Medicine and surgery
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A001682
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica integrata
Academic discipline BIO/12
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Paolo Gorello
  • Paolo Gorello
  • 25 ore - Paolo Gorello
Language of instruction
- Generation of laboratory data and its critical interpretation.- Reliability of test results: precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Quality management, predictive value and decision-making levels.- Units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, Biological variability.- Principles and techniques for collecting, processing and storage of biological samples.- Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry- Point-of-Care testing, Chemical dry state.- Clinical Enzymology.- Biochemical parameters. Markers of function and injury of tissue or organ with particular reference to markers of myocardial damage and markers of liver function.
- Description of the most used techniques in Clinical Biochemistry: Nucleic acids electrophoresis, Protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting , ELISA assay, RIA assay, Fluorescence Microscopy.- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).- Integration between Clinical Biochemistry methods and Molecular Biology methods : Study of Hemoglobinopathies- Description of the most used techniques in Molecular Diagnostics:end-point PCR , Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing (Sanger method) , NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).
Reference texts
Slides and notes provided by teacher
Educational objectives
The main aim of this teaching is to provide students with the theoretical principles useful to identify and analyze the sources of variability of laboratory data and to provide students with the theoretical principles needed to understand the applications and issues that underlie the methods most used in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
The program includes the presentation of some investigation methods of laboratory, their application in the diagnosis of diseases. The main knowledge acquired will be:- Basic knowledge about the collection, processing and storage of biological samples.- Knowledge related to units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, biological variability.- Basic concepts of reliability analytical precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Basic elements about quality management , predictive value and decision-making levels.- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and spectrofluorimetry.- Basic knowledge of Clinical Enzymology: enzyme assay, markers of tissue and organ.
- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:
Nucleic acids and protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting, ELISA, RIA and TestFluorescence microscopy.
- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Molecular Biology:
End-point PCR, Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing using Sanger method,NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).
- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).
The course requires basic knowledge of Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics.
Teaching methods
Lectures on all subjects of the couse.
Learning verification modality
Written Test.
Extended program
- Generation of laboratory data and its critical interpretation.- Reliability of test results: precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Quality management, predictive value and decision-making levels.- Units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, Biological variability.- Principles and techniques for collecting, processing and storage of biological samples.- Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry- Point-of-Care testing, Chemical dry state.- Clinical Enzymology.- Biochemical parameters. Markers of function and injury of tissue or organ with particular reference to markers of myocardial damage and markers of liver function.
- Description of the most used techniques in Clinical Biochemistry: Nucleic acids electrophoresis, Protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting , ELISA assay, RIA assay, Fluorescence Microscopy.- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).- Integration between Clinical Biochemistry methods and Molecular Biology methods : Study of Hemoglobinopathies- Description of the most used techniques in Molecular Diagnostics:end-point PCR , Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing (Sanger method) , NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).

Cognomi M-Z

Paolo Gorello
  • Paolo Gorello
  • 25 ore - Paolo Gorello
Language of instruction
- Generation of laboratory data and its critical interpretation.- Reliability of test results: precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Quality management, predictive value and decision-making levels.- Units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, Biological variability.- Principles and techniques for collecting, processing and storage of biological samples.- Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry- Point-of-Care testing, Chemical dry state.- Clinical Enzymology.- Biochemical parameters. Markers of function and injury of tissue or organ with particular reference to markers of myocardial damage and markers of liver function.
- Description of the most used techniques in Clinical Biochemistry: Nucleic acids electrophoresis, Protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting , ELISA assay, RIA assay, Fluorescence Microscopy.- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).- Integration between Clinical Biochemistry methods and Molecular Biology methods : Study of Hemoglobinopathies- Description of the most used techniques in Molecular Diagnostics:end-point PCR , Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing (Sanger method) , NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).
Reference texts
Slides and notes provided by teacher
Educational objectives
The main aim of this teaching is to provide students with the theoretical principles useful to identify and analyze the sources of variability of laboratory data and to provide students with the theoretical principles needed to understand the applications and issues that underlie the methods most used in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
The program includes the presentation of some investigation methods of laboratory, their application in the diagnosis of diseases. The main knowledge acquired will be:- Basic knowledge about the collection, processing and storage of biological samples.- Knowledge related to units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, biological variability.- Basic concepts of reliability analytical precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Basic elements about quality management , predictive value and decision-making levels.- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and spectrofluorimetry.- Basic knowledge of Clinical Enzymology: enzyme assay, markers of tissue and organ.
- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:
Nucleic acids and protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting, ELISA, RIA and TestFluorescence microscopy.
- Basic knowledge of Methods used in Clinical Molecular Biology:
End-point PCR, Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing using Sanger method,NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).
- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).
The course requires basic knowledge of Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics.
Teaching methods
Lectures on all subjects of the couse.
Learning verification modality
Written Test.
Extended program
- Generation of laboratory data and its critical interpretation.- Reliability of test results: precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity.- Quality management, predictive value and decision-making levels.- Units of measurement in Clinical Biochemistry, sources of preanalytical variability, reference values, Biological variability.- Principles and techniques for collecting, processing and storage of biological samples.- Methods used in Clinical Biochemistry:Centrifugation techniques, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry- Point-of-Care testing, Chemical dry state.- Clinical Enzymology.- Biochemical parameters. Markers of function and injury of tissue or organ with particular reference to markers of myocardial damage and markers of liver function.
- Description of the most used techniques in Clinical Biochemistry: Nucleic acids electrophoresis, Protein electrophoresis, Western-blotting , ELISA assay, RIA assay, Fluorescence Microscopy.- Basic elements of Molecular Biology (genome, gene, mutations, polymorphisms) and utilization of databases (eg. NCBI, Enseble Genome Browser, Globin Gene Server).- Integration between Clinical Biochemistry methods and Molecular Biology methods : Study of Hemoglobinopathies- Description of the most used techniques in Molecular Diagnostics:end-point PCR , Real-Time PCR, dHPLC, DNA sequencing (Sanger method) , NGS (Next Generation Sequencing).


Code A001681
Teacher Antonella Mencacci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Patologia generale e molecolare, immunopatologia, fisiopatologia generale, microbiologia e parassitologia
Academic discipline MED/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Antonella Mencacci
  • Antonella Mencacci
  • 25 ore - Antonella Mencacci
Language of instruction
Organizazione e ruolo del laboratorio di Microbiologia Clinica
Diagnostica microbiologica delle infezioni di organi/sistemi e apparati
Antibiogramma e meccanismi di resistenza agli antibiotici.
Reference texts
Microbiologia Medica. Murray PR, Rosenthal LS, Pfaller MA. Edra Masson.
Principi di Microbiologia Medica, Antonelli G, Clementi M, Pozzi G, Rossolini GM
Integrati con materiale didattico delle lezioni frontali (slides)
Educational objectives
Conoscenza dei vari approcci metodologici utilizzabili per la diagnosi microbiologica diretta e indiretta delle malattie infettive.
Conoscenza delle corrette procedure diagnostiche microbiologiche per la diagnosi eziologica delle infezioni, con particolare riferimento alla appropriatezza dei test richiesti e alla interpretazione dei risultati delle indagini microbiologiche.
• Avere un adeguato approccio diagnostico rispetto alla infezione sospettata su base clinica
• Saper formulazione la richiesta degli esami microbiologici
• Saper leggere ed interpretare un referto.
Superamento esami di Microbiologia e Biochimica Clinica.
Conoscenze di base di Anatomia, Fisiologia, Patologia Generale.
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali, attività pratica e tirocini sui principali iter diagnostici descritti nelle lezioni frontali.
Other information
Il docente riceve 30 min dopo ogni lezione o su appuntamento preso tramite e-mail.
Learning verification modality
PROVA ORALE della durata di 15 min circa articolata in 2 domande di cui 1 relativa alla diagnostica delle infezioni di un sistema/apparato (v programma) e 1 più tecnica relativa al significato di una tecnologia diagnostici. Una terza domanda sulle conoscenze minime indispensabili, potrà essere fatta nel caso di risposta poco soddisfacente alle 2 domande.
VERIFICA DELLE COMPETENZE CLINICHE: interpretazione di un referto microbiologico/antibiogramma
Extended program
Organizzazione del laboratorio di Microbiologia Clinica in settori diagnostici.
Laboratori di livello di sicurezza 2 e 3.
Diagnosi diretta e indiretta delle malattie infettive batteriche, virali, fungine, protozoarie:
Esami microscopici e colturali, test molecolari, test sierologici, immunodiagnosi.
Antibiogramma e rilevazione dei meccanismi di resistenza agli antibiotici di batteri Gram positivi e Gram negativi (meticillino-resistenza, vancomicino-resistenza, resistenza inducibile ai macrolidi/lincosamidi, ESBL, Carbapenemasi).
Diagnosi microbiologica delle infezioni batteriche, virali, fungine e protozoarie dei seguenti sistemi e apparati: apparato cardio-circolatorio, apparto urinario, sistema nervoso centrale, apparato respiratorio (alte e basse vie respiratorie), apparato genito-urinario, sistema gastrointestinale (cenni), infezioni di ferite e lesioni da pressione, ossa e articolazioni (cenni). Infezioni nosocomiali e MDRO.
Inquadramento nosografico di ogni malattia infettiva (es.: sepsi, polmonite, infezioni delle vie urinarie, meningite, artrite settica etc.) e del più adeguato approccio diagnostico microbiologico. Formulazione della richiesta degli esami microbiologici e corretta lettura/interpretazione del referto.

Cognomi M-Z

Antonella Mencacci
  • Antonella Mencacci
  • 25 ore - Antonella Mencacci
Language of instruction
Organizazione e ruolo del laboratorio di Microbiologia Clinica
Diagnostica microbiologica delle infezioni di organi/sistemi e apparati
Antibiogramma e meccanismi di resistenza agli antibiotici.
Reference texts
Microbiologia Medica. Murray PR, Rosenthal LS, Pfaller MA. Edra Masson.
Principi di Microbiologia Medica, Antonelli G, Clementi M, Pozzi G, Rossolini GM
Integrati con materiale didattico delle lezioni frontali (slides)
Educational objectives
Conoscenza dei vari approcci metodologici utilizzabili per la diagnosi microbiologica diretta e indiretta delle malattie infettive.
Conoscenza delle corrette procedure diagnostiche microbiologiche per la diagnosi eziologica delle infezioni, con particolare riferimento alla appropriatezza dei test richiesti e alla interpretazione dei risultati delle indagini microbiologiche.
• Avere un adeguato approccio diagnostico rispetto alla infezione sospettata su base clinica
• Saper formulazione la richiesta degli esami microbiologici
• Saper leggere ed interpretare un referto.
Superamento esami di Microbiologia e Biochimica Clinica.
Conoscenze di base di Anatomia, Fisiologia, Patologia Generale.
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali, attività pratica e tirocini sui principali iter diagnostici descritti nelle lezioni frontali.
Other information
Il docente riceve 30 min dopo ogni lezione o su appuntamento preso tramite e-mail.
Learning verification modality
PROVA ORALE della durata di 15 min circa articolata in 2 domande di cui 1 relativa alla diagnostica delle infezioni di un sistema/apparato (v programma) e 1 più tecnica relativa al significato di una tecnologia diagnostici. Una terza domanda sulle conoscenze minime indispensabili, potrà essere fatta nel caso di risposta poco soddisfacente alle 2 domande.
VERIFICA DELLE COMPETENZE CLINICHE: interpretazione di un referto microbiologico/antibiogramma
Extended program
Organizzazione del laboratorio di Microbiologia Clinica in settori diagnostici.
Laboratori di livello di sicurezza 2 e 3.
Diagnosi diretta e indiretta delle malattie infettive batteriche, virali, fungine, protozoarie:
Esami microscopici e colturali, test molecolari, test sierologici, immunodiagnosi.
Antibiogramma e rilevazione dei meccanismi di resistenza agli antibiotici di batteri Gram positivi e Gram negativi (meticillino-resistenza, vancomicino-resistenza, resistenza inducibile ai macrolidi/lincosamidi, ESBL, Carbapenemasi).
Diagnosi microbiologica delle infezioni batteriche, virali, fungine e protozoarie dei seguenti sistemi e apparati: apparato cardio-circolatorio, apparto urinario, sistema nervoso centrale, apparato respiratorio (alte e basse vie respiratorie), apparato genito-urinario, sistema gastrointestinale (cenni), infezioni di ferite e lesioni da pressione, ossa e articolazioni (cenni). Infezioni nosocomiali e MDRO.
Inquadramento nosografico di ogni malattia infettiva (es.: sepsi, polmonite, infezioni delle vie urinarie, meningite, artrite settica etc.) e del più adeguato approccio diagnostico microbiologico. Formulazione della richiesta degli esami microbiologici e corretta lettura/interpretazione del referto.


Code GP005709
Teacher Stefano Brancorsini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica integrata
Academic discipline MED/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Stefano Brancorsini
  • Stefano Brancorsini
  • 25 ore - Stefano Brancorsini

Cognomi M-Z

Stefano Brancorsini
  • Stefano Brancorsini
  • 25 ore - Stefano Brancorsini


Code GP005715
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Antonella Mencacci
  • Antonella Mencacci
  • 25 ore - Antonella Mencacci

Cognomi M-Z

Antonella Mencacci
  • Antonella Mencacci
  • 25 ore - Antonella Mencacci


Code GP005714
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-L

Stefano Brancorsini
  • Stefano Brancorsini
  • 25 ore - Stefano Brancorsini

Cognomi M-Z

Stefano Brancorsini
  • Stefano Brancorsini
  • 25 ore - Stefano Brancorsini
Condividi su