Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Rossella Fonti
  • Rossella Fonti
  • 36 ore - Rossella Fonti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Affini o integrative d.m.270/04
Attività formative in ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi a quelli di base e caratterizzanti, anche con riguardo alle culture di contesto e alla formazione interdisciplinare
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Criminal procedure and execution of sanction.

Reference texts
a) abaut the Criminal Law Enforcement:

C. Fiorio- R. Fonti- M. Montagna, Corso di Procedura Penale, Le Monnier Università, 2019, limitatamente ai seguenti capitoli: L’esecuzione della pena; Le scelte del danneggiato; I controlli in sede esecutiva e penitenziaria.

b) about the Prison Law:

Aa.Vv., Manuale della esecuzione penitenziaria, a cura di P. Corso, ultima edizione, Monduzzi editore, limitatamente ai seguenti capitoli: Principi costituzionali e normativa penitenziaria; Il trattamento dei condannati; La sicurezza e la disciplina penitenziaria; Le misure alternative alla detenzione; Il procedimento di sorveglianza; Il procedimento per reclamo.
Codice sistematico di procedura penale, a cura di H. Belluta, M. Gialuz, L. Luparia, Giappichelli, ultima edizione. 

Educational objectives
The course aims to provide an understanding of the general principles and dynamics of the executive and penitentiary phase, as well as to develop students' ability to enhance and critically analyze the discipline.
Basic knwoledge students will be able to gain will be:
- knowledge of the function and of the characteristics of the executive phase;
- knowledge of the legal framework of the criminal law enforcement and of the penitentiary system.
The main skills that allow students to apply the knowledge acquired will be:
- ability to understand legal texts and case law;
- critical thinking and evaluation autonomy in the analysis of controversial exegetic issues;
- ability to expose the knwoledge acquired, using appropriate technical language.
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure are preparatory courses.

Teaching methods
Face to face lessons

Other information
The teacher is available to students, during office hours, for comments and clarifications on the findings in the course of teaching and, more generally, for the deepening of the topics required for the knowledge of the subject.

Learning verification modality
The test consists of an oral examination; the questions focus on the program as described by the teacher on the related tab. For the purposes of evaluation the subject knowledge, the reasoning ability, the logic of the argumentation and the learning of their teaching methodology will be emphasized. The duration of the test varies according to the trend of the same.

Extended program
Constitutional principles; Criminal procedure and execution of sanction; Checks and remedies; Prison rules.

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