Safety engineering for the territory and the built environment
Study-unit Code
Paolo Verducci
  • Paolo Verducci
  • 32 ore - Paolo Verducci
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course, integrated by conferences, workshops, seminar initiatives is aimed to the understanding of complex cultural, technical and social interactions in the design of temporary building structures during the emergency phase. The course is organised into theoretical lessons and practical exercises.
Reference texts
Argenti M., Montare/smontare/abitare. Il contributo della ricerca italiana nella prima metà del Novecento, in Studi sull’architettura italiana del Novecento, «Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica», n. 134/135, Ed Kappa, Roma, maggio/dicembre 2011, pp. 63;
D’Amato C., Studiare l’Architettura. Un vademecum ed un dialogo, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2014
D’auria, A., Abitare nell’emergenza: Progettare per il post-disastro, Edifir-Edizioni, Firenze 2000;
Falasca C., Architetture ad assetto variabile, Alinea, Firenze, 2000;
Latina C., Sistemi abitativi per insediamenti provvisori, BE-MA editrice, Milano, 1988;
Masotti C., Manuale di architettura di emergenza e temporanea: soluzioni per l’edilizia temporanea, nomade ed estrema, Sistemi Editoriali, Napoli, 2010;
Purini F., Alcune questioni urbane in “La città dell’uomo ai tempi del Covid-19”, a cura di Massimo Cannata, La Nave di Teseo Editore, Milano 2020, pp. 63/77;
Moneo R., L’altra modernità. Considerazione sul future dell’architettura, Christian Marinotti Edizioni, Milano 2012
Rocca A., Lo spazio smontabile, ornamenti, immagini, parodie, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa 2017;
Verducci P., Sezioni guida. Progettare architetture temporanee, Gangemi editore, 2020 pp. 148 – monografia (presentazione di Francesco Cellini, postfazione di Matteo di Venosa);
Zanelli A., Trasportabile trasformabile: Idee e tecniche per architetture in movimento, CLUP, Milano, 2003;
Educational objectives
The main goal is to prepare students “to the management” of the whole design process that leads to the construction of temporary building structures in the emergency phase, by focusing the attention on the assembly, disassembly, reuse and change for different use.
Non sono previsti prerequisiti
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons and practical exercises
Other information
Frequency is
Learning verification modality
The individual examination consists of the discussion of the topics covered in the ex-cathedra lessons. The final evaluation is based on the oral exam and of the products related to the annual project. For admission to the oral exam, the student must have already delivered the work relating to the annual project.
Extended program
The course aims to provide an integrated knowledge in the context of temporary building structures design upon seismic emergency. The themes of the application exercises, which will concern the main design techniques and strategies illustrated in the theoretical lessons, will address the design of temporary structures in the emergency phase with particular attention to the typological and constructive compatibility, the change of use destination and the energy requalification criteria. The annual project of the course is carried out under the supervision of the teacher and the didactic tutors. The contents and methods will be provided at the start of the course. The aim is to draft an intervention project on a case study. Theoretical part: The three converging vectors; temporary vs ephemeral. Purpose and duration; the language of materials; order and / is form. Application part: summary of temporary interventions in Italy in the last twenty years; (1997) emergency housing settlements; (2009) _C.A.S.E. (Eco-friendly Sustainable Anti-seismic Complexes); (2012) _P.M.A.R. (Removable Modular Prefabricated Housing); 2016_S.A.E. (Emergency Housing Solutions).
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