Planet life design
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giovanna Ramaccini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata

Clinical and Dynamic Psychology

Code A001956
Teacher Claudia Mazzeschi
  • Claudia Mazzeschi
  • 40 ore - Claudia Mazzeschi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze umane, sociali, psicologiche ed economiche
Academic discipline M-PSI/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Il corso intende introdurre allo studio dell'Infant Research come corrente psicoanalitica che integra le attuali scoperte della psicologia evolutiva e delle neuroscienze con le concezioni psicoanalitiche sullo sviluppo infantile
Reference texts •Lis, A., Mazzeschi, C., Zennaro., A. (2002-2012). La psicoanalisi. Capp.: 10.4, 11.2, 11.5, 13
•Pazzagli, C. (2010). Donald Woods Winnicott la relazione madre-bambino e la psicoanalisi. In De Coro, F. Ortu (2010) Psicologia Dinamica. I modelli teorici a confronto. Editori Laterza: Roma. (materiale fornito a lezione - unistudium)
•Chapter 1. The attachment theory: the theoretical background. C. Mazzeschi, L. Laghezza, D. Di Riso., C. Napoli (materiale fornito a lezione)
•Stern, D. (1987). Il mondo interpersonale del bambino. Bollati Boringhieri

•Beebe, B., Lachman, F. (2003). Infant Research e Trattamento degli adulti. Raffaello Cortina. Capp. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9
• Beebe, B., Lachman, F. (2015). Le origini dell’attaccamento. Infant Research e trattamento degli adulti. Raffaello Cortina. Capp. 1, 2, 3, 8, 9

UN ARTICOLO a scelta (forniti a lezione - unistudium) tra i seguenti:
•Beebe, B. (2014). My Journey in Infant Research and Psychoanalysis: Microanalysis, a Social Microscope. Psychoanal. Psychol., 31(1):4-25.
•Beatrice Beebe, (2017). Daniel Stern: Microanalysis and the Empirical Infant Research Foundations. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 37(4):228-241
•Beebe, B. Knoblauch, S. Rustin, J. Sorter, D. (2003). Introduction: A Systems View. Psychoanal. Dial., 13(6):743-775
Educational objectives Il corso intende introdurre lo studente al rapporto dell'uomo con l'ambiente (non umano) al fine identificare meccanismio e aspetti che contribuiscono a determinare il suo benessere all'interno di una logica di sostenibilità. Il corso intende formare sulle differenze psicologiche individuali e a identificare processi e meccanismi che consentono una progettazione degli ambienti in una logica inclusiva e di benessere delle persone
Prerequisites Lo studente deve essere in possesso delle conosce di base relative alla Psicologia Dinamica.
Tali conoscenze sono utili al fine di comprendere i contenuti trattai dal corso
Teaching methods Lezioni frontali. Lavori in gruppo (se possibile)
Other information Unistudium è usato per comunicare (avvisi e messaggi) oltre che per fornire eventuali materaili didattici
Learning verification modality Esame scritto e/o orale
Esame scritto: 15 domande chiuse e 1 domanda aperta.

Nel caso in cui lo studente intenda anticipare l’esame in un anno precedente a quello programmato nel piano di studio, si raccomanda di frequentare il ciclo delle lezioni e di sostenere l’esame nel primo appello utile dopo che le lezioni medesime siano terminate, nel rispetto quindi del semestre di programmazione dell’insegnamento.

Sheltered Housing

Code A001954
Teacher Giovanna Ramaccini
  • Giovanna Ramaccini
  • 64 ore - Giovanna Ramaccini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Design e comunicazioni multimediali
Academic discipline ICAR/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course aims to convey the role assumed by interior design in promoting personal well-being, with specific reference to living spaces for frail persons.
Reference texts Arthur, P., Passini, R. (1992). Wayfinding: People, Signs, and Architecture. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Hall, H.T. (1968). La dimensione nascosta. Milano: Bompiani.

Ku, B., Lupton, E. (2020). Health design thinking. Creating products and services for better health. New York: Cooper Hewitt.

Meuser, P. (Eds.) (2019). Consruction and Design Manual. Accessibility and Wayfinding. Berlin: DOM.

Pilozzi, F., Torresan, M. (eds.) (2018). La comunicazione visiva per la salute. Wayfinding, pittogrammi e health literacy nello spazio ospedaliero. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Spinelli, F., Bellini, E., Bocci, P., Fossati, R. (1994). Lo spazio terapeutico. Un metodo per il Progetto di umanizzazione degli spazi ospedalieri. Firenze: Alinea.

Turillazzi, B. (2007). Edilizia Sanitaria Territoriale. Il Progetto e la realizzazione di strutture sanitarie destinate all’assistenza, la cura palliative e la lungodegenza. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli Editore.
Educational objectives The course aims to provide students with the tools to analyse, understand and modify the interior environments of living spaces for frail persons. To this end, the teaching mainly aims:
to provide the student with theoretical and analytical knowledge, mainly aimed at acquiring knowledge of the evolution of residential healthcare structures and the acquisition of a rigorous analysis methodology;
to provide the student with technical and design knowledge, mainly aimed at acquiring a knowledge of the minimum design requirements as well as a critical capacity for their application in specific contexts.
Teaching methods The course is divided into theoretical lectures and design activities.
Other information The professor will communicate with students for exam results and/or course materials via www.unistudium.unipg.it.
Learning verification modality The examination includes an individual oral test focusing on the discussion of theoretical content and the presentation of design activities. These tests are aimed at checking the level of cognitive, critical and relational skills.
Extended program Acquire a basic knowledge of the history of the evolution of healthcare structures associated with the evolution of the concept of care;
acquire knowledge of the different types of housing for frail persons, both in the national and international contexts;
acquire a basic knowledge of the regulations for the design of healthcare facilities, with specific reference to those intended for frail persons;
learn the criteria for analysing and evaluating design solutions;
acquire knowledge of the principles of Universal Design and the emotional aspects associated with them;
acquire knowledge of design criteria and strategies to improve living conditions and the use of interior spaces;
develop an awareness of the centrality assumed by the issue of housing for fragile individuals, both in the national and international context;
develop an awareness of the potential social role of interior design for frail persons.

Safety Fashion Design

Code A001955
Teacher Simona Ottieri
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Design e comunicazioni multimediali
Academic discipline ICAR/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The SAFETY FASHION DESIGN course, aims to provide the student with the knowledge for the design of fashion garments according to the principles of health, well-being and safety. These criteria represent a possibility to play a central role in the testing of new materials and the application of advanced technologies.
Reference texts Fiorani E., Moda, corpo, immaginario. Il divenire moda del mondo fra tradizione e innovazione, POLI. DESIGN, 2009¿
Bertola P., La moda progettata. Le (sette meno una) vie del design. Editore: Pitagora, 2009¿.
Sbordone M. A., Work Dress Design, Alinea, Firenze, 2007
Sbordone M. A., Discronie. Fenomeni del contemporaneo nella moda e nel design. Alinea, Firenze, 2012.¿
Educational objectives The objectives of the course are oriented to provide students with operational tools for the implementation of their previous design skills and critical in the safety fashion design sector with the design of a technical garment or a wearable.
Prerequisites Acquired knowledge, in part already settled, in stylistic representation, in the culture of design for technical clothing and in technical knowledge for the use of innovative textile materials are required.
Teaching methods The course will be organized in workshops and frontal lessons.
Seminars and lectures will be organised on the topics covered by the programme, by experts in the field and emerging technologies.
Other information The final assessment shall be made on the basis of the past and final tests.
Learning verification modality The checks corresponding to the educational objectives will be conducted in the classroom through the delivery of specific works in free format, accompanied by a multimedia presentation, and by any prototypes. Monthly checks will be carried out (elapsed tests).
Extended program The Safety Fashion Design course, aims to provide the student with the knowledge for the design of technical garments for safety and wellness.
Representing this a still little explored possibility in the fashion world, it is called to play a central role in the experimentation of innovative materials and advanced technologies to meet the needs of specific user categories.
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