Investigation and security sciences
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabio D'andrea
  • Fabio D'andrea
  • 72 ore - Fabio D'andrea
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Discipline sociologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
This course starts with basic sociological concepts. It builds then a relational perspective of societal understanding, focused on globalization and economicism, phenomena from which stems the widespread feeling of uncertainty that afflicts the Western world.
Reference texts
A. Millefiorini (a cura di), Lineamenti di Sociologia generale, Editore Apogeo Education, 2016;
Audio materials and hardcopies made available by the teacher;
E. Morin, I sette saperi necessari all'educazione del futuro, Cortina, 2001;
F. D'Andrea, Il mondo a spirale, Liguori, 2014.
Educational objectives
Independent and critical understanding of socio-cultural processes shaping society; sensibility to intimations deriving from ongoing processes and social transformations; skill in detecting and describing such processes and in the evaluation of related intervention scenarios.
The student should have a sound general knowledge.
Teaching methods
Academic teaching, workgroups.
Other information
Exam dates are As published on the Faculty site www.unipg.it/sdf. Attendance is mandatory.
Learning verification modality
On time students: mandatory written 20-minute test, multiple answers. Passing the exam can lead to grade registering or to an oral exam to better its result. Grading 15 or less requires taking again the written test at the following exam session. There are two tests, in january and april: students who should fail both of them will be admitted to the oral exam in july. Those who cannot take the test are required to justify their absence by presenting an appropriate documentation and to arrange specific ways to pass the exam with the professor. Out of time students and student workers: optional written test as above; oral exam. The exams are aimed at verifying the student's ability in applying the analytical instruments taught during the course at contemporary society and his/her comprehension of the course program.
Extended program
Society, subject and social action; Identity; Group; Socialization and institutions; Structure, stratification and differentiation, change and deviance; Culture - Bildung and social relation; Modern culture: valours, trust and social bond; Lifestyles - Metropolitan lifestyle; Secondarization of relationships; Fashion and the smart consumer.
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