- Course
- Computer engineering and robotics
- Study-unit Code
- A003454
- Curriculum
- Robotics
- Teacher
- Mauro Femminella
- Teachers
- Mauro Femminella
- Hours
- 72 ore - Mauro Femminella
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2023
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Learning activities
- Affine/integrativa
- Area
- Attività formative affini o integrative
- Academic discipline
- ING-INF/03
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Teaching Unit: Wireless Networks and M2M (3 hours)
Teaching Unit: LTE (21 hours)
Teaching Unit: 5G (9 hours)
Teaching Unit: Wireless LAN (21 hours)
Teaching Unit: M2M protocols and platforms (18 hours) - Reference texts
- Reference readings:
C. Smith, D. Collins, Wireless Networks, McGraw-Hill, 2014.
A. Pattavina, Reti di Telecomunicazione, 2a ed., McGraw-Hill, 2003.
J. Kurose, K. Ross, Reti di Calcolatori e Internet, 6a ed., Pearson, 2013.
M. Gast, 802.11® Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition, O'Reilly, 2005.
Additional readings:
V. Garg, Wireless Communications and Networking, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco (CA), US, 2007.
C. Kappler, Umts Networks and Beyond, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 2009.
Additional material prepared by the teacher or scientific tutorial papers on specific topics will be provided through the Unistudium platform. - Educational objectives
- This course is the first teaching of telecommunications networks in the course of study, and analyses the elements of networks for machine-to-machine communications (M2M) in terms of used protocols and from the point of view of the overall system, with particular attention to network performance figures.
The main goal of this teaching is to provide students with the foundations to address the study of wireless networks, their interconnection with wired systems, with particular attention to the Internet, the cloud and big data platform, and their design and/or configuration and deployment. The main constraints of the project that the student will be required to consider will be the offered network functions and the system capacity.
The main knowledge acquired at the end of the course will be:
- Basic elements of the access protocols used on the radio link, with a focus on the most common technological solutions (LTE, WiFi);
- Knowledge of network architecture of the most popular wireless systems (LTE, WiFi), with particular attention to the offered services (e.g. quality of service levels and security), the mechanisms of interconnection to the Internet;
- Knowledge of the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) ecosystem, and of the main protocol and architectural solutions used (MQTT, HTTP, platforms for M2M).
The main skills, or the ability to apply the knowledge acquired during the course, will be:
- Evaluation of the technology solution most suitable for the considered service scenario (wireless local area network, wireless network in metropolitan area, cellular network);
- Performance analysis of a wireless network from the point of view of service capacity;
- Capability to implement, through open-source software, even in virtualized environments, wireless networks in different configurations, with a special focus on WiFi networks and IoT systems, offering real access services such as mobile devices, tablets, or computers;
- integration of access networks with machine-to-machine platforms for data handling;
- Master the tools for measuring the quality of a wireless network, with a special focus on the measurement of the network capacity and network coverage. - Prerequisites
- In order to be able to understand and apply most of techniques and concepts described in the Course, you must have successfully passed the Fundamentals of Telecommunications exam. In addition, the Course requires the knowledge of basic security in networking and computer science. These topics are a prerequisite for students to follow this course with profit, and they can acquire them in the Internet Basics course.
- Teaching methods
- The course is organized as follows:
- Classroom lectures on all topics of the course. Students will be provided in advance with a copy of the slides used by the teacher through the University web portal (UNISTUDIUM);
- Laboratory exercises at the Software Engineering Laboratory (Biennium building, ground floor). The laboratory consists of 16 workstations, to which students can access in groups of 2 or 3 elements. The maximum number of students who can access a lesson is 48. If the number of students exceeds this value or the lesson is complex, the lesson will be repeated. Each tutorial lasts for 3 hours, for a total estimated number of 6 tutorials. Each tutorial consists of the construction of a WiFi network with specific service characteristics, of the analysis and measurement of pre-existing WiFi networks, and/or realization of an IoT system. During the tutorials, students use open-source software tools in virtualized form (Linux virtual machine). Students will have free access to the lab at the end of the lesson for further individual exercises. - Other information
- The lessons can be integrated with seminars. Lab experiences will be carried out at the Software Engineering Laboratory.
- Learning verification modality
- The exam includes an oral test to be taken at the end of the course.
The final exam consists of an oral exam lasting about 30-45 minutes, aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the theoretical and methodological contents of the course, as well as the presentation of a theoretical / practical project work assigned by the teacher during the course.
This evaluation method allows ascertaining both the knowledge and the ability to know and understand the topics of the course, and the ability to apply the skills acquired, to present them, and the ability to learn and develop solutions.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa. - Extended program
- Teaching Unit: Wireless Networks and M2M(3 hours):
Basic concepts on wireless channel, models for handover e paging, data management systems in M2M.
Teaching Unit: LTE (21 hours):
LTE system (architecture, protocols, security), preliminary notions about 5G systems.
Teaching unit: 5G (9 hours): basi concepts on 5G networks, with particular emphasis on network architecture.
Teaching Unit: Wireless LAN (21 hours):
Evolution of the standard IEEE 802.11 (a,b,g,n), operation modes (ad hoc, infrastructure, wireless distribution system), physical and medium access (MAC) protocols mobility, performance and quality of service, security, lab experiments with open source software.
Teaching Unit: Protocols and platforms for M2M (18 hours):
General concepts and network architectures for IoT/M2M, MQTT protocol and comparison with HTTP (type and structure of messages, communication modes), lab experiments with open source software platforms (Node-RED and ELK). - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
- Quality education
Industry, innovation and infrastrucuture