Cultural heritage
Study-unit Code
Daniele Parbuono
  • Daniele Parbuono
  • 36 ore - Daniele Parbuono
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Discipline relative ai beni storico-archeologici e artistici, archivistici e librari, demoetnoantropologici e ambientali
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The teaching aims to provide students with theoretical bases on the concepts of creation, recognition, protection and promotion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in an international panorama, with particular reference to case studies in Italy, China and Brazil. A general reference framework is also provided to guide students on the history of studies and on the set of categories, procedures and investigative tools developed by the anthropological sciences for the interpretation of social and cultural facts with particular reference to the relationship between tradition and innovation in the heritage field. With regard to the definition and patrimonialization of anthropological heritages, some concrete cases are examined in order to explore the relationship between heritage action, locality construction and cultural policies.
Reference texts
- Ballacchino Katia, Bindi Letizia, Broccolini Alessandra (eds.), Ri-tornare. Pratiche etnografiche tra comunità e patrimoni culturali, Pàtron, Bologna, 2020.
- Parbuono D., “TrasiMemo. Banca della memoria del Trasimeno”: un progetto partecipato, «Archivio di Etnografia», VIII, n. 2 · 2013, 2015, pp. 11-31.
- Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO, Paris, 1972.
- Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangibile Cultural Heritage, UNESCO, Paris, 2003.
- Council of Europe Framework Convention Framework on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, Faro, 27/10/ 2005.
- Codice beni culturali e del paesaggio (D.lgs. 42/2004 and subsequent amendments).

Optional in-depth readings:

- Dei, Fabio e Di Pasquale Caterina (eds.), Rievocare il passato: memoria culturale e identità territoriali, Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2017.
- Broccolini Alessandra e Padiglione Vincenzo (eds.), Ripensare i margini. L'Ecomuseo Casilino per la periferia di Roma, Roma, Aracne, 2017.

Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for the compensatory tools ensured by law (e.g. textbooks in digital format; teaching materials in accessible formats: presentations, handouts, workbooks, provided if necessary in advance of the lessons), for which consult https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.

For the request, students are invited to ask the teacher, who will put them in contact with the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it).
Educational objectives
The teaching aims to provide the knowledge bases on the anthropological study of Intangible Cultural Heritage and patrimonialization processes. The main knowledges that students will acquire are:
- knowledge of the theoretical and methodological references of heritage anthropology;
- knowledge of qualitative approaches and methods;
- knowledge of the relationship between heritage practices, ethnographic investigation and frameworks of law.
The main skills that allow to apply the acquired knowledge will be:
- ability to formulate the research problem and to adopt effective and innovative methodological choices;
- anthropological analysis capacity of patrimonialization processes.
The student must have basic notions concerning the theories of Social Sciences and the History of Cultural Anthropology. This prerequisite is valid for both attending and non-attending students.
Teaching methods
Lectures with a strong interaction and group works.
Other information
Students with disabilities and/or SLD: for any information on University services, consult the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it).
Learning verification modality
The exam consists of a final oral test that develops as a discussion-interview on the topics covered during the lessons and deepened on the recommended texts. The examination serves to ascertain the levels of knowledge, the ability to understand, as well as to synthesize and critical analyse the data. The interview will also allow to verify the ability to communicate what has been acquired, with method, language properties and clarity of display.
The exam focuses on the following aspects:
· Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Summary
· Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Detail
· Autonomy of judgment, understood as the ability to produce autonomous judgments, arriving at coherent reflections on social, scientific or ethical issues;
· Communication skills, conceived as the ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors;
· Learning ability, understood as the necessary skill to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD visit the page https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
1. Presentation of the teaching: didactic calendar; program, textbooks and readings. Introduction to the use of the UniStudium platform. Illustration of the examination procedures.

2. Law issues; an anthropological approach: international conventions, Italian legislation, university education.

3. Law issues; an anthropological approach: UNESCO policies, poetics and rhetorics.

4. The concept of cultural heritage in Italy: from “volatile heritage” to “patrimonialization”.

5. Historical re-enactment: tradition and innovation; folklore and folklorism.

6. Introduction to the workshop “folklore and folklorism”.

7. Dialogues about heritage. Students meet the Micbact (Ministry of Culture). Seminar with ministerial officials.

8. The ecomuseum theory.

9. Dialogues about heritage. Seminar about “Ecomuseums in Europe”.

10. Visit to “TrasiMemo. Banca della memoria del Trasimeno”.

11. Visit to “TrasiMemo. Banca della memoria del Trasimeno”.

12. Ecomuseums, old-new town and new-old town in China.

13. Dialogues about heritage. Seminar with professor at Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences (China): “International framework and Chinese theoretical conception of Intangible Cultural Heritage”.

14. Dialogues about heritage. The “Ceri di Gubbio”.

15. Dialogues about heritage. Seminar with professor at IMED. Faculdade Meridional IMED, Passo Fundo (Brazil): “O conceito de patrimônio cultural intangível no debate público brasileiro”.

16. Conclusion of the workshop “folklore and folklorism”. Students dialogue with teacher and course colleagues.

17. Conclusion of the workshop “folklore and folklorism”. Students dialogue with teacher and course colleagues.

18. Reconstruction of the educational path. Conclusion of the teaching.
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