- Course
- Legal services
- Study-unit Code
- A000763
- Location
- Curriculum
- Esperto giuridico del settore immobiliare
- Teacher
- Cristina Costantini
- Teachers
- Cristina Costantini
- Hours
- 36 ore - Cristina Costantini
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2023/24
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The course aims to offer the basic knowledges about the different ways of regulating property across the European legal systems.
The methodological and genealogical introduction will be followed by applicative lectures devoted to understand the ways of transferring real property in Europe.
A further section will be dedicated to an interdisciplinary issue: the relationship between Law and Urban Space.
The conclusive part of the course will investigate the form of constrained property and Trust Law. - Reference texts
- Gli studenti frequentanti saranno invitati a leggere e commentare i
materiali didattici (saggi in pdf) distribuiti durante le lezioni e a
predisporre tre relazioni scritte (da discutere poi oralmente) sugli
argomenti di maggiore interesse.
Per gli studenti non frequentati , oltre alle vdeo lezioni caricate sulla piattaforma unistudium, costituiscono utile supporto i seguenti capitoli di libro e voci enciclopediche: Gambaro, Proprietà in diritto comparato, in Digesto delle discipline privatistiche – Sezione civile, 1997, XV, 502-525;
L. Moccia, Il modello inglese di proprietà, in AA.VV., Diritto privato comparato: Istituti e problemi, Laterza, 2011, 43-163;
A. Procida Mirabelli Di Lauro, La vendita immobiliare nel diritto comparato, in Bocchini (a cura di), Le vendite immobiliari: Tipologie e tutele, Giuffrè, 2016, 612-659;
A. Gambaro, Trusts, in Digesto delle discipline privatistiche – Sezione civile, 1999, XIX, 449 - Educational objectives
- This teaching is devoted to provide the basic knowledge of the relevant legal rules in the Real Property domain.
The main knowledges that students will acquire will be:
- knowledge of the principal partition of Property Law in the European legal landscape;
- knowledge of the different legal words and terms used in the various European Legal systems in order to construct the semantics of Real Property Law:
- knowledge of the different ways of transferring real property.
The main skills that allow to apply the acquired knowledge will be:
- recognition and solution of the main issues in the process of translation of juridical terms and concepts;
- identification of the correct legal device in order to assure the transferring of property. - Prerequisites
- In order to be able to understand and to know how to tackle the course, students must have the basic notions of private law and public or constitutional law.
This precondition is valid for attending and not attending students. - Teaching methods
- This is a "blended course": Some learning happens online (video and other didactic materials) (3 CFU); some learning happens classroom (frontal lectures) (6 CFU). During the course the attendants will receive slides and didactic materials in order to make much more clear and understandable the arguments discussed.
- Other information
- Attendance is strongly recommended.
- Learning verification modality
- The exam includes only the final oral test consisting of a discussion-interview on the topics discussed during the curse and examined in-depth through recommended texts.
The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Moreover, this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate, with method, propriety of language, and of exposure, what he has acquired.
Teh duration of test varies depending on the performance of the test itself. - Extended program
- The main topics of the course will be:
A. Forms of property and legal semantics. The construction of proprietary paradigms across different legal grammars: difference between Italian property, French proprieté, German eigentum. The functions of property. Property in European Law. The multiproperty
B. Taxonomy of goods in private comparative law. The dycothomy between goods and things in European private law: a comparison among three main paradigms (Romanic, Germanic, French). The continental distinction between ‘beni mobili’ and ‘beni immobili’. Real and Personal Property in Common Law. Legal estates and equitable estates: the classification of right on goods in common law.
C. Transferring private property. How does real property circulate? The relevance of formalities and registration: a map of the European legal systems. Deed of conveyance: history and operational rules.
D. Law and urban space. From Henry Lefebvre’s thought to David Harvey’s - Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
- 4, 11
Code | A000763 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 3 |
Teacher | Cristina Costantini |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline giuridiche d'impresa e settoriali |
Academic discipline | IUS/02 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Code | A000763 |
Location | PERUGIA |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Cristina Costantini |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline giuridiche d'impresa e settoriali |
Academic discipline | IUS/02 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |