Medicine and surgery
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP004758
Teacher Guglielmo Sorci
  • Guglielmo Sorci
  • 62.5 ore - Guglielmo Sorci
Learning activities Base
Area Morfologia umana
Academic discipline BIO/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents General anatomical and functional hallmarks of the organs of female and male pelvis, external genital organs, head and neck, and endocrine system.
Reference texts BOOKS
- Anatomia Umana, AA.VV. (first author: G. Anastasi) Edi-Ermes (3 vol.)
- Anatomia del Gray, S. Standring, Ed. Elsevier (3 vol.)
- Anatomia Umana, K.L. Moore - A.F. Dalley, Ed. Ambrosiana
- Anatomia Umana Topografica AA.VV. (first author: I. Barajon) Edi-Ermes
- Neuroanatomia, M.J.T. FitzGerald, Ed. Elsevier

- Prometheus, Atlante di Anatomia, EdiSES
- Atlante di Anatomia Umana di F. Netter, Ed. Masson/EDRA
- Atlante di Anatomia Umana di G. Anastasi/C. Tacchetti, Edi-Ermes
- Atlante di Anatomia Umana Sobotta, Ed. Elsevier
Educational objectives The course is aimed at learning four main aspects:
1. Organs and systems respond to precise functional needs;
2. The systems consist of several functionally interconnected organs;
3. The cardiovascular system, the nervous system and the endocrine system are responsible for the functional interconnection of different organs;
4. Organs are located into body cavities and other sites, and have precise topographical relationships with surrounding organs, and specific projections on skeletal elements and soft tissues.
Prerequisites Students should have knowledge of cytology (useful), cellular biology (important), histology (indispensable), fluid and gas dynamics (important) and organic chemistry (useful).
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons with the use of powerpoint slides. Use of plastic models related to the topics developed at lessons. The education material presented during the lessons (with the exclusion of illustrations protected by copyright) will be made available to the students in electronic format (pdf files) and it does not replace the use of suggested books.
The use of skeleton, various bones, anatomical models and reproductions of viscera, as well as video projections related to corpse dissections are integral part of the lessons.
Practical exercises on macroscopy anatomy on anatomical pieces and microscopy anatomy in small groups will be also organized.
Other information The teacher is available for explanation. Please arrange an appointment contacting him by e-mail (guglielmo.sorci@unipg.it) or telephone (075 5858258).
Learning verification modality Written progress tests and final oral examination. Evaluation is made of: 1) two progress tests (one about two weeks before the end of the II semester of the first year and the second about one week before the end of the I semester of the second year). Each tests will consist of single-choice questions (execution time: 1.5 minutes/question) and will be evaluated in basis 30 (no penalty for wrong answers; the test is passed if the student reaches a score of at least 18/30); and 2) an oral examination with at least two questions on the subjects of the programme (average length of the oral exam: about 30 minutes). The progress tests are aimed at determining the degree of learning of the subjects covered in the lessons and the logical capacity of the student. The oral examination is aimed to verify the candidate’s knowledge of the discipline, and his/her speaking ability, logical ability and overall vision of the human anatomy. Students who have not passed the progress tests are evaluated with a written test with single-choice questions about the whole programme (execution time: 1.5 minutes/question; no penalty for wrong answers). Students who have obtained at least 18/30 are admitted to the oral examination. The final mark is the mean between the result of the written test and the result of the oral test.

Info on the support service for students with disability and/or DSA can be found at http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Pelvis and perineum. Content of female and male pelvis. Bladder: topography, macroscopic and microscopic anatomy. Structural and neural control of urination. Male and female urethra. Vagina, uterus, uterine tubes: topography, macroscopic and microscopic anatomy. Ovary. Ovarian cycle and uterine cycle. Prostate, vas deferens, seminal vesicle: topography, macroscopic and microscopic anatomy. Rectum and anal canal. Ischio-rectal fossae. External genital organs. Vessels and lymphatic drainage of pelvic and perineal organs.
Head and neck. Splanchnocranium. Temporomandibular joint. Mimic muscles and muscles of mastication. Compartments of the neck. Neurovascular bundle of the neck. Macroscopic and functional anatomy of pharynx and larynx.
Endocrine system. Macroscopic and microscopic structure, hormones produced, functional role and regulation of: pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreatic islands, gastroenteropancreatic endocrine system, testicle, ovary.


Code GP004759
Teacher Guglielmo Sorci
  • Guglielmo Sorci
  • 37.5 ore - Guglielmo Sorci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Formazione clinica interdisciplinare e medicina basata sulle evidenze
Academic discipline BIO/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Organization of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Upper and lower limbs. Eye and Ear.
Reference texts BOOKS
- Anatomia Umana, AA.VV. (first author: G. Anastasi) Edi-Ermes (3 vol.)
- Anatomia del Gray, S. Standring, Ed. Elsevier (3 vol.)
- Anatomia Umana, K.L. Moore - A.F. Dalley, Ed. Ambrosiana
- Anatomia Umana Topografica AA.VV. (first author: I. Barajon) Edi-Ermes
- Neuroanatomia, M.J.T. FitzGerald, Ed. Elsevier

- Prometheus, Atlante di Anatomia, EdiSES
- Atlante di Anatomia Umana di F. Netter, Ed. Masson/EDRA
- Atlante di Anatomia Umana di G. Anastasi/C. Tacchetti, Edi-Ermes
- Atlante di Anatomia Umana Sobotta, Ed. Elsevier
Educational objectives The course is aimed at learning four main aspects:
1. Organs and systems respond to precise functional needs;
2. The systems consist of several functionally interconnected organs;
3. The cardiovascular system, the nervous system and the endocrine system are responsible for the functional interconnection of different organs;
4. Organs are located into body cavities and other sites, and have precise topographical relationships with surrounding organs, and specific projections on skeletal elements and soft tissues.
Prerequisites Students should have knowledge of cytology (useful), cellular biology (important), histology (indispensable), fluid and gas dynamics (important) and organic chemistry (useful).
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons with the use of powerpoint slides. Use of plastic models related to the topics developed at lessons. The education material presented during the lessons (with the exclusion of illustrations protected by copyright) will be made available to the students in electronic format (pdf files) and it does not replace the use of suggested books.
The use of skeleton, various bones, anatomical models and reproductions of viscera, as well as video projections related to corpse dissections are integral part of the lessons.
Practical exercises on macroscopy anatomy on anatomical pieces and microscopy anatomy in small groups will be also organized.
Other information The teacher is available for explanation. Please arrange an appointment contacting him by e-mail (guglielmo.sorci@unipg.it) or telephone (075 5858258).
Learning verification modality Written progress tests and final oral examination. Evaluation is made of: 1) two progress tests (one about two weeks before the end of the II semester of the first year and the second about one week before the end of the I semester of the second year). Each tests will consist of single-choice questions (execution time: 1.5 minutes/question) and will be evaluated in basis 30 (no penalty for wrong answers; the test is passed if the student reaches a score of at least 18/30); and 2) an oral examination with at least two questions on the subjects of the programme (average length of the oral exam: about 30 minutes). The progress tests are aimed at determining the degree of learning of the subjects covered in the lessons and the logical capacity of the student. The oral examination is aimed to verify the candidate’s knowledge of the discipline, and his/her speaking ability, logical ability and overall vision of the human anatomy. Students who have not passed the progress tests are evaluated with a written test with single-choice questions about the whole programme (execution time: 1.5 minutes/question; no penalty for wrong answers). Students who have obtained at least 18/30 are admitted to the oral examination. The final mark is the mean between the result of the written test and the result of the oral test.

Info on the support service for students with disability and/or DSA can be found at http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Neurocranium. Fontanelles. General organization of the central nervous system (CNS). Spinal cord: morphology and topography. Internal conformation: organization of grey and white matter. Telencephalon: morphology and external conformation; subdivision in lobes; organization of grey and white matter. Structure of the cerebral cortex. Brain stem: morphology and internal conformation. Midbrain nuclei and nuclei of cranial nerves. Cerebellum: morphology and internal conformation. Structure of the cerebellar cortex. Diencephalon: thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus. Structure of epiphysis. Reticular system. Limbic system. Meninges. Ventricular system and liquor circulation. Vascularization of the CNS. Circle of Willis. Structure, circuits, connections and functions of brain lobes, cerebellum, basal nuclei, thalamus, brain stem and spinal cord. Sensitivity nervous tracts. Motor descending tracts. Peripheral Nervous System (SNP): spinal roots, sensitive ganglia and nervous plexuses. Cranial nerves: topography, distribution and functions. Autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic.
Topographical and functional anatomy of the muscular compartments of upper and lower limbs. Rotator cuff. Axillary fossa; cubital fossa; carpal tunnel. Scarpa’s femoral triangle; popliteal fossa. Arterial and venous circulation of upper and lower limbs. Axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. Nerves of limbs: nervous plexuses; motor and sensitive distribution of nerves of upper and lower limbs.
Eye and eye annexes. Ear.
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