- Course
- Management and food italian culture
- Study-unit Code
- A003246
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Antonio Allegra
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2023
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | A003248 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Antonio Allegra |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | M-FIL/06 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course analyzes the ethical-aesthetic motivations that throughout the history of thought have determined, more or less directly, food choices, understood as an actual cornerstone of human experience and related cultural phenomena. In this way it becomes possible to grasp the anthropological complexity embedded in food and all the complex practices related in various ways to food. |
Reference texts | For attending students: - P. Gomarasca, Etica del cibo, Morcelliana, Brescia 2021 - N. Perullo, Il gusto come esperienza. Saggio di filosofia e estetica del cibo, Slow Food, Bra 2012 - Materials on digital platform. - Notes from lectures. For non-attending students: The texts indicated are confirmed, and it is again recommended to consult the digital platforms and to make contact with the professor as soon as possible. |
Educational objectives | Knowledge and understanding: - To know the evolution of reflection on nutrition - Know how to identify and reflect on some key concepts - Critically grasp the ethical-philosophical motivations underlying food choices - Know how to identify some cross-cutting areas between historical, cultural, and specifically philosophical dimensions. Application of knowledge and understanding: - Apply the notions learned to a body of cultural-historical data. - Recognize themes and content suitable for contemporary promotion of Made in Italy. |
Prerequisites | For attending and non-attending students: - No special skills are required since this is a teaching that will be approached from the basics - However, a good knowledge of oral and written Italian. For students whose mother tongue is not Italian, it is recommended that they consolidate their knowledge of the language - Ability to read, understand and synthesize theoretical texts. |
Teaching methods | For attending students: The course will consist of lectures complemented by in-depth seminar discussions by students on individual topics, which will aim to train in the autonomous recognition of long-lasting but also punctual variations in the experience of food. I intend to invite a number of key players in food-related theoretical reflection. Extensive use will be made of PowerPoint presentation, videos, etc. Given the topics covered, regular attendance is recommended. For non-attending students: In case of impossibility of attendance, it is recommended to use the digital platforms, where materials and directions will be uploaded, and to make contact and agree on the program with the lecturer as soon as possible. |
Other information | Office hours: please arrange by prior email contact (antonio.allegra@unipg.it). |
Learning verification modality | For attending students: The exam will be oral and will last from 15 to 30 minutes. At least one question will be on the seminar conducted by the student. For non-attending students: The exam will take place in oral form and will last from 15 to 30 minutes. In addition, non-attending students must, at least 2 weeks before the scheduled date of the exam, submit a summary (3/4 pages indicatively) of a chapter of a text from those indicated in the syllabus. The topic of this summary will have been agreed with the professor at least one month before the scheduled date of the exam, and its contents will be briefly discussed (one question) during the exam in addition to the reference texts. |
Extended program | The educational objective is, starting from a reconstruction of the evolution of reflection on food, to learn to identify some key concepts of food and wine culture, to critically grasp the procedures of moral choices through food choices, and to be able to identify some cross-cutting areas between historical, cultural, and specifically philosophical dimensions. An analysis between the history of religions, medicine, and thought will be developed, with particular attention to contemporary ethical and epistemological dynamics, which are effectively expressed in the food sphere. Some variants of cross-cultural experience in which the role of food is present will also be examined. In this way, it becomes possible to grasp the anthropological complexity contained in food and all the complex practices related in various ways to food. On another level, this is a useful asset to better interpret the difficult strategic choices and options that spill over into the food market, in all its forms. Indeed, it will be possible to apply the notions learned to a body of historical and cultural-historical data, and to recognize themes and content suitable for managing professional activities. Food also represents a relevant and concrete sediment of Italy's cultural heritage, which today finds a very strong centrality in widespread public discourse and in the most promising economic valorization. |
Code | A003247 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Roberto Mosena |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | L-FIL-LET/10 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course deals with the theme of the link between literature and territory, as well as the history and development of literary tourism with hints of travel literature and references to Dante's Tourism, the forms and tools through which literature is connected will be examined to tourism and the promotion of the territory. The lessons will therefore be based on the following topics: a) history of literary tourism; b) literary guides and literary itineraries (what they are and how they are created); c) Literary parks (history of parks, purposes, practical-operational aspects for the creation of a park); d) writers' house-museums (typologies, forms of management, promotion); e) Literary festivals (definition, typologies, organizational issues, economic repercussions on the places hosting the event). Literary texts related not only to travel and tourism, but above all to food and wine traditions will also be introduced. A part of the course, of a laboratory nature, will finally be dedicated to the planning of tourist-cultural itineraries that can become tools for getting to know, tell and promote the territory. |
Reference texts | For attending students: 1. G. Capecchi, Sulle orme dei poeti. Letteratura, turismo e promozione del territorio, Pàtron, Bologna 2021; 2. Il turismo letterario. Casi studio ed esperienze a confronto, a cura di G. Capecchi e R. Mosena, Perugia Stranieri University Press, Perugia 2023; 3. Turismi danteschi. Itinerari, progetti, esperienze, a cura di R. Mosena e M.L. Mura, Perugia Stranieri University Press, Perugia 2023; 4. The text and the author chosen by the group of students in which you participate and relating to the planned tourist itinerary. For non-attending students: 1. G. Capecchi, Sulle orme dei poeti. Letteratura, turismo e promozione del territorio, Pàtron, Bologna 2021; 2. Il turismo letterario. Casi studio ed esperienze a confronto, a cura di G. Capecchi e R. Mosena, Perugia Stranieri University Press, Perugia 2023; 3. Turismi danteschi. Itinerari, progetti, esperienze, a cura di R. Mosena e M.L. Mura, Perugia Stranieri University Press, Perugia 2023; 4. The text and the author chosen by the group of students in which you participate and relating to the planned tourist itinerary; 5. At least ten chapters from: Banchetti letterari. Cibi, pietanze e ricette nella letteratura italiana da Dante a Camilleri, a cura di G.M. Anselmi e G. Ruozzi, Carocci, Roma 2011. |
Educational objectives | Knowledge and understanding The course aims to make known and understand the relationships that have been established in the last two centuries between literature and tourism and the main forms through which literature can be a tool for promoting the territory. The course also aims to introduce some literary texts that tell certain Italian geographical areas (their landscapes, their traditions, their typical products), showing how these texts can become tools for knowledge and territorial promotion. Expected skills At the end of the course the student will be able to: - use the tools of the literature for the purposes of tourism promotion; - use literary texts to deepen and promote knowledge of the food traditions of the various geographical areas; - develop a reflection on the themes of hospitality and food using literary tools and references; - plan a tourist itinerary linked to the main themes of literature and/or food. |
Prerequisites | A good ability to read and understand a literary text in Italian is required; basic knowledge of geography is also useful. |
Teaching methods | For attending students: Frontal lessons are foreseen, but also seminars and/or laboratory activities. It is possible to host external experts, to use multimedia materials and websites dedicated to the topics of the course. During the lesson, indications for possible bibliographic studies will also be provided. In the final part of the course, students will be directly involved, divided into groups, with research and activities to be carried out during seminar/laboratory lessons, will choose an author and a literary text on the basis of which to build a tourist itinerary. For non-attending students: Self study. Non-attending students are required to have at least one meeting with the teacher, to discuss the study program and for any clarifications. |
Other information | More information will be provided during the lessons. For further information, the teacher can be contacted directly at the institutional email address: roberto.mosena@unipg.it |
Learning verification modality | The exams will take place in oral form. Students will be asked three-four questions. The students will also illustrate the planned path. The questions will have the purpose of verifying whether the student has understood the ways in which literature can become a tool for tourism promotion and the possible links between literary text, landscape and food and wine traditions, analyzed starting from the texts presented in class and/or included in the exam program. Compensatory and/or dispensatory measures are envisaged for students with DSA. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in order to adapt the program and exam methods to individual needs. |
Extended program | Italian literature for cultural tourism: 1. Introduction and theoretical premises 2. Gender issues 3. The canon of travel literature 4. From travel to literary tourism 5. A canon of Italian literature for literary tourism 6. Examples of relevant literary parks 7. Examples of relevant literary itineraries 8. Literary cafés 9. Digital resources for literary tourism. In the footsteps of poets: 1. Literary tourism 2. Literary guides 3. Writers' houses 4. The system of literary parks and festivals in the promotion of the territory 5. Case studies 6. Dantesque tourism Itinerary planning: 1. Historical, literary, theoretical aspects 2. Guidelines for planning tourist-cultural itineraries 3. Teamwork |