Biomedical laboratory techniques
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50995002
  • Silvia Covalovo (Codocenza)
  • 18 ore (Codocenza) - Silvia Covalovo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di laboratorio biomedico
Academic discipline MED/46
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Contextualization of the concepts of error, risk and clinical risk in health care. Illustration of methods and approaches to risk management.
Definition and action of clinical risk management.
Application of clinical risk management in laboratory medicine.
Reference texts Material provided by teacher
Educational objectives At the end of the course the student must acquire the fundamentals necessary to understand the purpose of the programs of risk management in healthcare.

Must be familiar with the tools used for this purpose and to identify those most likely to be applied in laboratory medicine
Prerequisites No specific pre-requisites are required.
Teaching methods Face to face lessons,
Classroom exercises,
Learning assessment test
Learning verification modality The verification of this module takes place in the corresponding teaching context, through an investigation in oral form on all the arguments expected by the program.

Normally there is only one question for this form.
Extended program Introduction to clinical risk
Risk management in the context of clinical governance
Origins of the risk culture.
The efficiency and effectiveness of the quality appropriateness of care: the centrality of the patient safety

The concept of risk: business risk and the concept of risk in health systems

Epidemiology of errors
Concept of error
The error in healthcare
The consequences of errors: costs, direct costs, indirect costs, social costs
Errors and adverse events
From the culture of blame to the culture of risk
Classification of errors
The errors in health care
Errors in laboratory medicine

The clinical risk management in health care
The clinical risk in health
Methods for the analysis of the risk
Methods for the analysis of reactive
Methods for the analysis proactive

Risk management in laboratory medicine
Errors in laboratory medicine
The laboratory process
Choice of methods for the analysis of risk

Practical application of a methodology for risk analysis to a laboratory process
Defining the examination
Process Analysis
Definition of error modes
Risk assessment
Definition of corrective measures


Code 50992901
Teacher Elena Monacelli
  • Elena Monacelli
  • 12 ore - Elena Monacelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di laboratorio biomedico
Academic discipline MED/46
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 50668502
Teacher Donatella Siepi
  • Donatella Siepi
  • 24 ore - Donatella Siepi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze interdisciplinari
Academic discipline SECS-S/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents General information on statistics and its use in medicine. Aims and methods of statistical analysis, statistical characteristics and classification. Descriptive Statistics: principli indices descriptive statistics, their use and their representation Epidemiology and Clinical Trials Probability. Inferential statistics. Evaluation of data usage and processing Correlation. Linear regression. Survival curves
Reference texts Fowler J., Jarvis P., Chevannes M.: STATISTICA PER LE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE. Edizioni EdiSES.
Educational objectives The main objective of the course is to provide students with adequate knowledge in order to understand the use of the elements of statistical research. At the end of the course the student will acquire the knowledge needed to understand the elements of descriptive and inferential statistics found in the scientific literature, organize, process, interpret and communicate scientific data appropriately summary information obtained.
Prerequisites In order to understand and use the concepts described in the teaching it requires knowledge of basic elements of Mathematics, Computer and English.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons: lectures on all subjects of the module.
Learning verification modality The exam includes an oral exam consists in a collegial discussion, with the presence of the teachers of the various modules, of a discussion of 25-30 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the topics presented in class and listed in the program. The student must demonstrate the ability to know the epidemiological characteristics of various diseases, what is a literature search and what tools to use to effectively implement and finally the notions statistics to be able to read and understand a paper. The oral test will also verify the communication skills of the student, his command of the language, the ability to apply the acquired skills and develop solutions in independent judgment.
Extended program General information on statistics and its use in medicine. Aims and methods of statistical analysis, statistical characteristics and classification. Decrittive Statistics : Measurements and sampling in health studies. Data analysis and presentation. Presentation of the results of tables. Main graphic representation (histograms, etc.). Absolute frequencies, relative, cumulative. Distribution of frequencies. Measures of central tendency. Measurement variability. Symmetric and asymmetric frequency curves. Epidemiology Measures of disease frequency: prevalence and frequency. Types of studies. Confounding. Clinical Trials: History, nature of clinical trials. Types of clinical trials. Ethical aspects. Probability. Definition and theories of probability. Event and event space. The measure of probability. Basic principles of probability. Bayes' theorem and applications. Specificity and Sensitivity. Positive predictive value, negative predictive values. Relative risk and odds-ratio. ROC-curves and their interpretation. Empirical law of the case. Theoretical probability distributions: Gaussian and Binomial and Poisson. Applications. Inferential statistics. Outline of the central limit theorem. Standard error. Significance levels. Confidence intervals. Standardized normal distribution and distribution of T-student. Hypothesis testing: the concept of hypothesis, error I ° species and II species. Power of the test. Tests based on a sample. Z-test for the mean. One-tailed test and two-tailed. Comparison between means for paired samples and independent samples. Parametric and non-parametric statistics. Analysis of variance. Test for multiple comparisons. ¿2 test: meaning, properties and applications. Correlation for the association between qualitative variables, the Pearson coefficient, Spearman coefficient. Linear regression. Tables and survival curves.


Code 50669001
  • Patrizia Babini (Codocenza)
  • 12 ore (Codocenza) - Patrizia Babini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze e tecniche di laboratorio biomedico
Academic discipline MED/46
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Il corso è organizzato in una serie di lezioni frontali su tutti gli argomenti del programma. Il corso si prefigge di far conoscere agli studenti le norme ed i requisiti necessari per implementare un Sistema di Gestione delle Qualità, necessario per perseguire l’accreditamento istituzionale. Saranno affrontati gli aspetti necessari per autovalutare, monitorare e migliorare la qualità e la sicurezza delle prestazioni. In particolare, verrà trattata la disciplina in materia di accreditamento istituzionale delle strutture sanitarie prevista nella Regione Umbria, basata principalmente su requisiti previsti dalle norme ISO 9001.
Reference texts • Materiale fornito dal docente
• Proposta di modello per l’accreditamento istituzionale delle strutture di medicina di laboratorio. Agenas – Giugno 2015 http://www.agenas.it/images/agenas/accreditamento/manuali_new/Proposta_modello_accreditamento_Laboratori.pdf

Per approfondimenti:
Guida pratica all’accreditamento dei laboratory clinici. D. Burnett, M. Plebani. Biomedia Source Books
Educational objectives Lo studente sarà in grado di conoscere e comprendere il significato del Sistema di Gestione della Qualità di un’azienda sanitaria in generale e dei servizi di medicina di laboratorio in particolare, il modello regionale, le modalità di verifica del sistema stesso e gli strumenti in uso nelle strutture.
Lo studente, al termine del corso, sarà in grado di redigere una procedura, e di attivare sistemi di verifica della qualità e azioni di miglioramento.
Prerequisites Lo studente dovrebbe avere conoscenze di base sui concetti di qualità e standard.
Teaching methods Lezioni frontali
Learning verification modality Verifica orale svolta dal docente sui principali contenuti del programma di insegnamento.
Extended program - Qualità nei servizi sanitari: Definizioni, dimensioni, campi di applicazione, controllo di qualità.
- Accreditamento e certificazione: Definizioni, Origini del sistema di accreditamento, Accreditamento in Italia e nella Regione Umbria.
- La norma ISO 9001:2015. Orientamento al cliente, Leadership, Coinvolgimento del personale, Approccio per processi, Miglioramento, Decisioni basate su evidenze, Gestione delle Relazioni.
- Il Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità:
Documentazione del SGQ, Politica per la Qualità, Manuale della Qualità, Procedure Operative, Istruzioni Operative, Le registrazioni.
- I processi della medicina di laboratorio: Concetto di processo, Rappresentazione dei processi,Misure del processo
- Valutazione e miglioramento continuo
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