Sustainable agriculture
Study-unit Code
Agricoltura biologica ed ecocompatibile
Stefano Ciliberti
  • Stefano Ciliberti
  • 54 ore - Stefano Ciliberti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The module aims to transfer knowledge on theory and concepts in order
to understand the evolution of agri-food policies. It provides up-to-date
information about the main actors and institutions involved in the process
of elaborating, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating
In addition, the course transfers information and professionalizing
knowledge on the main tools and operating methods used for the
implementation of agri-food policies, with reference to datasets and
databases consultation, writing of plans and programs and preparation of
reports and presentations on agri-food policy contents.
Reference texts
Dispensa fornita dal docente.
Segré A. (2008), Politiche per lo sviluppo agricolo e la sicurezza
alimentare, Carocci editore, Roma.
Sodano V., Sassi M., Marchini A., Economia agroalimentare: mercati e
politiche, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2010.
Vieri S. (2001), Politica Agraria, Edagricole, Bologna.
Sotte F.(2023). La politica agricola europea. Storia e analisi. FUP, Firenze.
Commissione europea, Come funziona l’Unione europea, Ufficio delle
pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunità europee, 2014.
Educational objectives
The course aims to provide students with a wide, updated and accurate
knowledge on agri-food policies at the international, European and
national level.
It contributes to enhancing abilities and competencies needed
to work for public administrations, private companies as well as for
managing (free-lance) professional and entrepreneurial activities in agri-food
companies and rural areas, both at national and international level.
The above-mentioned abilities and competencies and skills are reported
as follows:
- analysis and evaluation of agri-food policies;
- planning, implementing and assessing programs and projects for rural
development, according to European and national policies;
- realizing consultancy and business plans connected to the Common
Agricultural Policy, Rural Development Policy and national agricultural
laws and regulations;
- putting in practice policies for food quality, certification projects.
Teaching methods
Teaching activities consist of lectures, practical
lessons and seminars with external experts and/or visits to public institutions at national and local level .
The practical lessons cover:
- writing of a local development plan in rural areas;
- using official dataset for socio-economic statisticss).
Teaching material is made available on the Unistudium platform
Other information
Learning verification modality
Intermediate assignments: yes (at least 2).
Final oral exam: yes (approximately 20-30 minutes)
Ongoing examination at the end of lessons: yes, with multipole choice
Final meeting with students to discuss assignments results and
evaluations: yes, under students requests, before the final oral exam
Extended program
Agri-food policy: theory, concepts and tools
International agricultural policy
The institutions of the agri-food policies
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
Rural development policy
Rural and local development planning
The Italian agricultural policy
Quality policy in the agri-food sector
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Zero hunger
Climate action
Partnership for the goals
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