Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Antonio Di Meo
  • Antonio Di Meo
  • 16 ore - Antonio Di Meo
Course Regulation
Coorte 2013
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
To allow the student a training aimed at developing a proper diagnostic and therapeutic approach to major orthopedic diseases in small animals.

Dog Hip Dysplasia 4 hours
Elbow dysplasia 4 hours
Patellar luxation 4 hours
stifle legament injuries in dog 4 hours
Reference texts
Slatter: Texboock of Small Animal Surgery 3rd Edition
Fossum: Chirurgia dei Piccoli Animali 3 ed Bojrab, Ellison, Slocum: Tecnica Chirurgica Utetier-Masson, 2008.
Educational objectives
The main goal is to provide students the opportunity to deal with case studies relevant to the course during the diagnostic-therapeutic in veterinary hospital.
The main knowledge gained will be:
• basic criteria for a correct diagnostic approach to the patient in-growth;
• basic criteria for a correct diagnostic approach to the patient with a manifested disease;
• basic knowledge to identify the most suitable treatment to the resolution of the case.

The main skills are:
• identify and analyze the clinical and radiographic findings to reach the diagnosis or differential diagnoses;
• choice of the surgical procedure most appropriate for the case.
As thi is a professionalizing course, students must have acquired the knowledge of the main surgical materials, in order to diagnose the most common orthopedic diseases and associated treatments.

Topics covered in the module, in fact, require the ability to interpret and evaluate the clinical and radiographic findings for the development of the surgical procedure.
Teaching methods
The chip is organized as follows:
practical exercises in surgical or ambulatory rooms of the Surgery Unit of the OVUD. Students according to the number, will be divided into two or three groups and while one group works directly on the patient's diagnostic and surgical procedures (two hours), an other one use, under the professor's supervision, the teaching supports (ppt) to learn about the different steps to use in the treatment of the patologies taken in exam and improves the knowledge with the use of the diagnostic/ surgical procedures described (two hours)
Other information
Calendario delle prove d'esame:
consulting on-line at http://dipmedvet.unipg.it/veterinaria/
at the end of the course
Learning verification modality
The exam includes an oral exam at the end of the course with achievement of fitness.

The oral exam is a discussion lasting about 15 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the clinical case under consideration.

The oral exam will also test the ability of the student to communicate with a correct specific terminology and to know the correct sequence of the various stages that the clinical case in question requires.
Extended program
Dog Hip Dysplasia 4 hours
Elbow dysplasia 4 hours
Patellar luxation 4 hours
stifle legament injuries in dog 4 hours
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