Food science and technology
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Benedetta Turchetti
  • Benedetta Turchetti
  • 54 ore - Benedetta Turchetti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
- Origin of microorganisms in foods and study of the main factors
affecting microbial growth and survival (temperature, pH, Aw, etc.).
- Fundamentals of taxonomy, biology and physiology of different protechnogical microorganisms. Fundamentals on food spoilage and
pathogenic microorganisms.
- Fundamental of metabolic pathways of some pro-technological microbial
groups (lactic acid bacteria and yeasts).
- Fundamentals of food biotechnology. Role of pro-technological
microorganisms on the production of fermented foods and beverages.
- Viable count of microorganisms occurring in food products.
Reference texts
1. L. COCOLIN, M. GOBBETTI, E. NEVIANI Microbiologia alimentare applicata2022. Casa Editrice
Ambrosiana, 2012
2. V. BOTTAZZI. Microbiologia lattiero-casearia, Edagricole, 1993.
3. A. VAUGHAN, P. BUZZINI, F. CLEMENTI. Laboratorio Didattico di
Microbiologia. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2008 (per consultazione).
4. B. BIAVATI, C. SORLINI. Microbiologia Generale e Agraria. Casa Editrice
Ambrosiana, 2007 (per consultazione).
5. A. GALLI VOLONTERIO, Microbiologia degli Alimenti. Casa Editrice
Ambrosiana, Milano, 2005.
Educational objectives
Ability to:
- Understand the source of microorganisms (pro-technological, spoilage,
pathogens) in food (and related technological processes) and factors
which influence the development and survival;
- Understand the meaning and importance of preservation techniques of
food hygiene and sanitation;
- Understand the taxonomy, biology and physiology of the main microbial
groups of interest for food industry;
- Understand the role played by different microbial groups inside of
fermented foods (fermented beverages, cheese, sausages, butter, bread,
- Understand the meaning and role of microbial starters used by food
In order to understand and interpret critically the covered topics, good
preparation in general microbiology (basic techniques of microbiology)
and biochemistry (principal metabolisms) is required
Teaching methods
Teaching methods: frontal lectures, laboratory practice, student
Teaching and learning support: video screenings of lessons, teaching
material distributed by the teacher, texts recommended for study, papers
selected by the teacher.
Methods of learning (in addition to the frequency of teaching activities):
reading and personal study on reference texts, reading and personal
study on material suggested by the teacher, laboratory practice,
realization and presentation of individual reports or small working groups
on topics and specific projects.
Learning verification modality
The exam consists on an oral test of approximately 30 minutes, aimed at
assessing the level of knowledge and understanding of the topics of the
course and the ability to link them. The oral examination will also allow to
verify the student's communication skills and the technical language
skills in relation to the discussed topics
Extended program
- Origin of microorganisms in foods and study of the main factors
affecting microbial growth and survival (temperature, pH, Aw, etc.).
Fundamentals of the most important techniques of food storage and
conservation (pasteurization, sterilization, tyndallization, etc.) Use of low
temperatures, modified atmosphere, ionizing radiations, etc.
- Microbial groups involved in food manufacturing. Fundamentals of
taxonomy, biology and physiology of different pro-technogical
microorganisms: lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, filamentous fungi, acetic
acid bacteria, micrococci, propionibacteria, bifidobacteria, etc.
Fundamentals on food spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms:
Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus sp., Clostridium sp., Bacillus sp.,
Campylobacter sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica,
Brucella sp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp.).
- Fundamental of metabolic pathways of some pro-technological microbial
groups (lactic acid bacteria and yeasts). Food deterioration by food
spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Fundamentals of mycotoxin
production and of some food-borne diseases.
- Fundamentals of food biotechnology. Role of pro-technological
microorganisms on the production of fermented foods and beverages.
Production of microbial starter for food manufacturing. Fundamental of
probiotic activity of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.
- Viable count of microorganisms occurring in raw materials of food
interest (e.g. meat, milk, etc.). Interpretation of results.
- Viable count of microorganisms occurring in fermented foods and
beverages. Interpretation of results.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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