Primary teacher education
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabio Fatichenti
  • Fabio Fatichenti
  • 48 ore - Fabio Fatichenti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Learning activities
Discipline geografiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Italian. The attendance to the classes is highly suggested to the international and Erasmus students who opt for this course. Upon request some didactic documents may be recommended in foreign languages too (English , French, Spanish). For any clarification please contact the teacher before the lessons start.

A) The values and aims of geographical education. Geography in the curriculum of nursery and primary schools.
B) Basics of Geography:
Physical Geography: structure and dynamics of the Earth; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; the rocks to human works. Seismic and volcanic activity. Modeling the Earth surface. The history of Earth: timeline of Life’s evolutionary history. Climate change.

Human and Economic Geography: Population and environment. Human migrations. Landscape. Region. Cities. The resources, with particular reference to food and water. The development’s complex issue (growth, degrowth, sustainability).
C) Earth and its representation:
Maps and diagrams; Italy’s Topographic Map; introduction to the reading and interpretation of maps and other tools such as atlases, thematic maps, statistical data.
Reference texts

Course’s materials will be indicated by the teacher during the lessons.
Books (it is advised to meet the teacher before the purchase):

G. De Vecchis, Insegnare Geografia. Teorie, metodi e pratiche, Torino, UTET, 2016.

C. Giorda, Il mio spazio nel mondo. Geografia per la scuola dell’infanzia e primaria, Roma, Carocci, 2014.
Educational objectives

At the end of the course the student knows: the main natural processes that have shaped and still shape the Earth's surface; the main issues of human, economic and political Geography; the natural and human components of a landscape; the graphical representations, cartographic representations and satellite images, and how to use them in an educational context, classroom or laboratory; the problems and the prospects of contemporary world; the basics of sustainable development and how to apply them in the context of environmental education and education for sustainability.

In order to be able to understand and to know how to tackle the course, students must have the basic notions of the environmental context and organization of the territory, either in physical term and regarding the human activities related to it (these are notions that the student should have already acknowledged in his/her school curriculum). Basic requirement is also the possession of knowledge in Regional Geography.
Teaching methods

The course is usually organized as follows:
- lectures will deal all the issues of the course; - guided surveys and tutorials at Cartographic Laboratory, Via del Verzaro 49.
Other information

Attendance is recommended. Students that, for justified reasons, are unable to attend the lessons must agree with the teacher a specific study program.
Learning verification modality

The exam includes a written test lasting two hours, usually of two/three open questions, on the topics discussed during the course and in-depth on the texts studied. The test verifies the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis’ skills achieved by the student. A subsequent short oral test will verify student’s communicational skills.
Extended program

A) The values and aims of geographical education. Geography in the curriculum of nursery and primary schools.
B) Basics of Geography:
Physical Geography: structure and dynamics of the Earth; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; the rocks to human works. Seismic and volcanic activity. Modeling the Earth surface. The history of Earth: timeline of Life’s evolutionary history. Climate change.

Human and Economic Geography: Population and environment. Human migrations. Landscape. Region. Cities. The resources, with particular reference to food and water. The development’s complex issue (growth, degrowth, sustainability).
C) Earth and its representation:
Maps and diagrams; Italy’s Topographic Map; introduction to the reading and interpretation of maps and other tools such as atlases, thematic maps, statistical data.
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