Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fausto Ortica
  • Fausto Ortica
  • 42 ore - Fausto Ortica
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Molecular spectroscopy (vibrational, electronic, Raman, NMR and ESR techniques). Devices (sources, detectors, monochromators) in the various time and frequency domains and in the different states of aggregation. Structural and analytical applications of the common spectrometric techniques.
Reference texts
Ask the teacher. Duplicated lecture notes are available.
Educational objectives
This course is meant to supply the student with the basic knowledge of spectroscopy for a first approach to the use of the common techniques and their main applications in structural and analytical investigations. The main abilities acquired by the student consist in determining the potentiality and the limits of the various techniques. Moreover, their comparison will allow to choose the most suitable method when facing a particular application.
The course deals with spectroscopic techniques, including both theoretical aspects and practical applications. In order to easily follow the various topics, I advise that the Physical-Chemistry II course has been attended and, if possible, the related exam passed.
Teaching methods
This course consists in face-to-face lessons.
Other information
Attendance is recommended.
Learning verification modality
The exam consists in an oral test, lasting 30 minutes on average. The talk is intended to ascertain the acquisition of the concepts and the methods explained during the course. The oral exam will also allow to evaluate the ability to compare the various techniques, including both their potentiality and limits, also taking their potential applications into account.
The modality of the exam will permit to verify the achievement of the expected targets, related to the professional formation of a chemist.

Disable students and students with DSA (specific learning disabilities) are invited to visit the web page dedicated to the envisaged instruments and measures and to get in touch in advance with the teacher (https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa).
Extended program
The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. General aspects of spectroscopy. Vibrational and electronic spectroscopies. Photochromism. Raman spectrometry. Nuclear magnetic resonance and electronic spin resonance. Devices for spectrometric measurements (sources, detectors, monochromators) in the various time and frequency domains and in the different states of aggregation (gases, liquids, solid matrices). Structural and analytical applications of the common spectrometric techniques.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
The course is meant to provide an instruction of quality, fair and inclusive, and to give everyone the opportunity of learning, as a base to improve the life of people and to achieve the sustainable development.
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