Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giuseppe Francesco Dallera
  • Giuseppe Francesco Dallera
  • 63 ore - Giuseppe Francesco Dallera
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Economico e pubblicistico
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The theoretical part concerns public goods, applications of the theory of welfare to public finance, profiles of public choice theory; the application part regards pension systems, the state budget, public debt, taxes on income, wealth and consumption, problems of public finances in EU context.
Reference texts
The course is based on lessons also available online (slides and pdf) in http://diec.ec.unipg.it/~giuda/sdf/ , where can be found information for further studies, at the discretion of the students. Lectures are supplemented by regular exercises in class.
Students will be able to follow all the topics of the program. They will be given referrals to test available online on which students can perform tests on their preparation. in the level of preparation acquired.
Educational objectives
Students should be able to understand aspects and profiles, also quite complex, regarding Italian public finances also with references to the EU economy (taxes, public spending, public debt). They will have acquired precise terminology and economic concepts to read and understand internal documentation (MEF, BI, ISTAT) and international (EU sites) on public finances. Students following the course with profit will also be able to understand issues of public finance as treated in specialized journals. /html> in the level of preparation acquired. The results of these exercises will be taken into account for the final exam.
In order to successfully attend the course, students, as a fundamental prerequisite, must have passed the examination of first year Economics and have acquired the basic economic concepts. A preliminary training in tax law and in public accounting, with good knowledge of English, are undoubtedly useful.
Teaching methods
The course is based on lectures also available online (slides and pdf) in http://diec.ec.unipg.it/~giuda/sdf/ with further information, at the discretion of the students. Lectures are supplemented by regular exercises.
Students will be able to follow all the topics of the program. They will be given referrals to tests available online on which students can perform tests on their preparation.
Teaching is given for two days per week, with three hours per day, for a total of about 45 hours. Additional hours will be provided for the need to study. Exercises and seminars will be integrated with the lessons.
There are optional periodic written exercises to ascertain the level of preparation acquired. The results of these exercises will be taken into account for the final exam.
Other information
Additional educational material, available online, is indicated in http://diec.ec.unipg.it/~giuda/sdf/ site where students can find indications and references, mainly in english, to deepen the study of some topics and for useful self-training.
Learning verification modality
The final exam consists of a written/oral test. Questions focus on topics described in the program, taking account of the knowledge of the subject, the capability to discuss and argument logically and the level of learning within the teaching method of the course.
The examination will assess, in the form of a discussion-interview, the level of skills acquired by the student, and his ability to understand and treat issues of public finance, with proper knowledge of the discussion of these and proving acquisition of economic method and language on the lines explained in the course.
In order to allow a full assessment of the preparation of the student, final exams include a preliminary written test, necessary to qualify ability in explaining graphs and numerical exercises, fundamental for any examination in Scienza delle finanze. Failure in performance of the preliminary test precludes the positive outcome of the final exam. The exam will take about 45-60 minutes.
Extended program
General theory of public finance: historical background.
Public goods and public services.
Public expenditure and welfare economics.
Notes on public budget in Italy.
Public debt.
Taxes: general principles.
Income taxes.
Taxes on wealth and consumption.
Public Finance and principles of international economics.
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