Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50098301
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Academic discipline MED/15
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Roberta La Starza
  • Roberta La Starza
  • 15 ore - Roberta La Starza
Language of instruction
Emopoiesi (eritropoiesi, granulocitopoiesi, monocitopoiesi, piastrinopoiesi, linfocitopoiesi).Caratteristiche delle cellule del sangue.
Anemie: classificazione e meccanismi eziopatogenetici
Sindromi mieloproliferative croniche (LMC, PV, TE, MFI)
Leucemie acute
Leucemia linfoide cronica; linfomi maligni
Discrasie plasma cellulari
Trapianto di cellule staminali (autologo e allo genico)
Gruppi sanguigni. Sistema A B O, sistema Rh, altri sistemi gruppo – ematici
Reference texts
Corso di malattie del sangue e degli organi emolinfopoietici (S.Tura, M. Baccarani. Esculapio Ed)
Ematologia (G.L. Castoldi, V. Liso et al. Mc Graw Hill ed)
Medicina Interna. (Capitolo 5. Malattie del sangue) (R. Masini et al. Mc Graw Hill ed)
Educational objectives
Al termine del corso lo studente dovrà essere in grado di conoscere i quadri clinici e le necessità assistenziali delle principali patologie ematologiche.
Conoscenza delle principali cause di malattia ed i relativi meccanismi eziopatogenetici. Meccanismi fisiopatologici fondamentali dei principali apparati e sistemi. Il processo infiammatorio, la trasformazione neoplastica. Elementi di anatomia patologica, esami istologi e citologici. Grading e staging delle neoplasie. Anamnesi infermieristica ed esame obiettivo degli
apparati dell’uomo. riconoscere
segni e sintomi legati alle principali patologie di interesse medico
Teaching methods
lezioni frontali
Learning verification modality
esami in modalità scritto/orale
Extended program
Ematopoiesi, cellule staminali, differenziazione linea mieloide e linfodie, organi dell’ematopoeisi (midollo osseo, fegato, milza, sacco vitellino) apparato linfatico; Il sangue: elementi corpuscolati, plasma.
Malattie del globulo rosso: Le anemie (da deficit di ferro, vit b12 e folati, emoglobinopatie- talassemie, anemia falciforme-, emolitiche da difetto intrinseco, estrinseco e misto) e le poliglobulie (secondarie); parametri fondamentali per l’inquadramento diagnostico delle anemie; emocromo, conta dei reticolociti; leucopenie; piastrinopenia: la porpora idiopatica tromboctiopenica, la porpora trombotica trombocitopenica; Le leucemie acute: LAM, LAL a cellule B, LAL a cellule T: clinica e esami diagnostici; malattie mieloproliferative croniche: leucemia mieloide cronica, policitemia vera, trombocitemia essenziale, mielofibrosi idiopatica, leucemia eosinofilia cronica; Neoplasie mieloidi e linfoidi con coinvolgimento delle tirosin-chinasi FGFR1, PDGFRA, PDGFRB; La leucemia linfatica cronica, La leucemia a cellule capellute, I linfomi non-Hodgkin indolenti e aggressivi, a cellule B e a cellule T; Le gammopatie monoclonali: la MGUS, il mieloma multiplo smouldering e sintomatico, il plasmocitoma solitario dell’osso; aplasia midollare; Le sindromi mielodisplastiche; chemioterapia e utilizzo del trapianto di midollo autologo e allogenico: indicazioni e principi.

Canale B

Paolo Sportoletti
  • Paolo Sportoletti
  • 15 ore - Paolo Sportoletti
Language of instruction



Anemias and secondary erythrocytosis, leucopenia and leukocytosis;

Chronic myeloid disorders

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemias and acute lymphoblastic leukemias;

Non-Hodgkin lymphomas

Hodgkin disease

Multiple myeloma
Reference texts
A. Bosi, De Stefano V, F Di Raimondo, G La Nasa. Manuale di malattie del sangue, Elsevier
Educational objectives
Ability to understand the biology and pathophysiology of the mechanisms underlying the haematological abnormalities.

Ability to interpret laboratory tests related to hematology.
To be able to understand and face the course, the student must have passed with huge success the exam preparatory described in the regulation on the degree course. knowledge, in fact, of general knowledge of anatomy, physiology and general pathology is a prerequisite for the student who wants to follow the course with profit.
Teaching methods
Other information
Learning verification modality
The exam includes an oral exam consisting of a discussion aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge, understanding and synthesis achieved by the student as well as to verify the acquisition of method, of language and exposure.

Conducting the interview is divided into several thematic areas that characterize the teaching with lasting about 15/30 min. which varies in relation to the performance of the test.
Extended program



Anemias and secondary erythrocytosis, leucopenia and leukocytosis;

Chronic myeloid disorders

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemias and acute lymphoblastic leukemias;

Non-Hodgkin lymphomas

Hodgkin disease

Multiple myeloma


Code 50097301
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Academic discipline MED/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Mario Mandala'
  • Mario Mandala'
  • 15 ore - Mario Mandala'
Language of instruction
Basic elements of experimental oncology and tumor pathogenesis.

Classification of tumors

Principles of medical therapy in oncology

Toxicity of oncological treatments

Supportive and palliative therapy in oncology

Interactive clinical cases

Main emergencies in medical oncology
Reference texts
Slides shared with students

AIOM Guidelines

NICSO Guidelines
Educational objectives
Notions of the specific care needs of cancer patients, with particular reference to: supportive therapies;
problems related to the diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent neoplasms. This course is planned and conducted with the main aim to enable students developing specific nursing care plans.
Basic knowledge of the aspects of general pathology related to tumors.
Teaching methods
Frontal and interactive lessons
Other information
Interactive clinical cases

Practical demonstration how to deal with nursing care devices
Learning verification modality
Written answers to multiple choice questions.
Extended program
1) Definition of cancer; epidemiology and risk factors; primary prevention in the general population and in patients at risk; secondary prevention: screening tests
2) Tumor diagnosis and TNM staging; principles of locoregional therapy (surgery and radiotherapy); 3) general concepts of systemic anti-tumor therapy with reference to chemotherapy, hormone therapy, molecular target therapy, immunotherapy
4) Extravasation of antineoplastic drugs
Main organ toxicities of systemic therapies and their management with particular reference to bone marrow toxicity, gastrointestinal toxicity, skin toxicity; autoimmune toxicity during immunotherapy
5) Pain therapy: epidemiology, classification of pain in oncology, pain assessment, principles of therapy. Interactive clinical cases
6) Oncological emergencies with reference to space-occupying syndromes (superior vena cava syndrome, spinal cord compression, brain metastases), infectious emergencies and septic shock, metabolic syndromes. Interactive clinical cases

Canale B

Mario Mandala'
  • Mario Mandala'
  • 15 ore - Mario Mandala'
Language of instruction
Basic elements of experimental oncology and tumor pathogenesis.

Classification of tumors

Principles of medical therapy in oncology

Toxicity of oncological treatments

Supportive and palliative therapy in oncology

Interactive clinical cases

Main emergencies in medical oncology
Reference texts
Slides shared with students

AIOM Guidelines

NICSO Guidelines
Educational objectives
Notions of the specific care needs of cancer patients, with particular reference to: supportive therapies;
problems related to the diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent neoplasms. This course is planned and conducted with the main aim to enable students developing specific nursing care plans.
Basic knowledge of the aspects of general pathology related to tumors.
Teaching methods
Frontal interactive lessons
Other information
Interactive clinical cases

Practical demonstration how to deal with nursing care devices
Learning verification modality
Written examination consisting on multiple choice tests
Extended program
1) Definition of cancer; epidemiology and risk factors; primary prevention in the general population and in patients at risk; secondary prevention: screening tests
2) Tumor diagnosis and TNM staging; principles of locoregional therapy (surgery and radiotherapy); 3) general concepts of systemic anti-tumor therapy with reference to chemotherapy, hormone therapy, molecular target therapy, immunotherapy
4) Extravasation of antineoplastic drugs
Main organ toxicities of systemic therapies and their management with particular reference to bone marrow toxicity, gastrointestinal toxicity, skin toxicity; autoimmune toxicity during immunotherapy
5) Pain therapy: epidemiology, classification of pain in oncology, pain assessment, principles of therapy. Interactive clinical cases
6) Oncological emergencies with reference to space-occupying syndromes (superior vena cava syndrome, spinal cord compression, brain metastases), infectious emergencies and septic shock, metabolic syndromes. Interactive clinical cases


Code 50502132
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline MED/33
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Auro Caraffa
  • Auro Caraffa
  • 30 ore - Auro Caraffa
Language of instruction

Main concepts of orthopedics and traumatology. Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of major orthopedic disorders and traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Principles of rehabilitation and their applications.
Reference texts

Communicated by the Professor at the beginning of the course
Educational objectives

The learning outcomes are consistent with those described in the didactic of the degree course. As published in the website http://www.med.unipg.it/infermieristica/Perugia/indexinfPG.htm

To be able to understand the course, the student must get over , successly, the preparatory exams described in the regulation on the degree course. knowledge of general knowledge of anatomy, physiology and general pathology is a posiytive background for the student who wants to follow the course with profit.
Teaching methods
Other information
website http://www.med.unipg.it/infermieristica/Perugia/indexinfPG.htm
Learning verification modality
The final examination is characterized by a written/practical multiple-choice test. It concerns of the several arguments regarding the entire course. It is a 60-minutes test. In alternative, the examinations could be conducted by an oral test regarding the same arguments. It will be conducted in order to test the level of knowledge and learning, and comprehension capacity onto the specific thematic areas too. It would also test the acquisition of methodology and property of thematic exposition. The oral test generally is 15/30 minutes long.
For info regarding services for supporting students with handicaps (or DSA), please visit URL-Page : http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
General concepts of orthopedics. Main tissues and organs of the musculoskeletal system: biological and biomechanical.
Orthopedic physical examination. Main instrumental and laboratory evaluations. Types of lameness.
Congenital hip dysplasia, clubfoot and congenital stiff-neck.
Perthes disease and other osteochondritis. Epiphysiolysis. Flatfoot. Hallux valgus. Metatarsalgia.
Tendinopathy: general concepts of etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment. Main tendon tears.
Muscle injuries: from epidemiology to diagnosis and treatment.
Necrosis of the femoral head
Osteoarthritis: general concepts. Osteoarthritis, knee arthritis, arthritis of the ankle and hand, osteoarthritis of the spine.
Disc pathology and lumbar disc herniation and cervical
Kyphosis and scoliosis
Types of traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
General information on fractures. Immediate complications, early and late complications.
Major fractures of the spine, pelvis, lower limb and upper limb
Ankle and knee ligament injuries, meniscal injuries.
Shoulder instability. Impingement syndrome of the shoulder and rotator cuff injury.
Introduction to rehabilitation. Main methods of rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system and other organ systems.
Type of physical therapy. The physiotherapy. The role of the nurse in the rehabilitation team

Canale B

Auro Caraffa
  • Auro Caraffa
  • 30 ore - Auro Caraffa
Language of instruction

Main concepts of orthopedics and traumatology. Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of major orthopedic disorders and traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Principles of rehabilitation and their applications.
Reference texts

Communicated by the Professor at the beginning of the course
Educational objectives

The learning outcomes are consistent with those described in the didactic of the degree course. As published in the website http://www.med.unipg.it/infermieristica/Perugia/indexinfPG.htm

To be able to understand the course, the student must get over , successly, the preparatory exams described in the regulation on the degree course. knowledge of general knowledge of anatomy, physiology and general pathology is a posiytive background for the student who wants to follow the course with profit.
Teaching methods
Other information
website http://www.med.unipg.it/infermieristica/Perugia/indexinfPG.htm
Learning verification modality
The final examination is characterized by a written/practical multiple-choice test. It concerns of the several arguments regarding the entire course. It is a 60-minutes test. In alternative, the examinations could be conducted by an oral test regarding the same arguments. It will be conducted in order to test the level of knowledge and learning, and comprehension capacity onto the specific thematic areas too. It would also test the acquisition of methodology and property of thematic exposition. The oral test generally is 15/30 minutes long.
For info regarding services for supporting students with handicaps (or DSA), please visit URL-Page : http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
General concepts of orthopedics. Main tissues and organs of the musculoskeletal system: biological and biomechanical.
Orthopedic physical examination. Main instrumental and laboratory evaluations. Types of lameness.
Congenital hip dysplasia, clubfoot and congenital stiff-neck.
Perthes disease and other osteochondritis. Epiphysiolysis. Flatfoot. Hallux valgus. Metatarsalgia.
Tendinopathy: general concepts of etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment. Main tendon tears.
Muscle injuries: from epidemiology to diagnosis and treatment.
Necrosis of the femoral head
Osteoarthritis: general concepts. Osteoarthritis, knee arthritis, arthritis of the ankle and hand, osteoarthritis of the spine.
Disc pathology and lumbar disc herniation and cervical
Kyphosis and scoliosis
Types of traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
General information on fractures. Immediate complications, early and late complications.
Major fractures of the spine, pelvis, lower limb and upper limb
Ankle and knee ligament injuries, meniscal injuries.
Shoulder instability. Impingement syndrome of the shoulder and rotator cuff injury.
Introduction to rehabilitation. Main methods of rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system and other organ systems.
Type of physical therapy. The physiotherapy. The role of the nurse in the rehabilitation team


Code 50144001
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Academic discipline MED/24
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Giovanni Cochetti
  • Giovanni Cochetti
  • 15 ore - Giovanni Cochetti
Language of instruction

Canale B

Giovanni Cochetti
  • Giovanni Cochetti
  • 15 ore - Giovanni Cochetti
Language of instruction
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