- Course
- Electronic engineering for the internet-of-things
- Study-unit Code
- 70A00099
- Curriculum
- Elettronica per l'aerospazio
- Teacher
- Cristiano Tomassoni
- Teachers
- Cristiano Tomassoni
- Hours
- 48 ore - Cristiano Tomassoni
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2020
- Offered
- 2021/22
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Ingegneria elettronica
- Academic discipline
- ING-INF/02
- Type of study-unit
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- In this course some basic method for the design of the most common microwave components are introduced, as impedance matching, filters etc.
- Reference texts
- R. Sorrentino, G. Bianchi, Ingegneria delle microonde e radiofrequenze, McGrawHill.
K.Chang, RF and Microwave Wireless Systems, J.Wiley & Sons, 2000.
R.Collin, “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 1992.
D.M Pozar, “Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems”, J.Wiley & Sons, 2001. - Educational objectives
- The aim of the course is to provide the students with theoretical and preactical knowledge for the design of microwave circuits. The objective is to allow the student to use the teory to obtain a draft design that is then refined by using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.
- Prerequisites
- Knowledge of lamped circuits. Knowledge of the fundamentals of electromagnetics.
- Teaching methods
- Classroom-taught of theory. Exercise for the design of microwave components. Design through CAD Electromagnetic software
- Other information
- N/A
- Learning verification modality
- Oral Exam.
Report describing the design of a microwave component and its manufacturing by 3D printing. - Extended program
- Introduction to the course. Recall on transmission lines at microwave and RF: coaxial lines, rectangular waveguides and circular waveguides. PCB (Printed Circuit Boards). Introduction on impedance matching. Quarter wave impedance matching. Quarter-wave impedance matching: reflection coefficient vs frequency. CAD simulation of a quarter wave impedance matching. Evaluation of quarter-wave impedance inverter band. Exercises on quarter-wave impedance inverter. Theory of small reflections. Multisection impedance transformer. Binomial transformer. Matlab: programming of quarter-waver transformer in rectangular waveguide. Logarithmic approximation of the binomial transform. Exercises on binomial transformer. Chebyshev polynomials. Chebyshev transformer. Logarithmic approximation of Chebyshev transformer. Exercises on Chebyshev transformer. Use of tabular for the design of impedance transformers. Programming in matlab code for the design of impedance transformer in rectangular waveguides. Definition of: Power Loss Ratio, Insertion Loss, Return Loss. Lowpass prototype. Comparison among Butterworth, Chebyshev and Cauer filtering response. Ladder circuit prototype for the lowpass. Normalization of filters in impedance and frequency. HFSS design of an impedance matching in rectangular waveguide.
Lowpass to highpass, lowpass to passband, lowpass to stopband transformations. Richards periodic transformation. Recalls on ABCD matrix. Kuroda identity. Filter transformed by using Kuroda identity. Recalls on microstrips. Design of a multisection adapter in microstrip technology. Low pass filter with semilumped elements: equivalence between high impedance short transmission lines and series inductors, equivalence between low impedance short transmission lines and shunt capacitors.
Introduction on immittance inverters (impedance and admittance inverters). Characterization of immittance inverters with ABCD matrix, Z matrix, Y matrix and Scattering matrix. Admittance inverters and their relation with impedance inverters. Realization of immittance inverter by lumped elements, quarter-wave transmission lines and mixed networks.
Transformation from series to shunt resonators (and vice versa) by the use of immittance inverters. Transformation of the equivalent passband circuit made of both shunt and series resonators to that made of series resonators only, resonating all at the same frequency. Equivalence between lumped resonators and half-wave transmission line resonators. Definition of slope parameters. Evaluation of slope parameters for lumped and distributed circuits. Pass-band equivalent circuit made of impedance inverters and quarter-wave transmission lines.
Basic knowledge on wireless power transfer. Equivalent circuits for wireless power transfer made of coupled coils and its relation with the filter equivalent circuit.
Basic knowledge on coupling matrix. Exercise: Synthesis of a 5-pole filter and transformation to obtain the equivalent circuit made of impedance inverters and quarter-wave transmission lines: programming of a Matlab script implementing the formulas. Dimensioning of the irises implementing the desired impedance inverters. Evaluation of an equivalent circuit made of impedance inverters and dispersive quarter-wave transmission lines. ADS simulation of equivalent circuits.
HFSS design of a 5-poles waveguide filter. HFSS design of a 5-poles microstrip filter. Realization of waveguide filter with 3D printing technology.