- Course
- Foreign languages and cultures
- Study-unit Code
- GP004914
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Susanna Alessandrelli
- Teachers
- Susanna Alessandrelli
- Hours
- 54 ore - Susanna Alessandrelli
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2023
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Letterature straniere
- Academic discipline
- L-LIN/03
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- French
The course is an introduction to French Literature from the 18th to the 20th centuries, and to the related cultural and artistic movements. Students will acquire theoretical and methodogical skills for literary and linguistic analysis of the selected texts.
The major authors and the related literary movements will be studied through the selection of anthological passages. - Reference texts
- Module A
Voltaire, Micromégas, Histoire philosophique, Dossier et notes réalisés par Guillaume Peureux. Lecture Immagage by Alain Jaubert, Collection Folioplus classiques (n ° 69), Gallimard, 2006.
Voltaire, Candide ou l'optimisme, (Texte integral + dossier par Alain Sandrier), Paris, Gallimard, Folioplus, classiques, 2008.
Voltaire, L'Ingénu (Dossier réalisé par Éloïse Lièvre. Lecture immagine par Valérie Lagier, Collection Folioplus classiques (n ° 31), Gallimard, 2004.
Marivaux, Le Paysan Parvenu, (presentation, notes, chronologie et bibliographie par Erik Leborgne) Paris, Falmmarion, 2010.
Module B
Honoré de Balzac, Le Père Goriot, (Dossier et notes réalisés par Sophie-Aude Picon. Lecture Immagage par Sophie Barthélémy), Paris, Folioplus classiques, (n ° 204), Gallimard, 2011.
Guy de Maupassant, Bel-Ami, Dossier et notes réalisés par Jean-Marie Sapet. Lecture Immagage par Pierre-Olivier Douphis, Collection Folioplus classiques (n ° 211), Paris, Gallimard, 2011.
Module C
Jean-Paul Sartre, L’Enfance d’un chef , Paris, Gallimard, folio, 2019
Natalie Sarraute, Enfance, (Texte intégral + dossier par Fanny Gayon), Paris, Gallimard, Folioplus Classiques, 2004.
Recommended text for literary history:
European History of French Literature, vol. 2, From the eighteenth century to the contemporary age, edited by L. Sozzi, Turin, Einaudi, 2013.
Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for the compensatory tools ensured by law (e.g. textbooks in digital format; teaching materials in accessible formats: presentations, handouts, workbooks, provided if necessary in advance of the lessons), for which consult https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
For the request, students are invited to ask the teacher, who will put them in contact with the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it) - Educational objectives
- At the end of the first year, the student must acquire the following knowledge:
- literary history from the 18th to the 20th centuries;
- the principal of the literary movements that develop in the indicated time span;
The main skills to apply to knowledge are the following:
- the ability to critically place a work and a literary movement;
- ability to read, translate and analyze the texts studied.
- analysis skills (thematic, stylistic and structural) of the texts in the program. - Prerequisites
- In order to understand literary and critical language, students need a good knowledge of the evolution of French Literature from the 18th to the 20th centuries, so as an appropriated level of french language.
- Teaching methods
- The prevailing teaching method involves frontal lessons in the classroom assisted, if necessary, bymultimedia tools;
The evolution of history of french literature of XVIII, XIX and XX centuries will be introduced through a set of anthological readings and critical texts exposed during lessons and made available for students on Unistudium platform. Students will also be invited to participate actively to the presentation of critical readings coordinated with the teacher.
For a thorough examination of the topics, students will also be provided with some websites in order to access to works or monographs, on-line magazines or other documents about the studied program.
Practical exercises in translation and textual analysis are also foreseen. In-depth seminars are also planned.
The course consists in lectures organised in the following three modules :
1. Introduction to literary history of XVIII century through anthological readings with special attention to the authors of XVIII century included in the program.
2. Introduction to literary history of XIX century through anthological readings with special attention to the authors of XIX century included in the program.
3. Introduction to literary history of XX century through anthological readings with special attention to the authors of XX century included in the program.
All works and related critics included in the course program will be read in the full french version recommended by the teacher.
It is strongly recommend to attend lessons. Attending students have the opportunity of direct and regular confrontation with teacher. The class promotes a better understanding of the discussed topics. - Other information
- Students will find regularly on Unistudium platform the teaching material as an integral part of the course program.
Students with specific learning disabilities are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course in order to identify all necessary tools for a profitable course.
For the way the verification tests are carried out, students with disabilities and/or with DSA can take advantage of the inclusive technologies, the compensatory tools and the dispensatory measures provided for by the legislation, after consulting with the teacher.
Students will find timetable of reception on the teacher’s webpage.
Students find reception hours on the teacher's web page. - Learning verification modality
- The examination consists in a single oral test focused on topics and authors studied during the lessons based on the texts included in the program.
The test will assess the level of knowledge, understanding and critical analysis of students and their ability to expose the acquired knowledges with appropriate language.
The duration of examination varies following the performance of the test.
With regard to students with disabilities and / or with SLD: students can take advantage of inclusive technologies, compensatory tools and dispensatory measures provided for by the legislation. Technologies, tools and measures must be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of the tests. Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for the compensatory tools ensured by law (e.g. textbooks in digital format; teaching materials in accessible formats: presentations, handouts, workbooks, provided if necessary in advance of the lessons), for which consult https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
For the request, students are invited to ask the teacher, who will put them in contact with the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it) - Extended program
- Contents
The course is an introduction to French literature from the 18th to the 20th century and to the cultural and artistic currents of the period under consideration. The teacher also intends to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for the literary and linguistic analysis of the texts examined.
Through a selection of anthological passages, some of the most important writers and the movements to which they belong will be examined.
Didactic methods
The evolution of French literary history of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be presented through a series of anthological readings and critical texts projected during the lessons and then made available to students on the Unistudium platform.
The course includes lectures divided into the following three modules:
1. Introduction to 18th century literary history through anthological readings with particular focus on the 18th century authors present in the program.
2. Introduction to the literary history of the nineteenth century through anthological readings with particular focus on the nineteenth century authors present in the program.
3. Introduction to the literary history of the twentieth century through a choice of anthological readings with particular focus on the nineteenth-century authors present in the program.
The works in the program will be read in the complete French version recommended by the teacher, including their critical apparatus.
Attendance is highly recommended. Attending students have the opportunity to have a regular discussion with the teacher. The lesson promotes a better understanding of the topics covered.
Module A
Voltaire, Micromégas, Histoire philosophique, Dossier et notes réalisés par Guillaume Peureux. Lecture Immagage by Alain Jaubert, Collection Folioplus classiques (n ° 69), Gallimard, 2006.
Voltaire, Candide ou l'optimisme, (Texte integral + dossier par Alain Sandrier), Paris, Gallimard, Folioplus, classiques, 2008.
Voltaire, L'Ingénu (Dossier réalisé par Éloïse Lièvre. Lecture immagine par Valérie Lagier, Collection Folioplus classiques (n ° 31), Gallimard, 2004.
Marivaux, Le Paysan Parvenu, (présentation, notes, chronologie et bibliographie par Erik Leborgne) Paris, Flammarion, 2010.
Module B
Honoré de Balzac, Le Père Goriot, (Dossier et notes réalisés par Sophie-Aude Picon. Lecture Immagage par Sophie Barthélémy), Paris, Folioplus classiques, (n ° 204), Gallimard, 2011.
Guy de Maupassant, Bel-Ami, Dossier et notes réalisés par Jean-Marie Sapet. Lecture Immagage par Pierre-Olivier Douphis, Collection Folioplus classiques (n ° 211), Paris, Gallimard, 2011.
Module C
Jean-Paul Sartre, L’Enfance d’un chef" , Paris, Gallimard, folio, 2019.
Natalie Sarraute, Enfance, (Texte intégral + dossier par Fanny Gayon), Collection Folioplus Classiques, Paris, Gallimard, 2004.
Recommended text for literary history:
Storia europea della letteratura francese, vol. 2, Dal Settecento all'età contemporanea, edited, L. Sozzi, Turin, Einaudi, 2013.
Other useful critical studies that the student can use to complete the preparation:
La civiltà letteraria francese del Settecento, a cura di Gianni Iotti, Bari Laterza, 2009.
Il romanzo francese dell'Ottocento, a cura di Anna Maria Scaiola, Bari, Laterza, 2009.
La poesia francese 1815-1918 a cura di Luca Pietromarchi, Bari, Laterza, 2011;
Antologia Cronologica della Letteratura francese, voll. IV, V, VI, Milano, LED, 1998.
Histoire de la littérature française: 'De l’Encyclopédie aux Méditations'; 'De Chateaubriand à Apollinaire'; 'Du Surréalisme à l'empire de la critique', Paris, Gallimard.
Training objectives
At the end of the course the student must acquire the following knowledge:
literary history from the 18th to the 20th century;
the principal of the literary movements that develop in the indicated time frame;
The main skills to be applied to knowledge are:ability to critically situate a work and a literary movement; ability to read, translate and analyze the texts studied; ability to analyze (thematic, stylistic and structural) of the texts in the program.
Methods for verifying learning
The exam consists of a single oral test. At the center of the interview there will be the themes and authors treated during the lessons and contained in the texts indicated in the program.
The test aims to evaluate the students' level of knowledge, understanding and critical analysis and their ability to present the acquired contents with language properties.
The duration of the exam varies depending on the progress of the test itself.
Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for compensatory tools, dispensatory measures and inclusive technologies ensured by law, to be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of tests and exams. For general information, consult the page https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Disability and/or SLD Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it).
Critical texts (Particularly recommended for students who cannot attend regularly)
On Voltaire's Tales
Anglard V., Étude sur Voltaire, "L'ingénu",Paris, Ellipses, 2019.
Deloffre F., « Aux origines de Candide : une “économie de roman” ». Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France, janvier-février 1998, n° 1, p. 63-83 Disponible en ligne sur Gallica : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k56236764/f65.item
Dumeste M.-H., Le Conte philosophique voltairien. 20 sujets entièrement traités à partir de “Candide”, “l’Ingénu”, “Micromégas”, “Zadig”, Paris, Hatier, 1995.
Eluerd R ., « Candide et la pédagogie ». L’information grammaticale, juin 1984, n° 22, p. 16-17. Disponible en ligne sur: https://www.persee.fr/doc/igram_0222- 9838_1984_num_22_1_2239
Mervaud C., « Sur l’activité ludique de Voltaire conteur : le problème de ‘L’Ingénu’ », L’information littéraire, 1983, n° 35, p. 13-17.
Van Den Heuvel J-, Voltaire dans ses contes,Paris, Armand Colin, 1967, (on Micomégas, on Candide, pp. 236-289, on L’ingénu pp. 295-312).
On Le Paysan parvenu di Marivaux
Arnaud A.M. , "La Vie de Marianne et Le Paysan parvenu: itine´raire fe´minin, itine´raire masculin a` travers Paris, Revue d'Histoire litte´raire de la France , 1982, n°3 , pp. 392 -411 https://www.jstor.org/stable/40527588
Rousset J. , “Marivaux ou la structure du double registre”, in Forme et signification , Paris, Corti, 1962, pp. 45-64 (The text will be available on Unistudium)
On Bel ami
Demont B., Repre´sentations spatiales et narration dans les contes et nouvelles de Guy de Maupassant: une rhe´torique de l'espace ge´ographique. Paris: H. Champion,2005.
Faucheux A., Étude sur Maupassant, "Bel-Ami", Paris, Ellipses, 2015.
On Père Goriot
Auerbach E., “All’Ho^tel de La Mole”, in Mimesis. Il realismo nella letteratura occidentale, Torino, Einaudi, 1956, pp. 220- 268. (The text will be available on Unistudium)
Balzac (Honore´ de), L’Avant-propos de la ‘Come´die humaine,’ Paris, E´dition de la Bibliothe`que Charpentier. https://beq.ebooksgratuits.com/balzac/Balzac_00_Lavant_propos_de_la_Comedie_humai ne.pdf
Barbe´ris P., Le Pe`re Goriot de Balzac, Paris, Larousse Universite´, 1972. (with particular reference to Chapter III of which parts will be inserted su Unistudim).
Fiorentino F., " Introduzione", in Honore´ de Balzac, Papa` Goriot, Milano, Rizzoli, 2006, pp. V-XXXII, (The text will be available on Unistudium).
On Enfance d'un chef
Wald Lasowski, A., “Politique et esthe´tique dans L’Enfance d’un chef de Sartre”, in RELIEF - Revue E´lectronique de Litte´rature Franc¸aise, vol. I. n°1, 2007, pp.28–49. DOI: http://doi.org/10.18352/relief.35
On Enfance Nathalie Sarraute
Bullentini G., « Enfance ou l’impossible mise en mots », Revue italienne d’études françaises 2 | 2012, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2012, consulté le 19 avril 2019.
URL:http://journals.openedition.org/rief/820 ; DOI : 10.4000/rief.820
Wei K., “Pluralite´ des voix et repentirs autobiographiques : une lecture d’Enfance de Nathalie Sarraute”, E´tudes franc¸aises, n. 2, 2004, 40, (2), 101–114. https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/etudfr/200 4-v40-n2-etudfr744/008813ar/
Reference bibliography
Ailloud-Nicolas B. (dir.), Marivaux : les préjugés vaincus ? Paris, PUF, 2009.
Bercegol F, Métamorphoses du roman sentimental, XIXe-XXIe siècle, Paris, Classiques Collection Rencontres, n°113, 2015
Berchtold J., Les prisons du roman, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle lectures plurielles et intertextuelles de Guzman d'Alfarache à Jacques le Fataliste, Droz, Collection Histoire des idées et critique littéraire, 2000.
Berretta Anguissola A., Il romanzo francese dell'Ottocento. Un racconto in otto percorsi, Roma, Carocci, 2021.
Berretta Anguissola A., Il romanzo francese di formazione, Bari, Edizioni Laterza, 2009.
Calais É., Voiriot Cordary N., Dumas D., Voltaire : le conte philosophique voltairien. Paris, Ellipses, 2016.
Chartier P., Introduction aux grandes théories du roman, Paris, Armand Colin, 2005.
Codazzi P., André Gide et la grande guerre, Genève, Droz, 2021.
Coulet H., Le Roman jusqu’à la Révolution, Paris, Armand Colin, 2003.
Durvye C., À la découverte du roman, Paris, Ellipse, 2000.
Forestier L., ( a cura di) Maupassant et l'écriture: Actes du colloque de Fécamp, 21-22-23 mai 1993, Paris Nathan, 1993.
Frantz P. (dir.), Marivaux : jeu et surprises de l’amour, Paris, PUPS, 2009.
Genette G., Figure III, Paris, Editons du Seuil, 1972.
Genette G., Nouveau discours du récit, Paris, Edition du Seuil, 1983.
Goldzink J., La plume et l'idée ou L'intelligence des Lumières, Paris, Éditions le Manuscrit, 2008.
Granderoute R., Le roman pédagogique de Fénelon à Rousseau, Ginevra, Slatkine, 1985.
Guichardet J. , Balzac, archéologue de Paris, Genève, Slatkine, Paris, H. Champion, 1999.
Iotti G., (a cura di), La Civiltà letteraria francese del Settecento, Bari Laterza, 2009.
Lotterie F. (dir.), Voltaire et ses contes. Nouvelles perspectives critiques. Zadig, Candide, L'Ingénu, Paris, Hermann, 2019.
Martin C., André Gide ou la vocation du bonheur, Paris, Fayard, 1998.
Masson P. , ( a cura di) La Symphonie pastorale, in Romans et récits. Œuvres lyriques et dramatiques, vol. II, Paris, Gallimard, coll. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 2009 (texte p. 1-56, notice, note sur le texte, notes p. 1141-1162).
Millet C., Le Romantisme. Du bouleversement des lettres à la France révolutionnaire, Le Livre de Poche, Collection « Référence », Paris, 2007.
Rabaté D., Poétiques de la voix, coll. " Les Essais ", José Corti, 1999-
Raimond M., La crise du roman, Des lendemains du Naturalisme aux années vingt, Paris, José Corti, 1966.
Robbe-Grillet A., Pour un nouveau roman, Paris, Éditons de Minuit, 1990.
Sarraute N., L’Ère du soupçon, Paris, Gallimard, 1956.
Scaiola A.- M., (a cura di Bari), Il Romanzo francese dell'Ottocento, Laterza, 2009.
Tadié J.Y., Le roman au XX siècle, Paris Belfond, « Agora », 1990.
Touret M., Histoire de la littérature française du XXe siècle : de 1942 à 2000, Tome II, Rennes, Presses universitaries de Rennes, 2003.
Touret M., Histoire de la littérature française du XXe siècle, Tome I, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2000.
Vaillant A., Dictionnaire du romantisme, Paris, Cnrs éditions, 2012. ISBN 978-2-271-06813-2.
Viart D., Vercier B., La Littérature française au présent, Paris, Bordas, 2008. - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile