Economics and management of sustainable development
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Loris Lino Maria Nadotti
  • Loris Lino Maria Nadotti
  • 63 ore - Loris Lino Maria Nadotti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Students from master's degree programs in the Perugia campus of the Department of Economics are required to contact the lecturer in advance to agree on a specific examination program to avoid duplication of content with other courses.
The course aims to analyze advanced tools and techniques of responsible and sustainable financial management in enterprises, focusing on the following topics:

responsible and sustainable finance; ESG factors in corporate financial management; the taxonomy of sustainable finance;

ESG scoring and the evaluation of investments according to ESG criteria;

EUROPEAN UNION guidelines and sustainable finance;

the definition of objectives to be pursued and to the preparation of financial plans;

the determination of financial requirements and business growth: the analysis of sustainable development.

The analysis of management and financing tools for working capital and fixed capital needs;

the financing of start-up enterprises.
Reference texts
AA. VV., La Finanza per lo sviluppo sostenibile, Roma, CONSOB, Giugno 2021 (https://www.consob.it/web/consob-and-its-activities/abs_sf/-/asset_publisher/coLw917vXYH5/content/fs1/11973.)
AA. VV., Finanza verde: regole, opportunità, rischi, Milano, ASSBB – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Osservatorio Monetario 1/2020 (https://www.assbb.it/osservatorio-monetario/)
L. Nadotti (a cura di), Finanziamenti d’impresa, Milano, Mc Graw-Hill Education - Create, 2017.
Nadotti L., Gallo M., Martelli D., Vannoni V., Il finanziamento delle star-tup innovative, Torino, ISEDI – De Agostini Scuola, 2023.
Educational objectives
A student who has passed the examinations is able to understand the basic techniques of corporate financial management, understand and evaluate information from financial markets, and understand financial phenomena from the perspective of ESG sustainability.
In order to understand the course content and achieve the objectives of learning for both students attending, and for those not attending it is important to know: the basic concepts of political economy, business economics, economics of financial intermediaries an financial instruments; the basics of reading and analysis of company financial statements; the basics of financial mathematics (interest, discount, present value, amortization schedules);the basic concepts of private law, contracts and obligations, commercial and corporate law.
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons and practical training; Seminars
Other information
Students from master's degree programs in the Perugia campus of the Department of Economics are required to contact the lecturer in advance to agree on a specific examination program to avoid duplication of content with other courses.
Student service hours: Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00 Attendance of lessons optional but strongly recommended Please see website at:http://www.economiatr.it/
Learning verification modality
Students from master's degree programs in the Perugia campus of the Department of Economics are required to contact the lecturer in advance to agree on a specific examination program to avoid duplication of content with other courses.
The oral exam consists of three open questions that have the function of admission to the oral test held on the same day or in the days immediately following.For students who attend the lessons, a mid-term practical test will be scheduled during the April 2024 study break, the results of which will compete for the overall assessment of exams conducted by September 2024.
Extended program
Students from master's degree programs in the Perugia campus of the Department of Economics are required to contact the lecturer in advance to agree on a specific examination program to avoid duplication of content with other courses.
Tasks and development of the finance function in enterprises.
The development of the finance function.
The financial function in small and medium-sized enterprises; financial shortcomings and competitiveness in small and medium-sized enterprises.
The finance function in start-up enterprises.
responsible and sustainable finance; ESG factors in corporate financial management; the taxonomy of sustainable finance;
ESG scoring and the evaluation of investments according to ESG criteria;
EUROPEAN UNION guidelines and sustainable finance;
The reading and analysis, from a financial perspective, of economic and accounting data of enterprises for creditworthiness assessment.
Financial balance planning: financial plans and choice of objectives to be pursued. Social venturing and impact investing.
Multi-year financial requirements and the preparation of projected budgets.
The financing of fixed capital. Financing with medium- and long-term debt. Financing from the market through venture capital.
The financial requirements of working capital and the management of bank financing.
Value planning in enterprises: risk, cost of capital, economic value added.
Tools and methods for industrial investment analysis.
The financing of enterprise innovations. Capital increases and the valuation of "intangibles."
Research and innovative start-ups. The financing of innovation. The Italian discipline of innovative startups. Research spin-offs and support and incubation services in Italy.
Drafting and use of business plans for startups.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Responsible and sustainable finance; ESG factors in corporate financial management; the taxonomy of sustainable finance;
ESG scoring and the evaluation of investments according to ESG criteria;
EUROPEAN UNION guidelines and sustainable finance;
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