Imaging and radiotherapy techniques
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Anna Maria Stabile
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000084
Teacher Anna Maria Stabile
  • Anna Maria Stabile
  • 36 ore - Anna Maria Stabile
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Understanding 3 fundamental aspects of the anatomical systems:
1. systems meet specific functional requirements;
2. systems consist of various organs functionally interconnected;
3. The cardiovascular system, the nervous system and the endocrine system functionally interconnect different organs and anatomical systems.

On this basis it will require understanding of the key concepts relating to:

• normal macroscopic structure of the major organs and systems with particular reference to a topographic setting of the same
• Histological structure correlated with the function
• Functional considerations and Medical applications for the understanding of the structures
Reference texts Prometheus Martini. Anatomia Umana
Prometheus. Atlante di Anatomia Umana Edises
Lumley Anatomia di Superficie. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.
Elementi di Anatomia Umana. Gilroy Anne M.
Anatomia del Gray - I fondamenti
di Gray - Drake -
Educational objectives The course in human anatomy aims to present the anatomo-clinical characterization of the human body at the macroscopic, microscopic, and ultrastructural levels, including the time dimension from embryonic development, organogenesis, somatic growth, and aging.
At the end of the course, the student should know the essential morphological and biomechanical characteristics, modalities of functioning and general control mechanisms of anatomical systems, organs, tissues and cells of the human body, as well as their main morpho-functional correlates under normal conditions.
1) Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course, the student knows and understands the structural and functional organization of the human body; knows and understands the main anatomo-clinical applications of structural organization at each structural level of the human body.
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course, the student possesses the ability to be able to connect the macroscopic, structural and ultrastructural organization of systems and organs with the corresponding functions. The student is able to recognize the macroscopic structure of systems and organs, knowing how to connect it to notions of surface anatomy, topographical, radiological and clinical anatomy so as to be able to identify and interpret anatomical regions and structures. He/she is also able to apply anatomical knowledge in solving problems related to understanding physiology, pathology, instrumental physical semeiotics and clinical correlates. 3)Communication skills: at the end of the course, the student will have the ability to be able to describe and explain (both in oral and written form) the normal morphology and structure of the human body also knowing how to effectively use the communicative tools proper to scientific publications and communications.
4) Learning skills: by the end of the course, the student will have acquired the cross-curricular learning skills common to the logic of scientific inquiry in the biomedical field.
Prerequisites Basic concepts in biology, embriology and histology are required

Basic concepts of learning methodology
Teaching methods At the beginning of the course, the lecturer explains the main learning methodologies based on modern pedagogical principles for learning.

Frontal lectures, clinical anatomy tutorials are organized to set up for anatomy students, including plastic models and bone material
All the didactical material (slide, videos from dissections) is available on the website Unistudium. The student can download in his/her device the slides of the daily lecture before the beginning of the lecture.
Other information The course of Human Anatomy is topographically and clinically oriented
Learning verification modality The final exam will be based on at least three questions concerning the program developed in the frontal lessons. In this part of the exam, the judgment will be defined on the basis of how the student will answer the questions posed (non-answer, wrong answer or superficial answer or thorough and discussed from several points of view) and on the basis of how he/she demonstrates:
o have clearly acquired the knowledge and skills provided by the Course according to the objectives specified above;
o be able to transversally organize the knowledge acquired by topic during the course;
o being able to express oneself clearly and using the correct terminology;
o have acquired knowledge by not only referring to the material taken from the lessons or provided by the teacher in class (lecture notes, slides or handouts).
Oral examination
The test consists of an interview in which questions relating to at least n. 5 different program topics. The test allows to verify: I) the level of knowledge of the subject; II) expository clarity; III) the property of medical-scientific language.

Parameters for assigning the final grade:

Grade 29-30 cum laude: the student has an IN-DEPTH knowledge of the subject, has excellent communication skills and masters the medical-scientific language.
Grade 26-28: the student has a GOOD knowledge of the subject and explains the topics clearly using appropriate medical-scientific language;
Grade 22-25: the student has a MODERATE knowledge of the subject, even if limited to the main topics and explains the topics quite clearly with a moderate property of language;
Mark 18-21: the student has the MINIMUM knowledge of the subject and explains the topics in a sufficiently clear way although the property of the language is poorly developed;
Failed exam: the student DOES NOT HAVE THE MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE required of the main teaching contents. The ability to use the specific language is very little or none and she is not able to independently apply the acquired knowledge.
Thorax, abdomen, inguinal canal, urinary system, digestive system,pelvis and perineum, arm, leg, nervous system, eye, ear, endocrine systemm.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 3,4,5


Code GP003724
Teacher Leonardo Gatticchi
  • Leonardo Gatticchi
  • 24 ore - Leonardo Gatticchi
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italiano
Contents Legami chimici. Soluzioni. Molecole di interesse biologico. Vie metaboliche. Ciclo di Krebs. Catena respiratoria. Fosforilazione ossidativa. Metabolismo di carboidrati, lipidi e amminoacidi.
Reference texts Biochimica e Biologia per le professioni sanitarie - Roberti, Alunni-Bistocchi, Antognelli, Talesa - McGraw-Hill

Introduzione alla Biochimica di Lehninger - Nelson-Cox
Educational objectives L’obiettivo principale dell’insegnamento è quello di fornire agli studenti conoscenze sulle proprietà fondamentali dei sistemi biologici e sui meccanismi che controllano l’omeostasi cellulare.

Le conoscenze acquisite saranno:
-proprietà dell’acqua e sua importanza come solvente dell’ambiente cellulare;
-componenti chimici delle cellule;
-proprietà delle soluzioni, soluzioni fisiologiche, soluzioni tampone;
-gruppi funzionali delle molecole organiche e loro reattività;
-trasferimenti di energia nelle trasformazioni biochimiche;
-conoscenza della struttura e della funzione di molecole implicate nel metabolismo cellulare;
-principali trasformazioni metaboliche;
-principali regolazioni ormonali del metabolismo.

Le conoscenze acquisite dovranno fornire agli studenti le seguenti abilità:

-saper riconoscere la natura e le proprietà di reattivi e soluzioni normalmente usati nel corso dell’attività professionale;

-comprendere il quadro metabolico generale in condizioni fisiopatologiche.
Prerequisites Al fine di seguire con profitto il Corso di Biochimica è necessario avere acquisito le conoscenze di base di chimica a livello di Scuola media superiore. In particolare, per la comprensione del linguaggio utilizzato in Biochimica lo studente deve possedere conoscenze generali della struttura dell’atomo e di molecole semplici inorganiche e organiche.
Teaching methods Il corso si svolge mediante lezioni frontali su tutti gli argomenti del programma. Durante le lezioni frontali gli studenti sono stimolati a intervenire per la richiesta di chiarimenti.
Other information http://etsrm.it
Learning verification modality L’esame prevede una prova scritta e una prova orale.
La prova scritta consiste in un test con domande di base su tutti gli argomenti del programma di esame e ha l’obiettivo di valutare la preparazione minima di base per poter affrontare l’esame orale.
La prova orale ha l’obiettivo di valutare il livello di conoscenza della materia del corso e le capacità di collegamento e integrazione delle conoscenze. La prova orale consentirà anche di valutare la capacità espositiva e la proprietà di linguaggio dello studente. La valutazione finale tiene conto particolarmente della prova orale.

Per informazioni sui servizi di supporto agli studenti con disabilità e/o DSA visita la pagina http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program ELEMENTI DI CHIMICA GENERALE. Cenni sulla struttura dell’atomo. La tavola periodica degli elementi. Il legame chimico: legame covalente omopolare ed eteropolare, legame dativo, legami elettrostatici, legame idrogeno. Composti inorganici di rilevanza biologica. Cenni sugli stati della materia. Proprietà dei liquidi, pressione di vapore. Soluzioni, unità di concentrazione. Pressione osmotica e osmolarità. Soluzione fisiologica. Elettroliti forti e deboli; equilibrio chimico. Acidi e basi. Prodotto ionico dell'acqua, pH. Il pH di soluzioni di acidi, basi, sali, soluzioni tampone.

ELEMENTI DI CHIMICA ORGANICA. Stati di ossidazione del carbonio nei composti organici. Ibridazione del carbonio e gruppi funzionali delle molecole organiche. Principali classi di composti organici: idrocarburi, alcoli, aldeidi e chetoni, ammine, acidi carbossilici, esteri, ammidi.

ELEMENTI DI BIOCHIMICA GENERALE. Glucidi. Struttura e proprietà di monosaccaridi, disaccaridi e polisaccaridi. Il legame glicosidico. Glucidi di interesse biologico (glucosio, fruttosio, ribosio, saccarosio, lattosio, amido, cellulosa, glicogeno).
Lipidi. Struttura e proprietà di acidi grassi, acilgliceroli, fosfolipidi, glicolipidi e colesterolo.
Amminoacidi. Proteine: organizzazione strutturale, classificazione, funzioni, denaturazione. Struttura e funzione della mioglobina e dell'emoglobina; trasporto dell'ossigeno. Emoglobine fisiologiche e patologiche.
Velocità di reazione. Enzimi come catalizzatori biologici. Effetto della concentrazione del substrato, del pH, della temperatura. Cenni sulla regolazione dell'attività enzimatica. Significato clinico della concentrazione degli enzimi nel plasma. Cenni sulle vitamine e sui coenzimi (NAD e FAD).

ELEMENTI DI BIOCHIMICA DINAMICA. Organizzazione generale del metabolismo: anabolismo, catabolismo, vie e cicli metabolici. ATP: struttura e funzione nel metabolismo.
Il metabolismo terminale. Ciclo di Krebs. Catena respiratoria e fosforilazione ossidativa.
Il metabolismo glucidico. Digestione e assorbimento dei glucidi. Glicolisi, glicogenolisi, glicogenosintesi, gluconeogenesi. Regolazione ormonale della glicemia (insulina e glucagone).
Il metabolismo lipidico. Digestione, assorbimento e immagazzinamento dei lipidi della dieta. Lipolisi e ossidazione degli acidi grassi. Biosintesi degli acidi grassi e dei trigliceridi. Controllo ormonale della lipolisi e della lipogenesi (insulina e glucagone). Trasporto dei lipidi e lipoproteine plasmatiche. Corpi chetonici.
Il metabolismo delle proteine e degli amminoacidi. Digestione delle proteine e assorbimento degli amminoacidi. Le reazioni di transamminazione e deamminazione. Ureogenesi. Destino dello scheletro carbonioso degli amminoacidi.


Code GP003904
Teacher Tiziano Baroni
  • Tiziano Baroni
  • 24 ore - Tiziano Baroni
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Contents Tissue organization: structure and functions. Gametogenesis. Fertilization. First stages of embryo development.
Reference texts Autori vari: Citologia & Istologia umana 2^ Ed. (Idelson-Gnocchi)
Educational objectives The main knowledge that students will acquire will be:-critical knowledge of the essential morphological features of the normal tissues related to the function that the tissues have in the body;- knowledge of the distribution and features of the tissues in the human body as introduction to anatomy. The main  competence (ability to apply the acquired knowledges) will be:-ability to recognize tissues under light microscopy or by examinating histological images of tissues specimens.
Prerequisites Basic scientific notions acquired in high school on general Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
1) face to face lectures on all subjects of the course; during lectures, teacher uses video and slide projections as main tools;
2) laboratory exercises at Histology Lab to examine the normal morphology of cells and tissues. The morphology will be studied by examining histological sections under light microscope.
Other information The attendance is compulsory (at last 70% of lessons). Building B polo universitario- Pzza L. Severi S. andrea delle Fratte Perugia.
Learning verification modality The exam include: A) Idoneative practical test on optical microscope (three histological specimen; 15 minutes) to check the ability to use the optical microscope, the knowledge of the main histological laboratory techniques and the ability to distinguish the various tissues in histological specimen. As an alternative to the practical test, a written test consisting of 20 closed and/or open-ended questions may be held. The assessment will consist of 1 point for each correct answer and 0 points for each incorrect or not given answer. A pass mark = 12 points will allow the oral test. B) Oral exam of Histology and Embriology (almost three questions, about 20 minutes) to assess logical and knowledge competence learning and the ability to interpret data. More specifically, the student will have to show if he has learnt the main morphological, ultrastructural characteristics of the human body tissues. The practical test (or the alternative written test) and the oral test are aimed at verifying that the student is able to communicate, with method, propriety of language and of exposure.¿For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Methods in Histology. Lining epithelia. Exocrine and endocrine glands. Connective tissue. Extracellular matrix (fibers, collagen biosynthesis, basal lamina). The cells of the connective tissue. Adipose tissue (generalities, white adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue). Blood (blood cells, plasma). Types of cartilage. Bone tissue (bone cells, organic and inorganic bone matrix). Intramembranous bone formation. Endochondral bone formation. Bone healing. Course is also organized with 3 practical trainings of 1 hour each, for students divided into groups to critically visualize and recognize the tissues by means of light microscope.
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