Optics and optometry
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Helios Vocca
  • Helios Vocca
  • Mateusz Bawaj (Codocenza)
  • 53 ore - Helios Vocca
  • 27 ore (Codocenza) - Mateusz Bawaj
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Discipline fisiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Kinematics and dynamics of the material point and of the rigid body. The concept of energy and entropy. Statics and dynamics of fluids. Waves and sound. Elements of thermodynamics. Error theory and introduction to measurements by means of basic mechanics experiments.
Reference texts
Tipler, Mosca - Corso di Fisica 1 - Meccanica Onde Termodinamica - Zanichelli;

Resnick, Halliday, Krane - Fisica 1. Casa ed. Ambrosiana;

Qualunque altro testo universitario di Fisica generale;

Dispense del docente disponibili online su Unistudium.
Educational objectives
Provide the student with basic information on the main topics of classical physics with particular reference to the 'physical meaning'. Students will have to acquire the ability of logical reasoning and critical analysis of what they will face in subsequent courses and in everyday life. They will have to be able to ask themselves the correct questions in order to deal with unexpected situations and to avoid running into gross errors from a logical-practical point of view. Solving exercises and basic physics problems.
Mathematics: Algebra, Trigonometry (essential);
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lectures,
Practical training,
Laboratory experiments
Learning verification modality
One written test and oral exam at the end of its course. Written test:
duration: two hours, to be made at the end of the course.
type: it consists in performing three physical exercises, at each exercise is assigned a score that contributes to the final mark.
objectives: it aims to ensure the ability to use the fundamental concepts and the applications of them to physical systems and solving problems.
oral examination
duration: up to 1 hour.
type: it consists primarily in the discussion of the written test, with the request to depth of its theory.
objectives: evaluate the level of knowledge and mastery of basic concepts and application to problems in Physics.
Extended program
Topics of the Lectures:

Presentation of the course.

Physical quantities and the International System of Units.

Motion in one dimension. Position, velocity and acceleration vector. One-dimensional kinematics. Motion in two and three dimensions.

Forces and Newton's laws.
The various forces in nature.

Systems of particles. Center of mass of a finite system of particles and of a solid body.

Work, power and kinetic energy. Conservative forces and potential energy. Conservation of mechanical energy.

The momentum. Impulse and momentum. Conservation of momentum. Collisions between two bodies.

Rotary motion. Vector rotational variables. Torque of a particle. Moment of inertia of a rigid body. Roto-translational motions.

Angular momentum of a particle. Particle systems. Moment and angular velocity.
Conservation of angular momentum. Kepler's laws. The spinning top and hints on gyroscopes.

Fluidomechanics: fluidostatics and fluidodynamics.
Bernoulli equation.
Ideal fluids and real fluids, viscosity, laminar and turbulent motions.

Oscillations and waves. Forced oscillations and resonance. Transverse and longitudinal waves. Harmonic waves and wave equations.

Temperature, macroscopic point of view and microscopic point of view. Thermal equilibrium, concept of temperature and temperature measurement.
Kinetic theory of gases and ideal gas equations.

Heat, work and internal energy. Conservation of energy and first law of thermodynamics. Carnot's theorem and the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy and the third principle.

The practical lessons are intended to accompany students in solving problems and exercises and in the observation and implementation of simple basic physics experiments with particular reference to the field of study.
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