Engineering management
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Antonio Moschitta
  • Antonio Moschitta
  • 54 ore - Antonio Moschitta
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Ingegneria della sicurezza e protezione dell'informazione
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Many fields of applications require to manage complex technical or socio-technical systems, ranging from aerospace vehicles to complex consumer products, large plants, or information systems. Adding to the internal complexity, interaction with the external environment can add additional constraints and requirements. Managing the lifecycle of such entities, ranging from the initial concept exploration to the system retirement, requires a vast multidisciplinary knowledge and skills, encompassing probability, statistics, hard core engineering, and cognitive sciences. Consequently, this course introduces principles of systems engineering and their applications, to be applied in various stages of the lifecycle of a complex system.
Reference texts
- Slides and Handouts provided by the teacher

- Alexander Kossiakoff, William N. Sweet, Samuel J. Seymour, Steven M. Biemer, “SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE”, Wiley.

-Joseph Eli Kasser, “Systems Engineering – A Systemic and Systematic Methodology for Solving Complex Problems”, CRC Press

-INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, v3.2. San Diego, CA: INCOSE, 2010.

-Benjamin Blanchard, Wolter Fabrycky, “Systems Engineering and Analysis”, Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial & Systems Engineering, 5th Edition.
Educational objectives
Knowledge objectives:
- Knowledge of the definition of systems engineering and theoretical bases;
- Knowledge of the main SE roles;
- Knowledge of SE tools and of their applicability;
- Knowledge of structured approaches to manage the lifecycle of large entities;
- Knowledge of the main SE standards, regulations, and organizations;
- Judging the feasibility of a project;
- Identifying requirements, or given targets;
- Analyzing alternatives;
- Using effective simulations and modeling techniques;
- Identifying system lifecycle targets;
- Design verification activities.
For a better understanding, skills related to courses of Calculus, Physics, Informatics, and Probability Theory, should be already acquired
Teaching methods
Face to face lesson, lab activities
Other information
The teaching material produced by the teacher can be found on the e-learning platform http://www.unistudium.unipg.it
Learning verification modality
• Oral test
• Essay (assigned midcourse): analysis and presentation of a case study
Extended program
• Definition of System Engineering (SE), motivations, historical evolution of SE
• Relationships of SE with System Implementation Engineering and System Management Engineering
• SE main standards and organizations
• Introductory case studies

Theoretical bases
• Discipline scopes: systems governance, theory, and pathologies
• General axioms and principles
• Complex systems and systems of systems
• Simulation and modeling

SE processes
• SE and product lifecycle;
• Stakeholders and their activities;
• Quality, continuous improvement, and Risk management;
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
The contents of the course and the skills provided help to increase the efficiency and resilience of production systems, as they support design, monitoring and management activities.
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