- Course
- Political sciences and international relations
- Study-unit Code
- GP003829
- Curriculum
- Scienze politiche
- Teacher
- Francesco Clementi
- Teachers
- Andrea Pierini (Codocenza)
- Hours
- 63 ore (Codocenza) - Andrea Pierini
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Discipline giuridiche
- Academic discipline
- IUS/21
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Basic principles of Comparative public law.
- Reference texts
- G. Morbidelli, M. Volpi, G. Cerrina Feroni, Diritto Costituzionale Comparato, Giappichelli, Torino, ult. ed., last ed.
G. Amato - F. Clementi, Forme di Stato e Forme di governo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 120;
- T.E.Frosini (a cura di), Diritto pubblico comparato. Le democrazie stabilizzate, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019, pp. 344; - Educational objectives
- Provide the students an adequate knowledge of paradigmatic issues of Comparative Public Law
- Prerequisites
- Students must have:
- An adequate level of knowledge of basic principles and conceipts of public law: constitution and constitutionalism; types of States and governments; federal systems; fundamental rights; - Teaching methods
- eLearning-Distance learning and oral lessons
- Other information
- Learning verification modality
- Oral examination
- Extended program
- The course deals with the study of the basic principles of Comparative public law with particular attention to the theory of Constitutionalism and of the State, the forms of government, types of judicial review of legislation and federalism and regional organization.
- Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile