Mobility and sports science
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giovanna Farinelli
  • Giovanna Farinelli
  • 40 ore - Giovanna Farinelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Psicologico, pedagogico e sociologico
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Sport, Education and Citizenship:
A reflection on the purpose and practice of education for citizenship through a conceptualisation of the educational relationship of individual/person to society/community (see S. Jessop, 2012) specifically in sport contexts
Reference texts
- Sara NOSARI, Capire l'educazione. Lessico, contesti, scenari, Milano, Mondadori, 2013
- Giovanna FARINELLI, Pedagogia dello sport ed educazione della persona, Perugia, Morlacchi, 2005
- Giovanna FARINELLI, La relazione educativa nella Costituzione Italiana, in GAETANO MOLLO (a cura di), All'inizio è la relazione. Aspetti pedagogico-didattici, Roma, Aracne, 2017, pp. 113-122
- La Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana (1 gennaio 1948) Un classico giuridico, Lettura di Ernesto Bettinelli, Milano, Rizzoli, 2006

Supplementary texts:
- Gaetano MOLLO, Andrea PORCARELLI, Domenico SIMEONE, Pedagogia sociale, Brescia, La Scuola, 2014, pp. 320
- Luigi PATI, Pedagogia sociale. Temi e problemi, Milano, I.S.U. Università Cattolica, 2006; Brescia, La Scuola, 2007
- Agostino PORTERA, Winfried BÖHM, Luigi SECCO, Educabilità, educazione e pedagogia nella società complessa. Lineamenti introduttivi, Milano, UTET Università, 2007
- Sharon JESSOP, Education for Citizenship and 'Ethical Life': An Exploration of the Hegelian Concepts of Bildung and Sittlichkeit, in "Journal of Philosophy of Education", Vol. 46, No. 2, 2012, pp. 287-302
- Sandra E SHORT, Martin W SHORT, Role of the coach in the coach-athlete relationship, in "The Lancet", Special Issue 2005, Medicine and Sport, Vol 366, December 2005, pp. S29-S30 [Essay] in https://vpn.unipg.it
Educational objectives
Knowledge of the basic educational concepts also diachronically

Ability to apply the acquired skills both in tasks that in problems

Methodology in study and research and vocational consciousness

Understanding, making judgments, learning and communication skills
In order to understand and tackle the course, students must have the basic notions of civics, history, geography and literature, which they should have already acquired in their school curriculum
Teaching methods
Interactive face-to-face lectures
Other information
Compulsory Attendance. At least 75% of lessons
Learning verification modality
Final oral exam (with the possibility of a supplement written test) consisting of a discussion-interview on the topics discussed during the course and examined in-depth through recommended texts

The exam aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Moreover, this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate with method, relevancy, propriety of language and exposure, scientific references, for independent judgement, what he/she has acquired

The duration of the exam varies depending on the performance of the exam itself
Extended program
Sport, Education and Citizenship:
A reflection on the purpose and practice of education for citizenship through a conceptualisation of the educational relationship of individual/person to society/community (see S. Jessop, 2012) specifically in sport contexts
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