Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Francesca Beccati
  • Francesca Beccati
  • 25 ore - Francesca Beccati
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Learning activities
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian if there are not Erasmus students; English if there are Erasmus or foreign students
The ADE foresees the carrying out of practical activity of diagnostic and orthopedic surgery to be developed on didactic horses and/or on anatomical specimens.
Reference texts
Weaver and Barakzai: Handbook of Equine Radiography
Butler et al.: Clinical radiology of the Horse

Auer: Equine Surgery, IV edition Saunders Ed. ISBN 0 7216 2860 5
Educational objectives
Students learn to manage and to practically appraise orthopedic cases from the diagnosis to the evaluation of the conservative and surgical therapeutic approach

The candidate must be able to carry out a correct diagnostic path within the main equine orthopaedic conditions

The main objective of the course is to provide, through practical sessions, the bases for dealing with the main orthopaedic diseases in large animals.

The main skills (ie the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be the acquisition by the student of practically managing orthopedic cases large animals from diagnosis to surgical therapy.
In order to understand and to apply the procedures required in this course, it is necessary to have passed the exams of Veterimanry Surgical Semiotics and Pathology. For some topics the ability to obtain and interpret basic radiographic projections of the limb of the horse will be required to pass the course with profit.
Teaching methods
The ADE is organized as follow:
practical exercise in surgical or ambulatory rooms of the Surgery Unit of the OVUD. According to the number, students will be divided in two or three groups and as a group will take place directly diagnostic procedures on the patient (two hours), the other group will follow the teaching materials (slide) about the different steps to be used to address the surgical disease showed and/or improve the use of the diagnostic/surgical procedures described (two hours) under the teacher supervision.
Other information
This course includes also complementary didactic activity represented by meetings and seminars with PhD students, interns and students by planning and agreeing with the student during the ADE
Learning verification modality
Final discussion with the students. Preparation of power points about previously assigned clinical cases, in order to assess the methods of approach to the clinical case and the knowledge acquired during ADE in relation to etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy
Extended program
The ADE foresees the carrying out of practical activity of diagnostic and orthopedic surgery to be developed on didactic horses, on anatomical specimens and on radiograpic and CT images of the horse. Acquisition of basic radiographic projections radiografiche of the foot, fetlock, carpus, hock and stifle of the horse.
Description and interpretation of the images through writing of a diagnostic report.
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