Biomedical laboratory techniques
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A001507
Teacher Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
  • Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
  • 14 ore - Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di laboratorio biomedico
Academic discipline BIO/12
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIANO
Contents The structure of nucleic acids
The organization of the genome
The structure of RNA
DNA replication
Mechanisms of DNA recombination repair
Transcription in prokaryotes
Transcription in eukaryotes
RNA modification processes
Regulatory RNA
Molecular biology techniques
Educational objectives Molecular biology is a life sciences discipline that studies living beings at the level of the molecular mechanisms underlying their physiology, focusing on the interactions between macromolecules, with particular attention to those between proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) . The mechanisms underlying the fine regulation of the flow of genetic information represent one of the most salient points. The main objective of the course is to provide students with the bases to deal with the study and understanding of the mechanisms underlying the control of gene expression that act at different levels, transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational and post-translational. The student is guided along the way, so that he arrives at the understanding of molecular logic. The laboratory activities will have the task of making students understand how basic knowledge can be used to investigate nucleic acids and their characteristics, and how DNA can be manipulated for biotechnological purposes. The main objective of the course is to provide students with the foundations for tackling the study and understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms responsible for the structure, replication and expression of the genome.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of cell biology and biochemistry.
Teaching methods Frontal lesson
Other information
Learning verification modality write exam
Extended program The structure of nucleic acids
The discovery of DNA: historical perspectives. Nucleosides and nucleotides. The primary and secondary structure of DNA. The alternative forms of the double helix A, B, Z. DNA properties; hyperchromic effect. Tertiary structure of DNA: DNA supercoiling. Topoisomerases. Sequencing and synthesis of oligonucleotides.
The organization of the genome
From nucleotides to chromatin The genome project, sequenced genomes. Prokaryotic genome. Structure and organization of the eukaryotic genome, gene families. The bacterial genome. Plasmids. Bacteriophages. DNA virus. Mitochondrial DNA. RNA genomes. Chromatin structure: the nucleosome, the 10 nm fiber, the 30 nm fiber. Echromatin and heterochromatin.
The structure of RNA
Secondary and tertiary structure of RNA. Biological functions of the different types of RNA. Catalysis by RNA. The ribozymes. The world at RNA.
DNA replication
Semi-conservative replication. DNA replication mechanism in prokaryotes and eukaryotic cells: beginning, lengthening term; proteins and enzymes involved in replication. Telomere maintenance: the role of telomerase in DNA replication in aging and cancer.
Mechanisms of DNA recombination repair
Mutations. The general classes of DNA damage. Replication errors.

Shelter systems for damaged bases (BER, NER, MMR) and interruptions of the DNA strand (SSB repair and DSB repair through NHEJ and HR). Homologous recombination and DNA transposition (transposons and retrotransposons).
Transcription in prokaryotes
The mechanisms of transcription. The structure of bacterial promoters. The structure of bacterial RNA polymerase. The regulation of the lactose operon (lac). The transcriptional attenuation of the tryptophan operon (trp).
Transcription in eukaryotes
The components of the general transcription machinery. The structure of RNA polymerase II. The mechanism of transcription by RNA polymerase II. The general picture of transcriptional regulation. Transcription factors. Proteins that bind DNA in a specific sequence (the main protein domains). Control of transcriptional regulators (coactivators and corepressors). The assembly of the transcription complex. The hanceososoma model.
Histone changes (methylation, acetylation). DNA methylation. CpG islands. Chromatin remodeling. Genomic imprinting. Inactivation of the X chromosome.
RNA modification processes
Chemical changes affecting RNA (snoRNP and ribosomal RNA). RNA splicing. Introns capable of autosplicing (group I and group II). Assisted splicing (group III), spliceosome. The changes on the 5th and 3rd. Alternative splicing. RNA editing. The transport of mRNA.
The genetic code. Structure and assembly of ribosomes. The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and the loading of the aminoacyl-tRNA. The proofreading activity of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Translation factors. The beginning of the translation. Lengthening phase and formation of the peptide bond. Translocation. Termination phase. Translation in eukaryotes. Translation factors in eukaryotes and differences with prokaryotes. Translational and post-translational control.
Regulatory RNA
Post-transcriptional gene regulation. Production and functioning of miRNAs and siRNAs. Antisense oligonucleotides, RNA interference (RNAi). Applications.
Molecular biology techniques
The Human Genome Project. The main classes of restriction endonucleases. .Recombinant DNA technology and molecular cloning (vectors and plasmids, transformation techniques). The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and its applications. Production of recombinant proteins in bacterial, animal and vegetable systems. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and related production techniques.


Code A001505
Teacher Bernard Fioretti
  • Bernard Fioretti
  • 30 ore - Bernard Fioretti
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents - Neurophysiology: resting potential, action potential, graded potentials, synaptic transmission, ion channels, action potential conduction, neuromuscular synapse and muscle contraction. Sensory physiology.

- Cardiovascular system: hemodynamics, vessel resistance, cardiac physiology, electrical activity of the heart, cardiac mechanics, cardiac cycle, cardiac output, blood pressure and regulation.

- Physiology of the gastrointestinal system, digestion and absorption, secretions of the digestive system.

- Respiratory system: respiratory mechanics, alveolar exchanges, gas transport, regulation of respiration, acid-base balance.

- Urinary system: functions of the renal system, glomerular filtration, reabsorption, secretion, renal clearance, hydroelectrolytic balance, acid-base balance.

-Reproductive physiology: folliculgenesis and spermatogenesis: the ovarian cycle and sex hormones
Reference texts Fisiologia Umana – Elementi –editore Edi-ermes

Fisiologia - molecole, cellule e sistemi - editore Edi-ermes - a cura di D'Angelo e Peres
Educational objectives Knowledge of the integrated functioning of the various physiological systems aimed at maintaining homeostasis.
Prerequisites For a better understanding of the content and for the achievement of the objectives of the teaching it is desirable that at the beginning of the lessons the student already possesses the basic knowledge of biochemistry
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows: Lectures on all subjects of the course.
Projection of movies concerning some topics that will complement the lectures.
Other information
Learning verification modality The exam consists in a final oral examination to evaluate the logical and exhibition abilities on the topics.
Extended program Homeostasis, feedbacks and feedforward. Biological membranes and diffusion: transporters and channels. resting Membrane potential and Action Potential. Chemical and electrical synapses. The neurotransmitters. Neuromuscular transmission and excitation-contraction coupling of skeletal muscle. The smooth muscle.

Autonomic nervous system: 1) Orthosympathetic system and catecholaminergic transmission and 2) the parasympathetic system and cholinergic transmission. Physiology of the cardiovascular system: relationship between pressure, flow and resistance, Poiseuille's law. Parameters that determine vascular resistances. Cardiac rhythmicity and conduction of cardiac action potential. Ionic bases of action potentials. Identification of the electrical activation time sequence of the various regions of the heart and of the conduction speed in the different parts of the conduction system: ECG. Control of heart rate and systolic output and the physiology of microcirculation and lymphatic circulation. Mechanisms underlying the exchanges between blood and interstitial fluid.

Physiology of the respiratory system: mechanisms of modification of the lung volume, air movements and pressures that determine it. Laplace's law applied to the alveolus. Compliance concept. Measurement of lung volumes, spirometer. Anatomical dead space. Respiratory minute volume, pulmonary, alveolar and dead space ventilation. Alveolo-capillary gas exchange. Composition and partial pressures in atmospheric, inspired and alveolar air. Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Law of diffusion and factors affecting the diffusion rate. Transport of oxygen in the blood. Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, analysis of the curve and its physiological significance. Factors affecting the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Transport of carbon dioxide.

Physiology of the renal system: the nephron and the characteristics of the glomerular filtration barrier. The renal functions of filtration, reabsorption and secretion. Definition of GFR and inulin clearance, creatinine and glucose clearance. Physiological control of glomerular filtration and renal blood flow. Reabsorption and secretion in the different tracts of the neuphrone. Osmotic control of ADH secretion. Renin-angiotensin system, aldosterone. Defenses against pH variations, buffer systems. Renal control of acid-base balance. Quantification of the acidifying capacity of the kidney: reabsorption of bicarbonate and glucose, elimination of ammonium ion. Chewing and swallowing. The motor functions of the stomach, small intestine and colon. Peristalsis and its neurobiology. Gastrointestinal reflexes, defecation and vomiting. Mechanisms of salivary, esophageal, gastric, pancreatic, biliary secretion and neuro-hormonal regulation. The enterohepatic recirculation. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Fundamental principles of gastrointestinal absorption.

Endocrine system physiology: Hormone-mediated intercellular mechanisms. Mechanisms of hormone secretion and its regulation: nervous, chronotropic and feedback control.
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