- Course
- Veterinary medicine
- Study-unit Code
- GP001151
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Beniamino Terzo Cenci Goga
- Teachers
- Beniamino Terzo Cenci Goga
- Hours
- 187.5 ore - Beniamino Terzo Cenci Goga
- 7.5
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2018
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Altro
- Area
- Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
- Academic discipline
- VET/04
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- English text
- Contents
- Students must have knowledge of all aspects of the meat industry at a standard that
would be expected of an official veterinarian.
This syllabus applies equally to red meat animals, poultry species and wild game. In
order to simplify the text the term ‘slaughterhouse’ is used as a synonym for both ‘abattoir’ and ‘poultry processing plant’.
Legislation is of crucial importance to most operations of the meat industry. Specific
legislation will not be referred to any section of the syllabus but students will be
expected to have a knowledge of all current relevant EU Regulations.
Students must have knowledge of all aspects of the food industry at a standard that
would be expected of an official veterinarian, including milk and dairy products, fisheries and other food producing plant. - Reference texts
- -) Textbook: La macellazione religiosa. Protezione degli animali e produzione igienica delle carni. B. Cenci Goga e A.G. Fermani. 2010. Point Vétérinaire Italie.
-) Textbook: Igiene e tecnologie degli alimenti di origine animale. 2008. G. Colavita. Point Vétérinaire Italie.
-) Textbook: Ispezione e controllo degli alimenti. 2018. B. Cenci Goga. Point Vétérinaire Italie.
-) Textbook: Sanità pubblica veterinaria e igiene degli alimenti. 2014. B Cenci Goga e AG Fermani Point Vétérinaire Italie. - Educational objectives
- Students have to get the basic information on a) characteristics of the slaughterhouse and meat plants, b) environmental impact of these plants, c) basic operation performed in meat plants and food producing plants, d) meat identification, e) ante and post.-mortemt activity, f) visits weekly to slaughterhouses and other food producing plants such as cheese factory and fishery products
Moreover – Dublin descriptors
(knowledge and understanding
have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the fields of food safety and official control, and that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas in the field of food safety and official control;
applying knowledge and understanding
can apply their knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to official control;
making judgements
have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgements with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements;
communication skills
can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and nonspecialist audiences clearly and unambiguously;
learning skills)
have the learning skills to allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous - Prerequisites
- Prerequisites are: Regulation LM 42 and microbiology, food hygiene, infectious diseases, food inspection
- Teaching methods
- Lezioni frontali - face-to-face
¿ Flipped learning – flipped learning
¿ Esercitazioni - Practical training
¿ Lezioni teoriche ed esercitazoni pratiche - Theoretical lessons and practical training
¿ Seminari - Seminars
¿ Escursioni - Field trips
¿ Laboratorio - Laboratory
¿ Lezioni frontali a carattere seminariale con audiovisivi - Seminar lectures with audiovisual material - Other information
- Supplementary material is available at the web page of the professor:
Moreover – Dublin descriptors
(knowledge and understanding
have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the fields of food safety and official control, and that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas in the field of food safety and official control;
applying knowledge and understanding
can apply their knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to official control;
making judgements
have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgements with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements;
communication skills
can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and nonspecialist audiences clearly and unambiguously;
learning skills)
have the learning skills to allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous - Learning verification modality
- Oral exam.
Discussion on subjects of veterinary public and case studies - Extended program
• The methods available for the identification of the animal, its carcass, and the meat
derived therefrom, through the food chain.
• Standard operating procedures (SOPs), and other necessary control measures,
necessary for the effective implementation of Quality Assurance schemes
appropriate for fresh meat and meat and meat products.
• Monitoring of the maintenance of the cold chain.
To comment critically on the design of existing buildings with respect to their layout
and the materials used in their construction, and how these may influence the
efficient operation of the plant.
• To offer constructive advice during the planning stage and construction of new
buildings, with respect to their layout and the materials used in their construction.
• The biochemical changes that occur in muscle following death and how these
changes can be modulated by the treatment of the animal before death and of the
carcass meat after slaughter.
• The control of the prevalence of DFD beef, PSE pork and cold shortening.
• The relationship between (1) Good Management Practice (GMP), including Good
Hygiene Practice (GHP), (2) Quality Control (QC) and (3) Quality Assurance (QA)
systems, including those based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
principals, and their application to the meat industry.
• The development, implementation, verification and auditing of GMP, GHP, QA and
HACCP systems, including the role of the OVS in training programmes.
• The application, and relevance, of EN ISO standards 9000 to 9004 to the meat
• The statutory residue testing programmes for meat and meat products.
• The principles of (1) the development of statistically based sampling programmes
and (2) the biochemical, and other tests, in current use in statutory testing
• An appreciation of the MRLs for the principal classes of residue, and their
• The principle methods available for reducing microbial numbers on fresh meat,
including the principles of their mode of action.
• New developments in technology for product decontamination, and the likely
impact that these may have on the food industry.
• The principle microbial and biochemical changes that occur during the spoilage of
fresh meat and meat stored under a modified atmosphere.
• The methods available for the enumeration of spoilage micro-organisms.
• The development and implementation of appropriate cleaning and disinfection
protocols for use in slaughterhouses, meat cutting plants and cold stores.
• Methods for monitoring the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection.
• The mode of action of the principal generic groups of detergents and disinfectants
suitable for use in food processing environments.
• The design and operation of chillers, freezers and blast freezers.
• The physical basis for cooling and freezing of meat.
• The implementation and operation of stock control programmes within cold stores.
• The function of the Intervention Board and how its existence influences national and
international trade in meat.
• The preparation of mincemeat and meat preparations and the assessment of their
microbiological quality.
• The technological principles of curing, fermentation, drying, irradiation and heat
treatment as methods for extending the keeping quality of meat and meat products.
• The concept of ‘hurdle technology’.
• ‘Sous-vide’ processing.
• Modified atmosphere packaging, including the rational for the different systems
currently in commercial use.
• Methods available for assessing shelf life.
• The critical assessment of food processing procedures in relation to the risk of
• The means available for the disposal of unfit meat, waste water and hides, bones
and waste offal, and their control.
• A working knowledge of the procedures and protocols involved in the import and
export on meat and meat products, including certification.