- Course
- Pharmacy
- Study-unit Code
- 65004311
- Location
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Benedetto Natalini
- Teachers
- Benedetto Natalini
- Benedetto Natalini
- Hours
- 34 ore - Benedetto Natalini
- 43 ore - Benedetto Natalini
- 11
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2016
- Offered
- 2018/19
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
- Academic discipline
- CHIM/08
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. The cholinergic and adrenergic system. Algetic chemical transmitters. Narcotic analgesics. Anti-migraine drugs. Hypnotics and sedatives. Anti-epileptic drugs. Neuroleptics.
Anti-depressant drugs. Anti-parkinson's drugs. Anti-asthma. Anti-acids. Steroids, cholesterol, bile acids. - Reference texts
- Graham L. Patrick, "CHIMICA FARMACEUTICA", EdiSES, Napoli, III Ed., 2015.
- Educational objectives
- Main aim of the course is to give the basis useful for studying drug activity in relationship to chemical structure.
Principal acquired knowledge will be:
- chemical structure of a bioactive compound
- IUPAC nomenclature
- biochemical mechanism of action, either of drugs or of pharmacological tools
- therapeutic use - Prerequisites
- In order to understand and apply most of the described topics of the course, the successful acquisition of Organic Chemistry credits is strongly encouraged.
Other topics involved in the course require good knowledge of Biochemistry and Physiology, with particular attention to Electrophysiology. A good knowledge of these topics is an important prerequisite for the student well-intentioned to get profitable results. - Teaching methods
- Face-to-face lessons on all the topics of the course. Summing-up exercises and connection with the other topics. The last two weeks are normally dedicated to the exam preparation: revision of some topics, crosswise examination of the program, elaborations aimed at facilitating understanding and learning of different topics, classroom projection of some previous, final tests and following answer discussion.
- Other information
- Ten exam sessions are scheduled for regular students: three in Jan/Feb, three in Jun/Jul, two in Sept, with one additional session during Christmas vacations and one additional session within Easter vacations.
Non-regular students (one or more years out) can apply additional exam sessions also in the other months. - Learning verification modality
- The final exam consists in a written test. The student has to answer 30 questions in a time-frame of 2 hours. The typology of the questions (open answer, multiple answer, insertion, true/false) is aimed at covering the official, developed program within the course, and is finalised to verify the reached learning skill level, the capacity of correct applying the acquired knowledge and understanding, the ability in elaborating judgements, and the capacity to communicate in written form.
- Extended program
- Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. Medications, drugs. Receptors. Chemical structure and pharmacological activity. Peripheral nervous system. The cholinergic system: general aspects and active structures. The adrenergic system: general aspects and active structures. Central nervous system. Algetic chemical transmitters. Narcotic analgesics. Anti-migraine drugs. Hypnotics and sedatives. Epilepsy and anti-epileptic drugs. Psychotropic drugs. Schizophrenia and neuroleptic drugs. Depression and anti-depressant drugs. Anti-parkinson's drugs. Allergic diseases: general aspects and active therapeutic drugs. Drugs acting against gastric and duodenal acidity. Steroids, cholesterol, bile acids: structure and functioning.