Animal science
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Alessandro Dal Bosco
  • Alessandro Dal Bosco
  • 45 ore - Alessandro Dal Bosco
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course aims to provide knowledge in order to operate in technical management of mariculture and aquaculture companies in terms of technology, nutrition, sanitation, and those implementing the processing and marketing of fish products.
In particular, we will provide knowledge about:
- Principles of anatomy and physiology of water organisms of livestock interest;
- The problems of environmental impact of aquaculture;
- Breeding and reproduction technology in aquaculture;
- Concepts of quality and supply of fish products and processed agricultural and fishery sectors from aquaculture.
Reference texts
1. P. GHITTINO. Tecnologia e Patologia in acquacoltura (vol. 1 e 2), Tipografia E . Bono, Torino;
2. G.GIORDANI, P. MELOTTI. Elementi di acquacoltura, Edagricole;
3. M. SAROGLIA, E. INGLE. Tecniche dí acquacoltura, Ed agricole;
4. Materials provided by the teacher.
Educational objectives
The course aims to provide the knowledge needed to operate in the technical management of aquaculture and seaculture enterprises in terms of technology, nutrition, health and those implementing the processing and marketing of fisheries products and to solve complex problems that affect the farming of aquatic organisms.
In particular we will be provided knowledge relating to:
- anatomy and physiology of aquatic organisms;
- problems of environmental impact of aquaculture;
- breeding and reproduction technologies in aquaculture;
- concepts of quality and supply of fish products and processed from aquaculture and fisheries.
It is requires the ability to perform simple mathematical calculations and to have basic knowledge of biology, physiology and nutrition and feeding of farm animals.
Teaching methods
Laboratory activities
Classroom exercises
Seminars with external experts
Seminars conducted by students of the course
Small Workgroup teacher / student
Classroom discussion of material previously delivered by the teacher
Activities in a foreign Language.
Learning verification modality
The exam includes an oral and exposure in the classroom of a group elaborate concerning some current issues correlated to different fish production sector.

The oral exam lasting about 20 minutes is aimed to ascertain the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by students on the technical contents specified in the program. The same will also test the ability of connection, analysis and communication of the student with special attention to the language properties and the ability to organize the required arguments.
The exposure of the classroom elaborate is the final step of a training program in collaboration with the teacher and with industry experts and aimed at identifying and seeking real solutions of the considered problems (combination of basic knowledge and group experience).
Extended program
Anatomy and Physiology
Generality on classification and taxonomic classification of fish, molluscs and crustaceans of zootechnical interest;
Main apparatus and their physiology.

Breeding techniques
Introduction to aquaculture and seaculture
Aquaculture production strategies;
Characteristics of freshwater and saltwater species, technologies and breeding ;
Husbandry management of the main species farmed;
Nutrition, conversion and environmental impact.
Optimization of farming systems to ensure product quality and animal welfare.

Supply and quality of fish products
Classification and identification of aquaculture products for human consumption; Influence of nutrition, genetics and other factors on the quality characteristics of fish meat, preservation and processing of aquaculture and fisheries products. Traceability; The market for fish production and national rules.
Community regulating aquaculture and the marketing of fish products and the movement of animals within the EU.

Practical lessons
Anatomical examinations; classroom application of dichotomous keys for classification of fish species;
Visits in the breeding and management techniques, in the calculation of optimal rations in terms of environmental impact, animal welfare and quality; Visits fish processing companies;
Application of analytical techniques for assessing the quality of fish products;
Literature research of scientific articles in English related to the species treated;
Choosing of the most appropriate keywords for the identification of articles in the preparation of a Power Point presentation and presentation to the class in English.
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