Unit Graphic Design

Planet life design
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Valeria Menchetelli
  • Valeria Menchetelli
  • Alfredo Mommi
  • 40 ore - Valeria Menchetelli
  • 8 ore - Alfredo Mommi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Discipline tecnologiche e ingegneristiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course aims to provide the necessary skills for the creation, elaboration and development of communication projects based on the ethical culture of project and which employ the main representation graphic languages.
Reference texts
Steiner, A. Il mestiere di grafico. Einaudi, Torino (1978).
Cirafici, A. Disegno e graphic design. Dall'investigazione grafica all'attribuzione di senso. La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli (2012).
Zerlenga, O. Dalla grafica all’infografica. Nuove frontiere della rappresentazione nel progetto di prodotto e di comunicazione. Clauio Grenzi Editore, Foggia (2007).
Bollini, L., Branzaglia, C. (a cura di). No brand more profit. Etica e comunicazione. AIAP edizioni, Milano (2003).
Piscitelli, D. First things first. Comunicare le emergenze. Il design per una contemporane-ità fragile. LIStLab, Trento (2019).
Suggerimenti bibliografici specifici forniti durante le lezioni.
Educational objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide a project methodology based on a critical approach and on the principles of ethical communication, which can be applied to different project contexts.
A further objective is the acquisition of knowledge of the main techniques and digital tools for graphic design.
Basic principles and tools of graphic design: elements of visual perception, composition and representation, basic knowledge of the main software for graphics in both the raster and vectorial environment.
Teaching methods
The course includes both theoretical lessons and practical design activities focusing on specific topics.
Other information
Learning verification modality
The practical project activities, both individual and in groups, will be assessed during the course by means of periodic reviews of the work carried out.
The examination consists of an oral discussion aimed at ascertaining the project, critical and relational skills acquired during the course.
Extended program
The course aims to provide the necessary skills for the creation, elaboration and development of communication projects based on the ethical culture of the project and which employ the main graphic languages.
The theoretical lectures and practical activities will focus on the following topics, which will be treated in a synergic and non-monographic way.
- Methodology of the graphic design
- Perception and composition
- Graphic languages and their application
- Ethical and public utility communication
- Graphic communication for emergency
- Graphic communication for health
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