Sciences of education
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Moira Sannipoli
  • Moira Sannipoli
  • 54 ore - Moira Sannipoli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The topics covered in the course are the following :
- The contribution of the Special Education : A look at history;
- The concepts of Inseriment, Integration and Inclusion;
- Diversity and differences;
- The special educational needs;
- International Classifications proposed by WHO on the concept of disability;
- National Regulatory Framework and international educational inclusion;
- The co-evolutionary perspective and the different educational approaches;
- The birth of a disabled child and the experience of bereavement;
- The weight of the diagnosis: medical knowledge and pedagogical knowledge compared and dialogue;
- Services 0-3 and the educational challenge of inclusion;
- The "special normality";
- Individualize and customize services 0-3;
- The zone of proximal development and the mediation;
- Observation , documentation and design as educational care tools;
- The networking;
- The help relationship as a lightweight gift:
meet, know and accompany;
-The early detection of difficulties: cure and care with education.
Reference texts
D'ALONZO L., Dizionario di Pedagogia speciale per l'inclusione, Morcelliana, Brescia 2019.
IANES D., La speciale normalità. Strategie di integrazione ed inclusione per la disabilità e i bisogni educativi speciali, Erickson, Trento 2009.
ZANNINI L., D'ORIA M. (a cura di), Diventare professionisti della salute e della cura. Buone pratiche e ricerche, Franco Angeli, Milano 2019.

Students enrolled in other courses that choose the exam as optional, are invited to contact the teacher for a textbook customization.

Erasmus Students
WHO, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF),World Health Organization, 2001.
CAST (2011). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0., Author, Wakefield (MA).
European Commission, Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe: Tackling Social and Cultural Inequalities, Bruxelles 2009.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course the student knows:
- the hermeneutic framework of the inclusive perspective;
- the methodological premise to develop the inclusive perspective and the integration of children with SEN;
- the concepts of diversity and differences;
- the main classification systems promoted by the WHO for the construction of a Life Project, in relation to the original characteristics of the person with disabilities and the context of belonging from the family;
- current educational approaches to people with disabilities in terms of increasing autonomy and self-efficacy.
At the end of the course the student is able to:
- use operational tools of educational professionalism (observation, documentation and design);
- build an inclusive project, knowing the need for special needs and problem situations, identifying the skills of professionals and the institutional and inter-institutional collaborative activities that can be activated;
- design educational interventions between children with SEN, family, 0-6 education services, social and health services in order to make Project Life a reality;
- enter the workplace, using the knowledge and experience acquired;
- integrate its knowledge in accordance with regulatory changes and international guidelines;
- produce documentation of educational experiences that refer to various institutional clients, families and services.
It's recommended the frequency and passing the exams of General Pedagogy, Developmental Psychology and Forms and Traditions of Philosophy.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, brainstorming, simulations, exercises and problem solving.
Other information
It is strongly recommended that you attend the course.
Non-attending students may submit the same program, requesting clarification to the teacher.
The lessons' materials will still be shared on the Unistudium platform, which is recommended to be viewed systematically.
It is also recommended to read the text SCARDICCHIO C., Mothers ... I want to see you dancing, NFC Agency, Rimini 2015.
Learning verification modality
Written test
4 short open questions (up to 15 lines)
Time: 2 hours
Extended program
The course aims to reflect on the importance of building inclusive contexts from early childhood services. Many are today children with Special Educational Needs that attend childcare services and which require the construction of truly inclusive environments. The course will seek to focus on forms of authentic pedagogical care that recognizes diversity from the very beginning and promotes differences, through educational practices of special normality.
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