Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Barbara Cellini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP001713
Teacher Barbara Cellini
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Barbara Cellini
  • Barbara Cellini
  • 30 ore - Barbara Cellini
Language of instruction
Chemical bonds. Solutions. Functional groups of organic molecules. Molecules of biological interest. Metabolic pathways. Krebs cycle. Respiratory chain. Oxidative phosphorylation. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and aminoacids.
Reference texts
Biochimica e Biologia per le professioni sanitarie - Roberti, Alunni-Bistocchi, Antognelli, Talesa - McGraw-Hill
Le basi della biochimica-Abali-Cline-Franklin-Viselli-Zanichelli
Chimica e biochimica-Samaja-Paroni-Piccin
Chimica e Biochimica- Bertoldi- Colombo-Magni-Marin-Palestini-EdiSES
Nelson-Cox Introduzione alla Biochimica di Lehninger-Zanichelli
Educational objectives
The main aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge of basic properties of biological systems and of the mechanisms controlling cellular homeostasis.

Main knowledge acquired will be:
- properties of water and is importance as cell solvent;
- chemical components of cell;
- properties of solutions, physiological solutions, buffers;
-thermodynamics and kinetics
- functional groups of organic molecules and their reactivity;
- energy transfer in biochemical transformations;
- structure and function of molecules involved in cell metabolism;
-main metabolic transformations;
- hormonal regulation of metabolism in feeding and fasting.

The main competence will be:
- to evaluate the nature and properties of reagents and solutions usually employed in professional practice;
- to understand the general metabolic behavior in physiopathological conditions
For an effective understanding of the topics of Biochemistry, the basic knowledge at high school level of Chemistry and Biology is required. In particular, general knowledge of cell structure, atomic structure, simple inorganic and organic molecules structure, are mandatory.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in lectures on all the subjects. Students are stimulated to interact with the teacher during the lectures.
Other information
Seat: Polo didattico S. Andrea delle fratte-Centro didattico
Consulting: Studio, edificio D 2° piano, via Gambuli, S. Andrea delle Fratte
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of a written test possibly followed by an oral examination relative to the three modules of the integrated course.

The written test, comprising basic questions covering all the topics, aims to assess the minimum basic preparation to face the oral examination.

The oral exam aims to assess the level of knowledge of the subjects of the integrated course, and the ability to make connections and to integrate knowledge, also in relation to the nursing professional activity. The oral exam will also test the student communication skills.
Extended program
PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Hints on atomic structure and periodic table of the elements. The chemical bond: homopolar and heteropolar covalent bond, donor-acceptor bond, electrostatic bonds, hydrogen bond. Hints on the states of the matter. Properties of liquids, vapor pressure. Solutions: concentration units. Osmotic pressure and osmolarity. Physiologic solution. Stoichiometry and equilibrium. Strong and weak electrolytes. Acids and bases. The ionic product of water, pH. pH of acid, base, and salt solutions; buffer solutions. Thermodynamics. Chemical kinetics, catalysis.

ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Oxidation state of carbon in the organic compounds. Hybridization of carbon and functional groups of organic molecules.

Hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, amines, carboxylic acids, esters, amides.

ELEMENTS OF GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY. Carbohydrates. Structure and properties of monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. The glycosidic bond. Carbohydrates of physiological significance: glucose, fructose, ribose, sucrose, lactose, starch, cellulose, glycogen.

Lipids. Structure and properties of fatty acids, acylglycerols, phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol.

Amino acids. Peptide bond. Proteins: structural organization, classification, functions. Denaturation of proteins. Fibrous proteins: keratin and collagen. Structure and functions of hemoglobin and myoglobin, oxygen transport, allosteric modulators. Physiological and pathologic hemoglobins.

Reaction rate. Enzymes as biological catalysts. Effect of substrate concentration, pH, and temperature. Hints on enzyme activity regulation. Clinical importance of enzymes in serum. Notes on vitamins and coenzymes (NAD, FAD).

Overview of metabolic pathways: anabolism, catabolism, linear and cyclic pathways. ATP: structure and role in the metabolism.

The metabolism of carbohydrates. Digestion and absorption of sugars. Glycolysis, metabolism of glycogen, and gluconeogenesis. The hormonal control of blood glucose (insulin and glucagon).

The Krebs cycle. The respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation.

The metabolism of fats. Digestion, absorption, and storage of dietary lipids. Lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation. Biosynthesis of fatty acids and triacylglycerols. Hormonal control of lipolysis and lipogenesis (insulin and glucagon). Lipid transport and plasma lipoproteins. The ketone bodies.

The metabolism of proteins and amino acids. Protein digestion and amino acid absorption. Transamination and deamination reactions. Ureagenesis. The metabolic fate of amino acid carbon skeleton.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Goal 3: Health and well-being.
Goal 4: Quality education

Canale B

Barbara Cellini
  • Barbara Cellini
  • 30 ore - Barbara Cellini
Language of instruction
Chemical bonds. Solutions. Functional groups of organic molecules. Molecules of biological interest. Metabolic pathways. Krebs cycle. Respiratory chain. Oxidative phosphorylation. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and aminoacids.
Reference texts
Biochimica e Biologia per le professioni sanitarie - Roberti, Alunni-Bistocchi, Antognelli, Talesa - McGraw-Hill
Le basi della biochimica-Abali-Cline-Franklin-Viselli-Zanichelli
Chimica e biochimica-Samaja-Paroni-Piccin
Chimica e Biochimica- Bertoldi- Colombo-Magni-Marin-Palestini-EdiSES
Nelson-Cox Introduzione alla Biochimica di Lehninger-Zanichelli
Educational objectives
The main aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge of basic properties of biological systems and of the mechanisms controlling cellular homeostasis.

Main knowledge acquired will be:
- properties of water and is importance as cell solvent;
- chemical components of cell;
- properties of solutions, physiological solutions, buffers;
-thermodynamics and kinetics
- functional groups of organic molecules and their reactivity;
- energy transfer in biochemical transformations;
- structure and function of molecules involved in cell metabolism;
-main metabolic transformations;
- hormonal regulation of metabolism in feeding and fasting.

The main competence will be:
- to evaluate the nature and properties of reagents and solutions usually employed in professional practice;
- to understand the general metabolic behavior in physiopathological conditions
For an effective understanding of the topics of Biochemistry, the basic knowledge at high school level of Chemistry and Biology is required. In particular, general knowledge of cell structure, atomic structure, simple inorganic and organic molecules structure, are mandatory.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in lectures on all the subjects. Students are stimulated to interact with the teacher during the lectures.
Other information
Seat: Polo didattico S. Andrea delle fratte-Centro didattico
Consulting: Studio, edificio D 2° piano, via Gambuli, S. Andrea delle Fratte
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of a written test possibly followed by an oral examination relative to the three modules of the integrated course.

The written test, comprising basic questions covering all the topics, aims to assess the minimum basic preparation to face the oral examination.

The oral exam aims to assess the level of knowledge of the subjects of the integrated course, and the ability to make connections and to integrate knowledge, also in relation to the nursing professional activity. The oral exam will also test the student communication skills.
Extended program
PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Hints on atomic structure and periodic table of the elements. The chemical bond: homopolar and heteropolar covalent bond, donor-acceptor bond, electrostatic bonds, hydrogen bond. Hints on the states of the matter. Properties of liquids, vapor pressure. Solutions: concentration units. Osmotic pressure and osmolarity. Physiologic solution. Stoichiometry and equilibrium. Strong and weak electrolytes. Acids and bases. The ionic product of water, pH. pH of acid, base, and salt solutions; buffer solutions. Thermodynamics. Chemical kinetics, catalysis.

ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Oxidation state of carbon in the organic compounds. Hybridization of carbon and functional groups of organic molecules.

Hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, amines, carboxylic acids, esters, amides.

ELEMENTS OF GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY. Carbohydrates. Structure and properties of monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. The glycosidic bond. Carbohydrates of physiological significance: glucose, fructose, ribose, sucrose, lactose, starch, cellulose, glycogen.

Lipids. Structure and properties of fatty acids, acylglycerols, phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol.

Amino acids. Peptide bond. Proteins: structural organization, classification, functions. Denaturation of proteins. Fibrous proteins: keratin and collagen. Structure and functions of hemoglobin and myoglobin, oxygen transport, allosteric modulators. Physiological and pathologic hemoglobins.

Reaction rate. Enzymes as biological catalysts. Effect of substrate concentration, pH, and temperature. Hints on enzyme activity regulation. Clinical importance of enzymes in serum. Notes on vitamins and coenzymes (NAD, FAD).

Overview of metabolic pathways: anabolism, catabolism, linear and cyclic pathways. ATP: structure and role in the metabolism.

The metabolism of carbohydrates. Digestion and absorption of sugars. Glycolysis, metabolism of glycogen, and gluconeogenesis. The hormonal control of blood glucose (insulin and glucagon).

The Krebs cycle. The respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation.

The metabolism of fats. Digestion, absorption, and storage of dietary lipids. Lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation. Biosynthesis of fatty acids and triacylglycerols. Hormonal control of lipolysis and lipogenesis (insulin and glucagon). Lipid transport and plasma lipoproteins. The ketone bodies.

The metabolism of proteins and amino acids. Protein digestion and amino acid absorption. Transamination and deamination reactions. Ureagenesis. The metabolic fate of amino acid carbon skeleton.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Goal 3: Health and well-being.
Goal 4: Quality education


Code GP001715
Teacher Barbara Cellini
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Cinzia Antognelli
  • Cinzia Antognelli
  • 30 ore - Cinzia Antognelli
Language of instruction
Characteristics of living organisms. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Structure and function of cell membrane and cellular organelles. Genome organization. Gene expression and its regulation. DNA duplication and reparation. Mutations. Cell cycle and its control. General genetics.
Reference texts
R. Roberti, G. Alunni Bistocchi, C. Antognelli, VN Talesa - Biochimica e Biologia per le professioni sanitarie – McGrawHill

P. Bonaldo, S. Suga, R. Pierantoni, P. Riva, M.G, Romanelli- Biologia e Genetica – EdiSES
Educational objectives
Objective of the course is the integrated study of the cell and living organisms, with particular reference to the mechanisms involved in the biogenesis of membranes, organelles and cellular structures, interactions among cells and interactions between cells and extracellular environment, duplication and transmission of genetic information, cell cycle and its control. Human genetics
Basic elements of chemistry.
Teaching methods
Other information
Site of the teacher:
Department of Medicine and Surgery - Building B, 4° floor - P.le L. Severi 1 - Sant'Andrea delle Fratte - Perugia.
Student reception: the professor is always available to receive students upon request via email (cinzia.antognelli@unipg.it).
Learning verification modality
Written (single-choice questions) and integrated examination with Biochemistry and Physics.
Extended program
The characteristics of living organisms. Biological macromolecules: proteins, lipids and glucids (general characteristics). Models of cellular organization: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Viruses: general characteristics. Animal eukaryotic cell. Plasma membrane: structure and functions. The main mechanisms of membrane transport and cellular communication; cytoplasm; ribosomes; rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi apparatus; lysosomes; peroxisomes; mitochondria and the energy problem; cytoskeleton (general characteristics), nucleus and nucleolus. DNA and RNA: structure and function. Organization of chromatin, chromosomes. The eukaryotic gene. Gene expression: transcription, maturation of primary transcripts, genetic code, translation. Regulation of gene expression: general characteristics. Cell cycle: interphase, DNA replication, mitosis. Cell cycle control: check-point and CdK-cyclines. Proto-oncogenes, oncogenes and tumor suppressor. Gene mutations (point mutations, missense, nonsense, neutral mutations), genomic mutations (aneuploidy and polyploidy mutations) and chromosomal mutations (deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation). Human normal and pathological karyotype. Heterochromatinization of the X chromosome. Reproduction of multicellular organisms; meiosis and its biological meaning, gametogenesis (spermatogenesis and oogenesis). Basic concepts of formal genetics: allele, haploid and diploid organisms, genotype, phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous organisms, dominance, recessiveness, Mendel's laws and extensions to Mendelian analysis (incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles). Basic concepts of medical genetics: family trees, dominant and recessive autosomal inheritance, sex-linked inheritance (X-linked and Y-linked). Multifactorial and polygenic inheritance. Mitochondrial inheritance. Blood types.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Health and wellness.

Canale B

Cinzia Antognelli
  • Cinzia Antognelli
  • 30 ore - Cinzia Antognelli
Language of instruction
Characteristics of living organisms. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Structure and function of cell membrane and cellular organelles. Genome organization. Gene expression and its regulation. DNA duplication and reparation. Mutations. Cell cycle and its control. General genetics.
Reference texts
R. Roberti, G. Alunni Bistocchi, C. Antognelli, VN Talesa - Biochimica e Biologia per le professioni sanitarie – McGrawHill

P. Bonaldo, S. Suga, R. Pierantoni, P. Riva, M.G, Romanelli- Biologia e Genetica – EdiSES
Educational objectives
Objective of the course is the integrated study of the cell and living organisms, with particular reference to the mechanisms involved in the biogenesis of membranes, organelles and cellular structures, interactions among cells and interactions between cells and extracellular environment, duplication and transmission of genetic information, cell cycle and its control. Human genetics
Basic elements of chemistry.
Teaching methods
Other information
Site of the teacher:
Department of Medicine and Surgery - Building B, 4° floor - P.le L. Severi 1 - Sant'Andrea delle Fratte - Perugia.
Student reception: the professor is always available to receive students upon request via email (cinzia.antognelli@unipg.it).
Learning verification modality
Written (single-choice questions) and integrated examination with Biochemistry and Physics.
Extended program
The characteristics of living organisms. Biological macromolecules: proteins, lipids and glucids (general characteristics). Models of cellular organization: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Viruses: general characteristics. Animal eukaryotic cell. Plasma membrane: structure and functions. The main mechanisms of membrane transport and cellular communication; cytoplasm; ribosomes; rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi apparatus; lysosomes; peroxisomes; mitochondria and the energy problem; cytoskeleton (general characteristics), nucleus and nucleolus. DNA and RNA: structure and function. Organization of chromatin, chromosomes. The eukaryotic gene. Gene expression: transcription, maturation of primary transcripts, genetic code, translation. Regulation of gene expression: general characteristics. Cell cycle: interphase, DNA replication, mitosis. Cell cycle control: check-point and CdK-cyclines. Proto-oncogenes, oncogenes and tumor suppressor. Gene mutations (point mutations, missense, nonsense, neutral mutations), genomic mutations (aneuploidy and polyploidy mutations) and chromosomal mutations (deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation). Human normal and pathological karyotype. Heterochromatinization of the X chromosome. Reproduction of multicellular organisms; meiosis and its biological meaning, gametogenesis (spermatogenesis and oogenesis). Basic concepts of formal genetics: allele, haploid and diploid organisms, genotype, phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous organisms, dominance, recessiveness, Mendel's laws and extensions to Mendelian analysis (incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles). Basic concepts of medical genetics: family trees, dominant and recessive autosomal inheritance, sex-linked inheritance (X-linked and Y-linked). Multifactorial and polygenic inheritance. Mitochondrial inheritance. Blood types.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Health and wellness.


Code GP001714
Teacher Andrea Biscarini
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze propedeutiche
Academic discipline FIS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Andrea Biscarini
  • Andrea Biscarini
  • 15 ore - Andrea Biscarini
Language of instruction
Physical quantities and vector algebra.
Point mass and rigid body mechanics.
Musculo-skeletal biomechanics.
Fluid mechanics, blood circulation.
Elatic waves, human ear, ultrasounds in medicine.
Thermology, thermoregulation of human body.
Electromagnetism, radiations in medicine.
Reference texts
D. Scannicchio. "Fisica biomedica". Edises (2013).
Slides projected and downloadable from the UniStudium platform.
Educational objectives
Knowledge and understanding of the fundamental laws and principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.
Ability to use the acquired theoretical knowledge for handling with methodological rigor the physical problems that arise in the biomedical fields.
Necessary prerequisites: basic knowledge of algebra.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lectures on all subjects of the course.
Other information
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of a unique written test.

The examination is aimed at assessing: a) the degree of knowledge and understanding; b) the ability to apply the acquired competences to the biomedical field; c) the quality of presentation (clarity, coherence, scientific accuracy, completeness, ability to synthesize).

The written test has a duration of 1 hours and consist of 3 open-answer questions. For each topic, students are asked to discuss the possible biomedical applications. A score from 0 to 10 points is assigned to each answer.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
1.1 - Physics, physical quantities, systems of units of measurement.
1.2 - Elementary vector algebra.

2.1 - Point mass kinematics.
2.2 - Point mass dynamics.
2.3 - Work and energy.
2.4 - Mechanics of point mass systems and rigid bodies.
2.5 - Levers and anatomical levers.
2.5 - Biomechanics of the musculo-skeletal system.

3.1 - States of matter. Elasiticy. Fluids.
3.2 - Fluid statics.
3.3 - Fluid dynamics and blood circulation.

4.1 - Waves in elastic media.
4.2 - Sound and human ear.
4.3 - Ultrasounds in medicine.

5.1 - Elements of calorimetry and thermodynamics.
5.2 - Thermoregulation of human body.

6.1 - Electic and magnetic interactions.
6.2 - Electromagnetic waves.
6.3 - Radiations in medicine.

Canale B

Andrea Biscarini
  • Andrea Biscarini
  • 15 ore - Andrea Biscarini
Language of instruction
Physical quantities and vector algebra.
Point mass and rigid body mechanics.
Musculo-skeletal biomechanics.
Fluid mechanics, blood circulation.
Elatic waves, human ear, ultrasounds in medicine.
Thermology, thermoregulation of human body.
Electromagnetism, radiations in medicine.
Reference texts
D. Scannicchio. "Fisica biomedica". Edises (2013).
Slides projected and downloadable from the UniStudium platform.
Educational objectives
Knowledge and understanding of the fundamental laws and principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.
Ability to use the acquired theoretical knowledge for handling with methodological rigor the physical problems that arise in the biomedical fields.
Necessary prerequisites: basic knowledge of algebra.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lectures on all subjects of the course.
Other information
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of a unique written test.

The examination is aimed at assessing: a) the degree of knowledge and understanding; b) the ability to apply the acquired competences to the biomedical field; c) the quality of presentation (clarity, coherence, scientific accuracy, completeness, ability to synthesize).

The written test has a duration of 1 hours and consist of 3 open-answer questions. For each topic, students are asked to discuss the possible biomedical applications. A score from 0 to 10 points is assigned to each answer.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
1.1 - Physics, physical quantities, systems of units of measurement.
1.2 - Elementary vector algebra.

2.1 - Point mass kinematics.
2.2 - Point mass dynamics.
2.3 - Work and energy.
2.4 - Mechanics of point mass systems and rigid bodies.
2.5 - Levers and anatomical levers.
2.5 - Biomechanics of the musculo-skeletal system.

3.1 - States of matter. Elasiticy. Fluids.
3.2 - Fluid statics.
3.3 - Fluid dynamics and blood circulation.

4.1 - Waves in elastic media.
4.2 - Sound and human ear.
4.3 - Ultrasounds in medicine.

5.1 - Elements of calorimetry and thermodynamics.
5.2 - Thermoregulation of human body.

6.1 - Electic and magnetic interactions.
6.2 - Electromagnetic waves.
6.3 - Radiations in medicine.
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