knowledge of physical laws for the quantitative description of phenomena, materials and processes useful for the designer, related to the Interior Design, Exhibit Design, Retail Design or Product Design.
The acquired knowledge (Dublin descriptor 1) will cover:
- knowledge of fundamental physical quantities and their units of measurement
knowledge of fundamental laws of dynamics and statics of solid materials
knowledge of basic elements on propagation of electromagnetic waves and their interaction with matter.
The main acquired skills (ability to apply the acquired knowledge, Dublin descriptor 2, and to adopt with discretionary judgment the appropriate approach, Dublin descriptor 3) will be:
to know the main physical laws governing natural phenomena,
to know how to apply such laws to the solution of problems of practical relevance.
Prerequisites None
Teaching methods The course is organized into.
1) Theoretical lectures
2) Exercises and demonstration experiments
Other information
Learning verification modality Written test that requires the solution of open and / or closed-response questions, to be completed in 1 hour. The purpose of the test is to ascertain: i) the ability to understand the theoretical contents of the course (Dublin descriptor 1), ii) the ability to expose and correctly apply theoretical knowledge (Dublin descriptor 2), iii) Ability to autonomously formulate appropriate judgments and observations on possible alternative model (Dublin descriptor 3), iv) the ability in effective and pertinent written communication (Dublin 4 descriptor). The final grade will be determined by the committee in thirtieths.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Shapes and colors.
From empirical observations of space or objects of common use, we will introduce the physical methods useful for the Interior Design, Exhibit Design, Retail Design and Product Design, such as:
Physical quantities and measurement units. Mono and two-dimensional kinematics. Newton's laws and their applications. Work, kinetic energy, potential energy and mechanical energy conservation. Momentum. Elements of statics and dynamics of rigid objects. Oscillations and waves. Electromagnetic waves and colors.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Quality education:
Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda adopted by all member states of the United Nations in 2015, it states that improving education is critical. Transforming the goals of higher education in universities, as called for in the SDGs 2024 goals report, with new processes and learning ethics is one of the many challenges that requires that long-standing academic disciplines such as physics can be taught to all students without requiring prior knowledge. This course has taken a more elementary approach to teach basic physics knowledge in preparing students who will design different types of indoor and outdoor applications in cities.
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