IT Laboratories

Most departments have one or more IT labs which are freely available to our students. For more information on IT lab locations and opening times please contact individual Departments, as access policies may vary.

Study Rooms and Social Gathering Student-Managed Spaces (*)

(SASA – Spazi di Aggregazione e Studio in Autogestione)

Departments also provide facilities for individual study in quiet study rooms. Students may use these rooms during department opening hours.

Common rooms are also available both for study and social aggregation at

  • Perugia: Aula Via Goldoni - Automatic access with QR Code - Via Goldoni 2 (pedestrian street close to Unversity for Foreigners of Perugia)
  • Perugia: Aula Monteluce - Automatic access with QR Code  - P.zza Cecilia Coppoli, 1

  • Perugia: Aula P.zza Università - Automatic access with QR Code  - P.zza Università (under the north open gallery).
  • Perugia: Aula Ceccherelli - Automatic access with QR Code – Building B of the Department of Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie - Via dell'Elce di Sotto
  • Perugia: Aula 23 - Aula Autogestita dalle Associazioni Studentesche - edificio C, piano 0, Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia, piazzale Lucio Severi
  • Perugia: Aula URBAN CENTER - Automatic access with QR Code - Scalette Sant'Ercolano 5
  • Perugia: Aula San Fiorenzo - Automatic access with QR Code – Casa dell'Associazionismo (ex Convento di San Fiorenzo) - Via della Viola 1
  • Terni: Aula Medicina - Via Tristano di Joannuccio (c/o Ospedale S. Maria)
  • Terni: Aula presso CAOS (Centro Arti Opificio Siri) - Via Campofregoso, 98.
  • Narni: Aula Via Mazzini - Via Mazzini, 27.

Please note that these facilities are directly managed by the students. For information on how to access the study rooms with QR Code, please consult this Facebook page.
(*) NOTICE: following the Ministerial measures for the containment of COVID-19, the Study Rooms and Social Gathering Student-Managed Spaces (SASA) will remain CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.


Our Library Service Center (Centro Servizi Bibliotecari - CSB) manages several libraries located throughout Perugia and Terni.
For more information about our libraries, please visit:

We also provide an online resource catalogue that can be accessed directly via the following website:

Please note that some of the bibliographic resources may be available only in paper form.

Consultation and loan policies may vary according to the library rules but periodicals, encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks cannot be borrowed at any of our facilities. You can ask if a book is available in one of our locations by simply sending an email directly to the library.

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