Human feeding and nutrition sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesco Galli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000562
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Massimo Moretti
  • Milena Villarini (Codocenza)
  • Massimo Moretti
  • 38 ore (Codocenza) - Milena Villarini
  • 4 ore - Massimo Moretti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline della nutrizione umana
Academic discipline MED/42
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents Introduction to Food-hygiene concepts. Health promotion and prevention of diseases: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. General principles of traditional and molecular epidemiology. Biological, chemical and physical hazard in food. Food-related infectious diseases and diet-related chronic disease. Quality control of food.
Reference texts Lopalco PL, Tozzi AE. Epidemiologia facile. Collana Archi. Editore: Il Pensiero Scientifico, 2007

Roggi C., Turconi G.: Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana (seconda edizione). EMSI Roma, 2009.
Educational objectives The learning experiences should help students in achieving attitudes and practices on the following topics: relationship between diet and health; common techniques used in epidemiological studies; sociodemographic profile and epidemiology of food-related non-communicable, communicable and parasitic diseases; principles and methods of prevention.
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons.
Learning verification modality Oral exam.
Extended program Introduction to Nutritional Hygiene. Concepts of health and illness/disease.
Health promotion and prevention of diseases: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Epidemiology: definition and scope. Rates of morbidity and mortality. Mortality tables. Population pyramids.
Study design: observational and experimental epidemiology.
Ecological studies. Cross-sectional studies. Measures of disease frequency: prevalence and incidence.
Analytical epidemiology: cohort studies and case-control studies. Causal and/or noncausal association. Evaluation of relative risk (RR) and odds-ratio (OR); attributable risk.
Experimental epidemiology: preventive trials, randomized controlled trials.
Evidence-based medicine: systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
Epidemiologic studies in the evaluation of relations between food and dietary practices and health and/or disease.
Health surveillance. Relationship between nutrition and health: nutritional risk factors and the role of nutrition in prevention of illness and health maintenance.
Nutrition surveillance systems providing state- and locality-specific data for management of public health nutrition programs.
Risk Analysis. Physical and chemical hazards in foods: toxic and genotoxic contaminants. Overview of risk management strategies.
Human health risk assessment (US EPA 4 basic steps): hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, risk characterization.
Application of the margin of exposure approach to genotoxic substances in food.
In vitro genotoxicity testing of food pollutants/contaminants.
IARC classification for carcinogenicity.
Biological hazards in foods: foodborne infections and intoxications. Symptoms, modes of transmission and methods of prevention, investigation and detection of foodborne disease out-break.
Physical and chemical hazards in foods: toxic and genotoxic contaminants.
Overview of risk management strategies; standard operating procedures; basic principles of the HACCP system.


Code A000560
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Francesco Galli
  • Francesco Galli
  • 42 ore - Francesco Galli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline della nutrizione umana
Academic discipline MED/49
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Key concepts in dietetics and human nutrition. Definition of nutritional and health-promoting properties of food groups, and their use in dietary prescriptions. Strategies of primary and secondary prevention of age- and food-related diseases.
Reference texts - Dietetica e Nutrizione, Fatati G e Amerino ML, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore (3a Edizione, 2018)
- Nutrizione Clinica, Elia M e coll., Casa Editrice Ambrosiana 2018
- Manuale di Nutrizione Applicata (IV Edizione) Riccardi et coll. Ed.; Edizioni Idelson Gnocchi 2017
- Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana, Costantini A.M, Cannella C, Tomassi G. Ed.Il pensiero Scientifico;
- Nutrizione e dietologia, Liguri G. Ed. Zanichelli;
- Le basi molecolari della nutrizione, Arienti G., Ed. Piccin.
Educational objectives The course is designed to build knowledge and skilling on strategies and tools to implement and deliver to individuals and communities the concept of “healthy diet and life style” (health promotion activity). Students will gain a background on nutritional requirements in different physiological conditions such as pregnancy, lactation and weaning, infancy and adolescence, adulthood and aging, as well as on health effects of food groups and dietary prevention of age- and food-dependent diseases (including obesity, malnutrition, and food toxicology and environmental threats).Students will gain preliminary knowledge (professional skilling) on methods to plan for main healthy diet models (such as Mediterranean diet) and healthy life style programs, and to identify nutritional defects and food-related risk factors.
Prerequisites To follow the course and make profit of the proposed program, students should have a solid background of general and clinical biochemistry, physiology, and human nutrition. At least basic knowledge on general medicine and specialties such as endocrinology, gastroenterology, immunology and cardiovascular medicine is warmly recommended.
Teaching methods Frontal teaching.
Other information Mrs. Rita Marinelli and Dr Desirée Bartolini will support in student examination and will take seminars.
Learning verification modality Profit evaluation will consist of oral examinations to be performed in one session (15 and 20 minutes) with three or more questions. The student should demonstrate a proficient and flexible knowledge of main subjects presented during the course.
Extended program FRONTAL LESSONS1) Basics in nutrition: terminology and basic concepts2) Food patterns and dietary models: speculations and evidence based medicine3) Food groups/categories: composition and nutritional values.4) Nutritional requirements in the different ages and physiological states: childhood and adolescence, pregnancy and menopause, breastfeeding, senescence, and sport.5) Nutrition under various physiological conditions: the basics of proper nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, menopause, at various stages of growth and the elderly6) Recommendations and prescription of a diet (general strategy and guidelines for specific groups and populations).7) Protection and primary prevention strategies for healthy people based on healthy diet model-systems,8) Diets and nutritional programs in disease (secondary prevention, “food therapy”, nutraceuticals). PRACTICAL LESSONS- dietary assessment in health and disease.- food prescription/recommendations- Software and other tools to plan for nutritional programs and dietary assessment.
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