Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Giovanna Farinelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50544702
Teacher Giovanna Farinelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Giancarlo Marcheggiani
  • Giancarlo Marcheggiani
  • 30 ore - Giancarlo Marcheggiani
Language of instruction
The family and community nurse
Care paths in the area
Immigrant people and health
Transcultural Nursing Management
Reference texts
- Domenico Antonelli, L'Infermiere di famiglia e cure primarie, Piccinin 2018
- Madeleine Leininger, Infermieristica Transculturale concetti Teoria, ricerca e pratica – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana 2004
DM 77
Sandra Scalorbi et altri- Infermieristica preventiva, di famiglia e di comunità-Mc Graw Hill 2022
Zahara Shajani et altri-Infermieristica di famiglia-Pensiero Scientifico Editore 2021
Educational objectives
The student must acquire knowledge and skills to determine access to Territorial Health Services and their organization
The student must acquire knowledge and understanding skills related to the cultural dimension of care needs
Knowledge of the organization of Healthcare Organizations, assistance with chronic diseases, nursing diagnosis
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali e lavori di gruppo
Other information
Learning verification modality
prova orale
Extended program
Historical notes and references of community medicine constitution: from the man-disease paradigm to the community-health paradigm from health as complete well-being to health as adaptation;

National and international professional rules governing community nursing;

The effects of socio-economic factors on health: the 10 points of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) for the development of community medicine;

Community concept and indicators of community health concept;

Epidemiological causes of community nursing;

Family and community the new models of assistance;

Definition of nursing community;

elfare state vs welfare community;

Role and skills of the community nurse;

Areas of intervention of the community nurse (places and recipients);

Therapeutic education: community nurse method and tool;

Notes on self-management theory;

Assistance process: assessment of community needs;

NIC and NOC classification;

Community hospitals;
home care and ADI: compared;

Theoretical reference models of community nursing;

Cronich care model and network model;

What is meant by educational diagnosis;

Concept of culture and cultural diversity;

Transcultural Nursing according Madeleine Leininger and healthcare globalization;

Nursing care for immigrants;

Role of the cultural mediator
Basic concepts of transcultural nursing;

Theory of cultural assistance and ethno-nursing research method;

The cultures and tribes of nurses, hospitals and medical culture;

Canale B

Cinzia Venturi
  • Cinzia Venturi
  • 30 ore - Cinzia Venturi
Language of instruction
il modulo sarà orientato a fornire competenze legate all'approccio multiprofessionale e di collaborazione con tutte le figure ldell'equipe.
il modulo sarà orientato a :
1. Valutare lo stato di salute e i bisogni della persona nelle diverse fasi della vita (adulta, infanzia, adolescenza),
del contesto familiare e conoscere quelli di comunità
2. Promuovere e partecipare ad iniziative di prevenzione e promozione della salute rivolte alla collettività
3. Promuovere interventi informativi ed educativi rivolti ai singoli, alle famiglie e ai gruppi, atti a promuovere
modificazioni degli stili di vita
4. Presidiare e facilitare i percorsi nei diversi servizi utilizzando le competenze presenti nella rete
5. Pianificare ed erogare interventi assistenziali personalizzati alla persona e alla famiglia, anche avvalendosi
delle consulenze specifiche degli infermieri esperti (es. wound care, sto mie e nutrizione artificiale domiciliare,
ventilazione domiciliare, cure palliative ed altre)
6. Promuovere l'aderenza ai piani terapeutici e riabilitativi
7. Partecipare alla verifica e monitoraggio dei risultati di salute
8. Sostenere i percorsi di continuità assistenziale tra sociale e sanitario, tra ospedale e territorio e nell'ambito
dei servizi territoriali sanitari e sociosanitari residenziali e semi-residenziali
9. Garantire le attività previste per la realizzazione degli obiettivi della nuova sanità di iniziativa
10. Partecipare nell'integrazione professionale al perseguimento dell'appropriatezza degli interventi terapeutici
e assistenziali, contribuendo alla relazione di cura, al rispetto delle volontà del paziente espresse nella
pianificazione delle cure, anche in attuazione della Legge 219/17 (Norme in materia di consenso informato e
di disposizioni anticipate di trattamento)
Reference texts
articoli scientifici e materiale prodotto dal docente


Code 50544701
Teacher Giovanna Farinelli
  • Giovanna Farinelli
  • 15 ore - Giovanna Farinelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze umane e psicopedagogiche
Academic discipline M-PED/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Person and Community in Health Education: A reflection on educational
communication and relationship skills in the health care professions.
Reference texts - La Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana (1 gennaio 1948) https://www.quirinale.it/page/costituzione
- Gino STRADA, Pappagalli verdi. Cronache di un chirurgo di guerra, prefazione di Moni Ovadia, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1999, pp. 160
- Alberto MANTOVANI, Il fuoco interiore. Il sistema immunitario e l’origine delle malattie, Milano, Mondadori, 2020, pp. 192.
- Michele CARLUCCI, Lottare insieme per la vita. Il Pronto Soccorso e la buonasanità, Milano, Editrice San Raffaele, 2008, pp. 120.
- Clive Staples LEWIS, Diario di un dolore, trad. it. Anna Ravano, Milano, Adelphi, 1997 [1961], pp. 91.
- Giovanna FARINELLI, Pedagogy Between Life Sciences and the Humanities: Anthropological, Ethical and Epistemological
Suggestions for a Human Life Science, in “MEDIC Methodology &
Education for Clinical Innovation – New Series”, Vol. 14, n. 1, April 2006,
pp. 59-63 [ISSN 1824-http://www.medicjournalcampus.it/fileadmin/MEDICS/archivio/MEDIC_1_2
006.pdf ].
- Giovanna FARINELLI, Per una pedagogia civile e politica. Educazione tra cittadini, presentazione di Gaetano MOLLO, Perugia, Morlacchi, 2020, pp. 190.
- Ilaria CAPUA, Il dopo. Il virus che ci ha costretto a cambiare mappa mentale, Milano, Mondadori, 2020, pp. 144.
- Paul KALANITHI, Quando il respiro si fa aria, trad. it. Manuela Faimali, Milano, Mondadori, 2017, pp. 168.
- Marco VENTURINO, Cosa sognano i pesci rossi, Milano, Mondadori, 2006, pp. 252.
- Jean François D'IVERNOIS, Rémi GAGNAYRE, Educare il paziente. Un approccio
pedagogico, a cura di Maria Grazia Albano e Loredana Sasso,
presentazione di Giancarlo Torre, Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2009 [2008], pp. XVI+132.
- Sandro BARTOCCIONI, Gianni BONADONNA, Francesco SARTORI, Dall'altra parte, a cura di Paolo Barnard, Milano, Rizzoli, 2006, pp. 25 .
- Paola BINETTI, Maria Grazia DE MARINIS, La prospettiva pedagogica nella Facoltà di Medicina, Roma, Società Editrice Universo (SEU), 2002 [2001], pp. XVIII+402.
Educational objectives Knowledge of the basic educational concepts also diachronically.
Ability to apply the acquired skills both in tasks that in problems. Methodology in study and research and vocational consciousness. Understanding, making
judgments, learning and communication skills.
Prerequisites In order to understand and tackle the course, students must have the
basic notions of Civics.
Teaching methods Interactive face-to-face lectures
Other information Compulsory attendance. At least 75% of lessons
Learning verification modality Final oral exam (with the possibility of a supplement written test) consisting of a discussion-interview on the topics discussed during the course and examined in-depth through recommended texts.

The exam aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Moreover, this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate with method, relevancy, propriety of language and exposure, scientific references, for independent judgement, what he/she has acquired.

The duration of the exam varies depending on the performance of the exam itself.

See also http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program Person and Community in Health Education: A reflection on educational
communication and relationship skills in the health care professions.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 3) Good Health and Well-Being.
4) Quality Education.
16) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.


Code 50544601
Teacher Fabrizio Loce-mandes
  • Fabrizio Loce-mandes
  • 15 ore - Fabrizio Loce-mandes
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze umane e psicopedagogiche
Academic discipline SPS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
International and Erasmus students are invited to take the course. Readings and other course material are also available in English; oral exam, as detailed in the course program, may be taken in English. Please contact the teacher for further details and to schedule an appointment during the first week of the Fall Semester.
The program deals with the analysis of the consepts of health and family from a sociological perspective.
In particular, we will discuss how the concepts have changed over time and we will proceed to a historical-social reconstruction of the evolution of family forms.

Reference texts
Murphy, R., R. Medeghini, and E. Valtellina. 2017. Il silenzio del corpo antropologia della disabilità. Trento: Erickson.
Quagliariello, C. 2021. L’isola dove non si nasce. Lampedusa tra esperienze procreative, genere e migrazioni, Unicop.
Ravenda, A. F. 2018. Carbone. Inquinamento industriale, salute e politica a Brindisi. Edited by G. Pizza and B. Palumbo. Roma: Meltemi.
Vineis, P. 2020. Salute senza confini le epidemie al tempo della globalizzazione. Torino: Codice.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course the students will have adequately understood the social dimensions of the topics of health and family, and the main evolutionary processes of these phenomena. This will allow them to exercise their future professional activity in a more conscious and competent way.

To properly understand the content of the teaching is not required to have special prerequisites and skills.

Teaching methods
Teacher up-front lessons and classroom discussions with the students on the topics of the course.

Learning verification modality
The exam consists of an oral examination lasting about twenty minutes.
The exam is essentially aimed at determining: 1) the level of knowledge and understanding of the content of the teaching programme;
2) language and communication skills;
34) the ability to explain what has been learned in a critical and independent way.
For informations about support services for students wih disabilties and/or DSA see http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa

Extended program
The program deals with the analysis of health and family issues from a sociological perspective.
In particular, we will analyze the different meaning attributed to the concepts of health and illness over time and space.
We will then discuss the main techniques and tools for evaluating the quality of social-welfare-health services.
The final part of the course will be devoted to the analysis of the evolution of the family phenomenon, the birth of new forms of family and the implications that this entails for the care and assistance services.

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