- Course
- Philosophy and ethics of relationships
- Study-unit Code
- GP005068
- Curriculum
- Didattico
- Teacher
- Stefania Zucchini
- Teachers
- Stefania Zucchini
- Hours
- 72 ore - Stefania Zucchini
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2023
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Affine/integrativa
- Area
- Attività formative affini o integrative
- Academic discipline
- M-STO/01
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course program shown below is for 12 credits; for 9 credits and 6 credits see below "Programma esteso".
The course is divided into two parts, each corresponding to 6 credits: the first focuses on the medieval history of Europe (5th-15th centuries); the second on the specific theme of the relationship between man and the environment in the Middle Ages. - Reference texts
- 12 CFU:
- Andrea Zorzi, "Manuale di storia medievale", Torino, UTET, 2016 o 2021 (prima o seconda edizione).
- "Selve oscure e alberi strani", a cura di P. Grillo, Roma, Viella, 2022 (open access);
- Fabio Saggioro, Marco Marchesini, Silvia Marvelli, "Per un’archeologia del bosco nel medioevo: elementi, dinamiche e processi" e
Maria Gigliola di Renzo Villata, La legislazione bassomedievale nell’Italia centro-settentrionale e la “sfida” del bosco. Riflessioni sparse", in "Il bosco
Biodiversità, diritti e culture dal medioevo al nostro tempo",
a cura di Alessandra Dattero, Roma, Viella, 2022, rispettivamente pp. 35-54 e 123-142 (accesso aperto).
9 CFU:
- Andrea Zorzi, "Manuale di storia medievale", Torino, UTET, 2016 o 2021 (prima o seconda edizione).
- "Selve oscure e alberi strani", a cura di P. Grillo, Roma, Viella, 2022 (accesso aperto), pp. 7-102.
6 CFU:
- Andrea Zorzi, "Manuale di storia medievale", Torino, UTET, 2016 o 2021 (prima o seconda edizione).
- Fonti medievali. Un'antologia, a cura di Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, Amedeo Feniello e Christian Grasso, Roma, Carocci, 2017.
Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for the compensatory tools ensured by law (e.g. textbooks in digital format; teaching materials in accessible formats: presentations, handouts, workbooks, provided if necessary in advance of the lessons), for which consult https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
For the request, students are invited to ask the teacher, who will put them in contact with the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it). - Educational objectives
- Knowledge of medieval life's different aspects (politics, economy, society); knowledge of the main medieval sources and bibliography (D.D.1); ability to approach the peculiarities of the Middle Ages with a critical and scientific attitude; ability to recognize the causes and effects of specific events (D.D.2); ability to formulate questions and solve interpretive problems related Medieval Ages (D.D.3). The student will also receive some guidelines to approach to historical research (D.D.4-D.D.5).
The didactic activity in co-presence aims to deepen the knowledge and logical-critical skills possessed by the students in reference to the periodization of European history and in particular to the main characteristics of a age of transition, the fifteenth century. - Prerequisites
- Roman history's basic knowledge. Indeed the Middle Ages can be seen as a transformation of the classical and late antique world.
- Teaching methods
- Frontal lessons that will be given in the presence (on campus) and / or distance lessons through the e-learning platform Teams, on the basis of the indications approved by the Ministry of the University and the University of Perugia in reference to "phase 3" of the health emergency caused by Covid-19.
Students with disabilities and / or with SLD, after consultation with the teacher, can request any didactic materials in accessible formats (presentations, handouts, exercises), provided if necessary in advance of the lessons, as well as the use of other facilitating technological tools in the study phase. For general information, consult the University Services on the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Department Coordinator (prof.ssa A. Di Pilla). - Other information
- Attendance is optional but strongly recommended.
The teacher receives every week; to arrange an appointment (in person or remotely through the Teams platform), please write to the following email address: stefania.zucchini@unipg.it
More information and teaching materials can be found on the Unistudium platform:
https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/login/index.php to the page dedicated to Medieval history (prof.ssa S. Zucchini).
Students with disabilities and/or SLD: for any information on University services, consult the page https://lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it). - Learning verification modality
- 12 and 9 credits: written test relating to the institutional part and oral test on the monographic study. The written test will have a maximum duration of 2 hours and will consist of a series of questions relating to the topics addressed during the course (for those attending) or to the topics of the manual (for non-attending). The oral test will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes and will concern the topics indicated in the program according to the credits and the condition of attending/non-attending students.
6 credits: oral exam on the institutional part.
Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for compensatory tools, dispensatory measures and inclusive technologies ensured by law, to be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of tests and exams. For general information, consult the page https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa and contact the Disability and/or SLD Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: alessandra.dipilla@unipg.it). - Extended program
- The 12 cfu course (72 h) includes two modules: the first on the institutional part (6 cfu), the second on specific topics of medieval history (6 cfu). For the second part of the course, the study of the proposed book and essays in the "Testi di riferimento" section is required.
The 9-credit (54 h) course also has two modules: the first on the institutional part (6 cfu), the second on specific topics of medieval history (3 cfu). For the second part of the course, the study of the proposed essays in the "Testi di riferimento" section is required.
The 6 cfu course (36 h) provides a single module on the institutional part.
All non-attending students, of any degree course, must add "Fonti medievali. Un'antologia", ed. by Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, Amedeo Feniello and Christian Grasso, Roma, Carocci, 2017 (see the "Testi di riferimento" section). - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
- Goals 4 and 5:
- Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;
- Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.