Optics and optometry
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Guglielmo Sorci
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002484
Location TERNI
Teacher Guglielmo Sorci
  • Guglielmo Sorci
  • 21 ore - Guglielmo Sorci
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline BIO/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Organization of the nervous system. Orbital cavity. Anatomical structure of the eyeball. Dioptric system of the eye. Functional anatomy of vision. Visual reflexes. Accessory organs of the eye.
Reference texts Anatomia dell'Occhio e dell'Orbita. Thomas F. Freddo, Edward Chaum.
C.G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche
Educational objectives To know the anatomical elements at the basis of visual perception. Understanding the correlations between the anatomical structure of various organs and their function. To know the general organization of the nervous system in order to fully understand the vision process and the various aspects connected to it.
Prerequisites Students should have knowledge of cytology (useful), cellular biology (important), histology (useful), and organic chemistry (useful).
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons with the use of powerpoint slides. Use of plastic models related to the topics developed at lessons. The education material presented during the lessons (with the exclusion of illustrations protected by copyright) will be made available to the students in electronic format (pdf files) and it does not replace the use of suggested books.
The use of skeleton and anatomical models is integral part of the lessons.
Other information Teacher is available for explanation. Please arrange an appointment contacting him by e-mail (guglielmo.sorci@unipg.it) or telephone (075 5858258).
Learning verification modality Single-choice test (execution time, 1.5 minutes/question; evaluated in basis 30; no penalty for wrong answers; the test is passed if the student reaches a score of at least 18/30) followed by a 20-minutes oral test.

Info on the support service for students with disability and/or DSA can be found at http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program General organization of the nervous system. Neurocranium and splanchnocranium. Orbital cavity. Anatomical structure of the eyeball: fibrous tunic (sclera, cornea); vascular tunic (choroid, ciliary body, iris); nerve tunic (retina). Chambers of the eyeball. Dioptric system of the eye (aqueous, crystalline humor, vitreous body). Functional anatomy of vision. Retinal image processing. Optic nerve and visual pathway. Visual areas of the cerebral cortex and their connections. Visual reflexes (pupillary constriction and dilation, fixation reflex, accommodation reflex). Accessory organs of the eye: extrinsic muscles of the eyeball; eyebrow, eyelids, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus). General organization of the cranial nerves. Oculomotor nerves.


Code A002475
Location TERNI
Teacher Lorella Marinucci
  • Lorella Marinucci
  • 21 ore - Lorella Marinucci
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline BIO/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Morphological study of cells and tissues: methods and means of investigation. Notes on the optical microscope and the electron microscope. Definition and classification of tissues. Epithelial lining tissue; glandular epithelial tissue; exocrine and endocrine glands. The connective tissue proper; adipose tissue and its regulation; cartilage tissue; the bone tissue. The blood. Striated and smooth muscle tissue. The nervous tissue.
Reference texts G. Istologia per le professioni sanitarie G.Sica et al. Ed. Idelson Gnocchi
Educational objectives Acquisition of histological terminology as a basis for the definition and critical interpretation of morphological knowledge. Know and describe through specific terminology the main structural and ultrastructural characteristics of cells and tissues in relation to their specific activity.
Acquire the ability to integrate data deriving from the study of the morphology of cells and tissues and the related correlations between structure and function, as an indispensable cultural background for understanding the physiology and pathophysiology of the organs and systems of the human body.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and apply the majority of the contents described within the course, the student must have acquired basic knowledge of cellular biology and chemistry.
Teaching methods Face to face with slide projections.
Other information Il docente è a disposizione per chiarimenti su appuntamento, contattandolo tramite e-mail (lorella.marinucci@unipg.it) o telefono (075 5858232).
Learning verification modality The exam includes an oral exam of Histology (almost three questions. about 20 minutes) to assess logical and knowledge competence learning and the ability to interpret data. The oral exam will verify that the student is able to communicate, with method, propriety of language and of exposure.
Extended program Epithelia. Exocrine and endocrine glands. Connective tissue. Extracellular matrix. The cells of the connective tissue. Adipose tissue. Types of cartilage. Bone tissue. Intramembranous bone formation. Endochondral bone formation. Blood. Smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues. Nervous tissue. Nerve fibers, peripheral nerves. Synapse. Nevroglia.


Code A002483
Location TERNI
Teacher Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
  • Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
  • 21 ore - Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline BIO/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Cell structure and organization
Biological membranes
Membrane transport of small molecules
Mitochondria and ATP synthesis
Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
Mechanisms of protein sorting in different cellular compartments
The cytoskeleton;
The extracellular matrix and the adhesive receptors;
The cell cycle and mitosis
Educational objectives The aim of the course is the integrated study of the cell and living organisms, with particular regard to the basic mechanisms involved in the following processes: expression, duplication and transmission of genetic information, cell proliferation. Knowledge of biotechnological applications concerning the above processes, of the most advanced biological technologies, including recombinant technologies and the use of transgenic animals, is essential for achieving the objective.
Prerequisites In order to understand and know how to apply the techniques covered in the course, the student must have the basic knowledge of Applied Biology
Teaching methods Frontal lessons
Learning verification modality Oral examination
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