Economics and culture of human nutrition
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Sonia Esposto
  • Sonia Esposto
  • 30 ore - Sonia Esposto
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction

Food sensory analysis: General (Physiology of
human sensory perception: the human senses involved in sensory analysis, sensory receptors, chemical and physical stimuli. Sensory analysis laboratory: evaluation areas, instrumentation. The role of the panel leader. Sensory analysis: discriminating, descriptive and affective. Statistical data analysis).
Reference texts

Valutazione sensoriale. Aspetti teorici, pratici e metodologici. Pagliarini E. (Hoepli Ed.);
Analisi sensoriale & consumer science. Porretta S. (Chiriotti Ed.); Atlante sensoriale dei prodotti alimentari. AA. VV. (Tecnologia Alimentare Ed.)
Educational objectives

The target of this course is to provide the basis for the knowledge of sensory science applied to food products. In particular, the student must acquire knowledge of the "sensory analysis" tool in the context of the physiology of the perception of the human senses, of the methods for the evaluation of foods from the sensory point of view (both analytical and affective ones) and statistical tools able to acquire meaningful information from the sensory evaluation data. Furthermore, the student must be able to understand, based on the potential question that arises, the most suitable sensorial method to solve it.
To this end, generic and specific tests will be carried out also on specific products to assess their "ability" to assess general sensory analysis as well as particular food products sensory analysis.

The student must have sufficient knowledges relative to the food chemistry and to the food technology.
Teaching methods

The course takes place through lectures and exercises also with the presence of the best experts in the sector.
Learning verification modality

The exam will be carried out through an oral exam (final) and on going sensory analyses simulations.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program

The program of the food sensory analysis course will be carried out through the theoretical lessons relating to the part of the physiology of human perception for understanding the functioning of our senses, the related receptors involved and the stimuli of physical or chemical nature capable of activating them.
A theoretical part will follow, aimed at the study of:
physiological and psychological errors that can be observed during a sensory analysis session;
the explanation of the concept of panel and panel leader;
the type of sensory analysis laboratory, of the instruments necessary for holding a session; the sensory analysis methods available to the panelist to carry out a sensory analysis according to its purpose; basic information of the statistical analysis methods used by a panel leader to elaborate the data from the various sensorial analysis sessions. The most purely practical part will be carried out through sensorial analysis simulations with students, both for understanding their sensory perception capability and training, the functioning of the different methods and for the sensorial evaluation of specific food products such as extra virgin olive oil, wine, beer, chocolate, bakery products, cured meats and cheeses.
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