Agricultural and environmental biotechnology
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Pietro Buzzini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002228
Teacher Benedetta Turchetti
  • Benedetta Turchetti
  • 54 ore - Benedetta Turchetti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche generali
Academic discipline AGR/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction English
Contents Microbial biodiversity. Metabolic Diversity of Microorganisms.
Geochemical Cycles. Applied environmental microbiology (compost, biogas, wastewater treatment, bioregionation, hydrogen)
Reference texts - Environmental Microbiology (Third Edition)Edited by:Ian L. Pepper,
Charles P. Gerba and Terry J. Gentry - Elsevier Inc
- Brock Biology of Microorganisms - Michael T. Madigan, Kelly S. Bende,
Daniel H. Buckley, W. Matthew Sattley, David A. Stahl - Pearson 2017
Educational objectives Provide students with the knowledge of: major factors affecting microbial
survival; the main microbial groups present in the environment in relation
to their metabolic ability, the main microbial metabolites, the main
applications of microorganisms in the environment: composting,
biogas production, water purification and environmental rehabilitation.
Provide students with the capabilities to: conduct and evaluate
environmental sampling, perform selective microbial isolation, perform
microbial counts from environmental samples, critically analyze and
discuss laboratory results
Prerequisites In order to understand and interpret critically the covered topics, good
preparation in general microbiology (basic techniques of microbiology)
and biochemistry (principal metabolisms) is required
Teaching methods Teaching methods: frontal lectures, laboratory exercises, student
seminars, educational visit to plants.
Teaching and learning support: video screenings of lessons, teaching
material distributed by the teacher, texts recommended for study, papers
selected by the teacher
laboratorio, realizzazione e presentazione di relazioni individuali o
eseguite in piccoli gruppi di lavori su temi e progetti specifici
Modalità di verifica
L’esame prevede una prova orale della durata di circa 30 minuti
finalizzata ad accertare il livello di conoscenza e capacità di
comprensione degli argomenti trattati nel corso e l’abilità di saperli
correlare tra loro. La prova orale consentirà inoltre di verificare la
capacità di comunicazione dello studente e le proprietà di linguaggio
tecnico in relazione agli argomenti trattati
Programma esteso - Fattori che influenzano la diversità microbica.
- Diversità metabolica dei microrganismi: fototrofia, chemiotrofia,
autotrofia e eterotrofia.
- Ruolo dei microrganismi nei cicli biogeochimici degli elementi: ciclo del
carbonio, dell'azoto, dello zolfo.
- Biofilm microbici.
- Gli insilati: ecologia microbica negli insilati, tecniche di insilamento, uso
di additivi e starter microbici, valutazione dello stato di conservazione.
- Compostaggio: processo di compostaggio, microflora durante il
processo, valutazione dello stato di maturazione.
- Produzione di energia sotto forma di metano: metanogenesi, ecologia
dei microrganismi metanogeni, biochimica del processo, applicazioni.
- Produzione di energia sotto forma di idrogeno: produzione di idrogeno
per via fermentativa, produzione negli impianti, produzione di idrogeno
da microrganismi fotosintetici.
- Depurazione biologica delle acque: struttura di un impianto di
depurazione, ecologia microbica dei fanghi attivi, biochimica dei processi
- Biorisanamento dei suoli contaminati: ruolo dei microrganismi nei
processi di degradazione degli inquinanti nel suolo, influenza dei fattori
ambientali, biorisanamento in situ, tecnologie di biorisanamento
Methods of learning (in addition to the frequency of teaching activities):
reading and personal study on reference texts, reading and personal
study on material suggested by the teacher, laboratory practice,
realization and presentation of individual reports or small working groups
on topics and specific projects.
Learning verification modality The exam consists on an oral test of approximately 30 minutes, aimed at
assessing the level of knowledge and understanding of the topics of the
course and the ability to link them. The oral examination will also allow to
verify the student's communication skills and the technical language
skills in relation to the discussed topics
Extended program - Factors that influence microbial diversity.
- Metabolic diversity of microorganisms: phototrophy, chemotherapy,
autotrophy and heterotrophy.
- The role of microorganisms in the biogeochemical cycles of the
elements: carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles.
- Microbial biofilm.
- Compost: composting process, microflora during the process, evaluation
of the maturation state.
- Energy production in the form of methane: methanogens, ecology of
methanogenic microorganisms, process biochemistry, applications.
- Energy production in the form of hydrogen: production of hydrogen by
fermentation, production of hydrogen by photosynthetic microorganisms.
- Biological water purification: structure of a purification plant, microbial
ecology of activated sludge, biochemistry of microbiological processes.
- Bioremediation of contaminated soil: role of microorganisms in soil
contaminants degradation processes, influence of environmental factors,
bioremediation in situ, bioremediation techniques.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 6, 7, 15


Code A002138
Teacher Pietro Buzzini
  • Pietro Buzzini (Codocenza)
  • 54 ore (Codocenza) - Pietro Buzzini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche generali
Academic discipline AGR/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction English
Contents - Fundamental of microbial biotechnologies and of biocatalytic processes.
- Use of bioreactors and control systems of operational parameters. Batch, fed-batch and continuous cultures. Cell immobilization.
- Chemostat and Turbidostat. Industrial culture media, kinetic of substrate utilization, assessment of biomass.
- Examples of industrial utilization of selected microorganisms for production of biomass and chemicals of industrial importance.
- Techiques of screening for selecting microorganisms for the production of industrially relevant molecules.
- Techniques of downstream processing and determination of biological activity of microbial metabolites.
Reference texts M. MANZONI. Microbiologia Industriale, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2006.
B. BIAVATI, C. SORLINI. Microbiologia Generale e Agraria. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2007.
A. N. GLAZER, H. NIKAIDO. Microbial Biotecnology, Cambridge Univesrity Press, 2007.
A. L. DEMAIN, J. E. DAVIS. Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. ASM Press, 1999.
Educational objectives Ability to:
- Work with innovative biotechnological approaches in the field of microbial biotechnology applied to food, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and food additives;
- Investigate all aspects related with the use of selected microorganisms for biotechnological innovation process type.
- Apply the knowledge acquired in fermentation processes conducted at different scales (laboratory scale, pilot scale, industrial scale) and with different modes (batch, fed-batch and continuous);
- Apply the acquired knowledge to the development of new processes of fermentation and / or improvement of existing processes.
Prerequisites Basic knowledges of microbiology and biochemistry
Teaching methods lectures
laboratory exercises
Other information None
Learning verification modality Final oral examination
Extended program - Fundamental of microbial biotechnologies and of biocatalytic processes. Selection and conservation of biotechnologically relevant microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi), culture collections (BRCs). Screening, genetic improvement, optimizing, modelling and scale-up.
- Use of bioreactors and control systems of operational parameters. Batch, fed-batch and continuous cultures. Cell immobilization.
- Chemostat and Turbidostat. Industrial culture media, kinetic of substrate utilization, assessment of biomass.
- Examples of industrial utilization of selected microorganisms for production of biomass and chemicals of industrial importance (ethanol, enzymes, vitamins, organic acids, glycerol, EPS, VOCs).
- Techiques of screening for selecting microorganisms for the production of industrially relevant molecules (e.g. enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics, organic acids).
- Techniques of downstream processing and determination of biological activity of microbial metabolites.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 9
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